you were good to me 在 隔壁班的同學,冥想時看見的三角型、是脊椎。Secret of Asthma、Triangle when meditate we see, is our spine. /.王大喜(Rasta Wang) 的影片資訊
2021/05/15生命記錄 「葉恆豐沒有氣喘」 那個小學隔壁班,陪我玩躲避球的。 冥想時看見的三角型、是我的脊椎 Secret of Asthma、 Triangle when meditate w...
2021/05/15生命記錄 「葉恆豐沒有氣喘」 那個小學隔壁班,陪我玩躲避球的。 冥想時看見的三角型、是我的脊椎 Secret of Asthma、 Triangle when meditate w...
Back in the days, around the time when YouTube was founded, before most of you were born, I used to ...
◆こっタソ動物園チャンネル 新しいチャンネルです!こちらもおヒマな時にどぞ。 ⇒こっタソ動物園-kottasoanimals ご視聴ありがとうござ...
This is one of my favourite duets of all time and the lyrics (and the subtle things behind the song....
"Dream to Nantou" is an original song written and performed by Sandy H. Listen on Spotify / Apple ...
Hey YouTube Family!! All I wanted was a banana split!! I saw a lady walk out with a few banana spli...
Order Here: Hey guys! Raya is around the corner and you must have s...
Back with another haul for you guys time and I collated all my random purchases from TaoBao and Shop...