you give me butterflies 在 A Disgusting Confession 的影片資訊
I must confess something rather quite gross... Please try not to judge sob sob.. But don't blame you...
I must confess something rather quite gross... Please try not to judge sob sob.. But don't blame you...
My birthday was spent very different this year but it just as meaningful and special. Despite everyt...
My school day started out like any other, until my form tutor handed me an envelope and told me "Wel...
So I tried the candy challenge on Isaac and Ayla.. Find out if they pass the test ? Music by Fiji...
IELTS VOCABULARY TOPIC FEELINGS - LEVEL UP YOUR VOCAB EP 10 1. ped up because it was such a big rac...
話說最近疫情期間,又重睇返神劇《大時代》,入面丁蟹個做律師既仔丁旺蟹又真係幾有型。有一日,認識左 “丁旺蟹”,原來吳啟明先生超愛音樂,仲同我一樣,好鍾意寫歌,屋企仲大到可以擺部三角琴閒時叫朋友上來玩音...
情人節快到了,要怎麼用英文跟心上人表示心意? 快把這幾句學起來,拿去撩人 --- 影片後面還有單字卡哦~ ⚡補充⚡ 1️⃣ You never fail to give me butterflie...
Daddy Vs Mummy. So we did an experiment. Sunshines and butterflies with daddy but rain showers and t...
1st Single MV from Jan Chan Lyric : Holly Terrens/Jetsupa Song: TOMO HIRATA Digital Download: https...
今日は一青窈の「ハナミズキ」を英語でカバーしてみました。Enjoy! ~♪~♪~♪~♪~♪~ 曲情報 / SONG INFO ~♪~♪~♪~♪~♪~ 一青窈/ハナミズキ 2004年リリース 作詞:...