仙女瀑布 在 瑞典朋友第一次喝台灣啤酒🇹🇼🍻AT FAIRY WATERFALL!⛰ IN A RAINSTORM 🌧 的影片資訊
An adventure that starts with a failure in Taichung but ends with an exploration of spectacular Fair...
An adventure that starts with a failure in Taichung but ends with an exploration of spectacular Fair...
Allan from lifeintaiwan invited me down to Taichung for a "fun day at a waterfall", which turned out...
台中市政府與教育局由此影片於本日(5/2)在霧峰健體中心舉辦記者會,呼籲各界牢記「救溺五步」口訣「叫叫伸拋划,救溺先自保」,遇到有人溺水,千萬不要貿然下水救援,一定要謹記這五個口訣與做法,成功救人。 ...