雄風三型 在 Life and Times of: Kent Feng (former Minister of National Defense) 馮世寬訪談 的影片資訊
Kent Feng (馮世寬) is a top-gun and twice-appointed Taiwan cabinet minister. He was the Minister of Nat...
Kent Feng (馮世寬) is a top-gun and twice-appointed Taiwan cabinet minister. He was the Minister of Nat...
完整版歡迎觀看:https://youtu.be/K5i5fWcGLv0 隨著兩岸煙硝漸濃,國軍的戰力與採購案越發受外界矚目,近期不僅有中國國防白皮書嗆聲對台武統,解放軍更準備在東南沿海秀肌肉,罕見...
20190130〔小英總統為何要加速弓三雄三量產〕 1. 天弓三型防空任務,除了反制一般戰機、隱形戰機,更加強了反制彈道飛彈、巡弋飛彈的能力。 2. 雄風三型增程型射程400公里,守住台灣北方的宮古海...