我好喜歡推廣植物肉。但失禮D 講,其實我一直分唔到IMPOSSIBLE MEAT 同 BEYOND MEAT 。有時食緊BEYOND BURGER 以為係IMPOSSIBLE BURGER。不過算啦!大家都對動物好就得。
呢一日,IMPOSSIBLE MEAT 請我去體驗「植物肉在泰國菜」!我第一句就問:IMPOSSIBLE 乜唔係BEEF 咩? (因為我心目中泰國菜主要用豬。) 但一問完我就知道自己 低B: 植物肉黎架大佬!唔通真係牛咩?! 好,就等我試下你個IMPOSSIBLE 生菜包! >>>> 真心,真係好食過用真肉做既生菜包!!
之後仲有青咖哩肉丸、肉醬茄子…… 唔講啦,我話好好食你會以為我在賣廣告!
我唔TAG 間餐廳名,想知邊度就PM 問我!
#IMPOSSIBLE #NPV食素D #世界和平POSSIBLE #impossiblemeat
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅興趣使然釣魚人Woody,也在其Youtube影片中提到,感恩台灣醫療團隊以及全球的醫療團隊你們辛苦了~~希望你們能持續為台灣及全球的疫情找到治療的方式,保佑全球的人可以平安度過這波疫情~~感恩 Hey everyone, I am WOODY. I am a fishing youtuber, Due to the spread of the Wuh...
世界和平possible 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳解答
【#JW部長 接受 #法國 🇫🇷《觀點周刊》專訪】
Bonjour! Ça va?
千萬別讓 #捕鼠器 的寓言故事成為國際現實!
小編決定一字一句誠意奉上 (往下滑)
讓我們凝聚共識 #團結一心
持續點亮台灣這座 #亞洲民主燈塔 🌞
Le Point 報導連結 https://reurl.cc/zzgRRN
🔸 歐盟執委會外交暨安全政策高級代表今年6月聲稱中國「不會對世界和平造成威脅」,對台灣而言,應該不是這樣吧?
JW:對歐洲來說,中國很遙遠。但台灣距離中國不到200公里,我們強烈感受到這個威脅。台灣並不是唯一被中國威脅的國家,#日本 對東海問題已有所警覺,中國在南海將島礁軍事化的行為,也迫使 #美國 及 #東南亞國家 做出回應,更別提 #印度 和中國在邊界發生的衝突,中國還妄想對外輸出那套專制政體,看看他們對 #新疆、#西藏 和 #香港 做了什麼「好事」!
🔸 在 #港版國安法 之後,台灣有沒有可能成為下一個目標?
JW:香港發生的事是個悲劇。香港從前是東亞地區自由和法治的典範,但港版國安法使香港 #喪失言論和新聞自由,並且 #破壞法治,香港人卻無從置喙。其中第38條還適用包括台灣公民及地球上所有中國政府認為威脅到它本身政權的其他人,中國想要把它的專制政體國際化,這是必須要阻止的。
🔸 我們應該如何抵禦中國的 #戰狼外交?
🔸 台灣想要加入WHO,但美國卻要退出;中國在近年已經暗地掌控許多國際組織,現在才要改革,是否太晚?
JW:就算遲了,也比從來不做來的好。我們都看到了 #世界衛生組織 #國際民航組織 和 #國際刑警組織 發生了什麼事。但對我們而言,最慘痛的經驗是 #聯合國。1971年UN大會以2758號決議接受中國為會員國,將蔣介石的代表逐出聯合國,並且把PRC視為中國的唯一合法代表。中國政府扭曲這個決議,要求聯合國秘書處接受它對這個決議的詮釋,聲稱台灣已經是中國的一部分。對於這樣的說法,我們必須很清楚表示:#台灣從來就不是PRC的一部分!
#MOFA Minister Joseph Wu was recently interviewed by French news magazine Le Point. The headline of the article was “Taiwan is not the only country China is targeting,” echoing Minister Wu’s warning to our like-minded democratic partners around the world. You can find excerpts from the interview in English below!
#SharedValues #Democracy #Freedom #Taiwan
🔹 Le Point: Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy said in June that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) “is not a threat to world peace.” But is it a threat to Taiwan?
JW: From Europe’s perspective, China is far away. But Taiwan is just 200 kilometers from China, so we feel this threat very strongly. […] Japan is also aware of the threat in the East China Sea. The militarization of the South China Sea has reached a level that requires a strong response from the United States and the countries of Southeast Asia. That’s without even talking about the clashes on the border between India and China. In addition, the Chinese are trying to export their authoritarian vision of the world. Just look at what they’ve done to Xinjiang and to Tibet, and now to Hong Kong!
🔹 Le Point: After the national security law in Hong Kong, could Taiwan be the next target?
JW: What happened in Hong Kong is a tragedy. Hong Kong was once a model of freedom and the rule of law in East Asia. The National Security Law has deprived it of its freedoms, freedom of expression and freedom of the press, and destroyed its rule of law. Hong Kong people have no say. And according to Article 38, this law is supposed to apply beyond Hong Kong, that is, to me, to the citizens of Taiwan and to anyone on the planet who the Chinese government considers a threat to its regime. We must stop this. China wants to expand its authoritarian international order. And we are now worried that the Chinese government is imposing something on us as well.
🔹 Le Point: How does one defend oneself against Wolf Warrior Chinese diplomacy?
JW: Whether it’s the Chinese foreign ministry or embassies, Chinese diplomats have become very aggressive. Taiwan has known this for a long time. It’s in our interest is to respond clearly to this Wolf Warrior diplomacy. In addition, the international community, and in particular like-minded countries in Europe, North America and East Asia, must work together. If we are united in our core values, it will be enough signal forcefully to China that it is wrong.
🔹 Le Point: You want to join WHO just as the United States is leaving it. For years, China has quietly taken control of international institutions. Isn't it too late to reform them?
JW: No, it is still possible. Better late than never. […] We saw what was happening at the WHO, the International Civil Aviation Organization and Interpol. But it was what happened at the United Nations that was most painful for us to bear. When China was reinstated as a member in 1971, under UN General Assembly Resolution 2758, establishing the People's Republic of China as the sole legal representative of China and kicking the representative of Chiang Kai-shek out of the organization. That’s all this resolution said. It said nothing about Taiwan. The Chinese government twisted this resolution and imposed its interpretation on the UN secretariat, to make it say that Taiwan was already part of China. [...] We must be very clear about this: our island is not is not a part of the People's Republic of China!
世界和平possible 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 的最讚貼文
*CNBC稱無法確認此消息:Stocks fall amid confusion about a possible US-China trade deal
*Bloomberg彭博社:川普同意美中貿易第一階段協議內容 將暫緩12月15日對中國商品加徵關稅。美中兩國已就第一階段貿易協議內容達成共識 。法律文本確認後,最快美東時間週五公佈。
*FOX News最早確認並且於八個小時前已發佈此消息:US and China reach phase one trade deal: source
A deal is done, with some fine-tuning on the details underway
* 以下為紐約時報頭條新聞:美國眾議院司法委員會通過川普彈劾兩項罪名:阻撓國會和濫用職權。23名民主黨全部贊成,17名共和黨集體反對。下周眾議院全院將會就是否彈劾川普投票,預計也將是以民主黨幾乎全部贊成,共和黨集體反對的結果通過彈劾,送交參議院展開彈劾審判!白宮回應:眾議院絕望地上演彈劾調查已經達到可恥的程度。川普期待在參議院獲得公正的對待和享有正當程序。至於美中貿易協定中國官方宣佈達成分階段關稅的消息,紐約時報放在第二則。
* 白宮官宣:我們已經與中國達成一項非常大的第一階段協議。 中方同意許多結構性變化,並大量購買農產品,能源和製成品等 。 25%的關稅將保持不變,其餘的現有關稅將降低到7 .5%。(註解:美國已經針對2500億美元中國商品加徵了25%的關稅,對1100億美金商品加徵15%的關稅。)由於我們已達成協議,因此12月15日設定的懲罰性關稅將不執行。 中美將立即開始就第二階段協議進行談判,而不是等到2020年大選之後。 這對所有人來說都是一個amazing deal。 謝謝!
* 路透社記者在北京官方召開的記者會上詢問:作為第一階段協議,中國是否承諾購買500億美元農產品?第一階段協議是否包括美國現有對華關稅將會降低一半?中方是否會採取類似舉措?
廖岷:取消關稅是核心關切。 美方承諾:取消部分對華產品關稅,加大對中國關稅豁免力度。中方希望美方切實履行承諾。 中方會相應考慮不實施原計劃12月15號生效對美方產品關稅措施。 中國將增加採購美國優質,具有市場競爭力的產品。具體數據今後會發佈。
* 中方文件聲明:經過中美兩國經貿團隊的共同努力,雙方在平等和相互尊重原則的基礎上,已就中美第一階段經貿協議文本達成一致。協議文本包括序言、知識產權、技術轉讓、食品和農產品、金融服務、匯率和透明度、擴大貿易、雙邊評估和爭端解決、最終條款九個章節。同時,雙方達成一致,美方將履行分階段取消對華產品加徵關稅的相關承諾,實現加徵關稅由升到降的轉變。
世界和平possible 在 興趣使然釣魚人Woody Youtube 的最讚貼文
Hey everyone, I am WOODY. I am a fishing youtuber,
Due to the spread of the Wuhan virus epidemic all over the world,
many people have been infected with the virus,
and many misfortunes have occurred.
The medical systems around the world,
are working hard on fighting an unprecedented confrontation for global health and safety.
Nevertheless, it seems at the moment there is still no effective vaccine to fight this virus.
With the virus continue to evolve the medical units have kept working on find the cure day and night,
as well as asking the public to take protective actions in order to stop virus from spreading.
To be a part of this global pandemic system,
what we can all do is to stay at home as much as possible and minimize the possibilities of spreding of the virus.
We can also read a book, or surf on the web, or even play video games with our loved one at home.
Or perhaps you can subscribe my YOUTOBER channel LOL
Anyway, my full respect and appreciteion to all the medical teams
throughout the world who have been working silently behind the scenes for uncoutless hours and days !!!
You have all my support, my blessing from Taiwan !!
Peace out ~