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中大醫科 在 中大邱比特 CUpid Facebook 的最佳解答
醫科同學今日上了一節由中大生命倫理學中心總監Professor Kumta (片段右方)任教的 “Doctors and Patients’ Relationship”, 課堂上Professor提及近日社會事件,藉此提出作為醫者必須為人道問題發聲,但發言期間多次被羅德慧教授(Prof. Lo Dak Wai, Alexandra,片段中女士) 打斷,羅教授甚至搶去台前的麥克風,直接宣布課堂結束,令同學甚為不解。
補充:簡報上寫道”Whats’s happening in Hong Kong?” 在中大醫學院裡,嚴重打壓學術及言論自由,便是活生生的社會縮影。流血事件及人道問題,怎會與醫學倫理無關?
Medical students have attended a lecture about “Doctors and Patients’ Relationship” by Professor KUMTA Shekhar-madhukar (Executive Director, CUHK Centre for Bioethics) (right lower corner of the video) today. During the lecture, Professor Kumta has talked about the recent events happening in Hong Kong and raised the point that medical professionals must voice out for humanitarian issues. However, his speech was rudely interrupted by Professor Alexandra Dak Wai Lo, lady in the video, Professor Lo has even abruptly declared the end of the lecture. Students find it confusing and not understandable.
(It is written “What’s Happening In Hong Kong” in the PowerPoint slide. The fact that academic freedom and freedom of speech are seriously suppressed in CUHK Faculty of Medicine, is ridiculously coherent with what’s happening in our society. Humanitarian issues, injuries done on civilians and police brutality, have no reason to be separated from bioethics.)
Clarification on the background of the video: The copyright is not owned by this page.
(The below is excerpted from the comment section) “The video was taken after she had already interrupted the speech. Professor Lo had already come onto the stage to say that no politics should be mentioned during the lecture when Professor Kumta changed to that slide, she said she disagreed with Professor Kumta and also announced the end of the class. Some students then requested for Professor Kumta to continue but Professor Lo was still using the microphone (the one in front of Professor Kumta). Just when the students and Professor Lo were still arguing, Professor Kumta continued to finish his slide (which is the beginning of the video). The video was showing the second time Lo took the microphone, which was the one in front of the audience.”
中大醫科 在 Sonya Travel & Photography Facebook 的最佳解答
#警監會 以歷時800日的朱經緯案為例:
1/ 2014年11月26日,朱經緯在旺角棍毆市民鄭仲恒。事後,鄭仲恒親自向警方投訴警察課報案。
2/ 2015年5月,警方完成調查,否認朱經緯毆打鄭仲恒,指「警棍是手臂延伸」,把投訴歸類為「無法證實」毋須跟進。
3/ 監警會不滿警方結論,要求重新調查。
4/ 警方再次完成調查,認為朱經緯只是「錯誤地使用警權」,建議作內部處分。
5/ 監警會繼續不滿,要求重新調查。
6/ 警方建議把「毆打」指控列為「無法完全證實」
7/ 監警會繼續不滿,最終在2016年12月,朱經緯退休前一晚,進行不記名投票,確認朱經緯毆打屬實,促請警方向律政司尋求法律意見。
8/ 警方以索取律政司意見為由,在隨後數個月未回應監警會決定,期間提出考慮按機制向行政長官報告事件。
9/ 警方諮詢律政司意見,研究是否有足夠證據提出起訴。
10/ 2017年3月,律政司終於向朱經緯起訴一項「襲擊致造成身體傷害」罪,距離事發歷時800多日。
但在朱經緯事件後,時任特首梁振英對監警會大清洗,踢走黃碧雲、梁繼昌及所有中立委員,現時27名委員超過20個都是明顯建制派(除了由林鄭委任的主席梁定邦,以及中大醫科教授黃至生、醫管局劉文文、資深大律師藍德業、大律師李曉華、ING銀行總經理Shalini Sujanani),今後還會否企硬?再作不記名投票又會如何?
〔 上文轉載自朋友黃先生 〕
五大訴求 缺一不可 ‼️‼️
兄弟爬山 各自努力 ‼️‼️
#唔好袋住先 #毋忘初心
中大醫科 在 CherryVDO Youtube 的最佳貼文
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初次約會準備/注意的五件事!☀夏日篇☀|男女學堂#1 ft. Cutis
【台中vlog】??? 10分鐘看我48小時快閃7個景點??????|CherryVDO
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