1. 所有材料洗淨,鮮淮山去皮切大塊備用。
2. 鍋中加入2500毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮1.5小時,最後下鹽調味即可。
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Blighted wheat soup to replenish deficiency and prevent sweating
When we panic, our palms tend to sweat easily due to the activation of our nervous system. Even though it is a normal biological reaction, we have to start monitoring our body if we have excessively sweaty palms for extended periods.
Excessive moisture loss from the body can weaken the body. Sweaty palms and unpleasant body odor can also affect our social life and cause skin diseases such as dyshidrosis.
Individuals with different body constitutions can develop sweaty palms. Individuals who are qi-deficient will develop the accompanying symptoms such as pale complexion, dizziness, teeth mark on the tongue, weak speaking voice, prone to catching a cold, regular abdominal bloating, frequent urination, and need to use a lot of strength to pass motion, even though the stools are loose.
Qi-deficient individuals should focus on strengthening their spleen and nourish their qi. Drink rice water and consume an adequate amount of Chinese yam, white hyacinth bean, coix seed, ginseng, millet, potato, and red date that can help nourish the qi and strengthen the spleen. We can also add blighted wheat into our soup, as this particular ingredient can reduce sweating. It is also good for the qi, can calm our mind, and clear the heat from our body.
Tips on ingredient:
Astragalus root is warm in nature. It can improve deficiencies, nourish qi, strengthen the heart and protect the liver. Suitable for those with qi and blood deficiency, prone to cold/flu, asthenic spleen and diarrhea. Those with yin deficiency with excess fire, qi stagnation and abdominal bloating should not eat.
Astragalus root and blighted wheat soup with millet
Effects: Strengthens the spleen and nourishes qi. Strengthens the body and reduces sweating. Relieves symptoms of excessive sweating.
Ingredients: 1 fresh Chinese yam, 2 ears of corn, 15g astragalus root, 15g codonopsis root, 30g blighted wheat, 1/2 cup millet (or 1 pack of dawn rice water powder), 2 candied dates
1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Peel the Chinese yam and cut into large chunks. Remove husks from corn (keep silk) and cut into pieces.
2. Combine all ingredients with 2500ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1.5 hours. Add salt to taste.
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#男 #女 #我狀態OK #氣虛 #感冒
北芪 黃芪 功效 在 Cici小廚房 Facebook 的最讚貼文
疫情突然急速飆升 😵😵,大家都要保重身體,做足防疫措施,切勿鬆懈 💪🏻💪🏻
早前喺日式超市買到山東土雞,腳是黑色的,功效與烏雞一樣,加上無激素,更是健康,配上花膠、黨參、北芪,能補中益氣,滋陰養顏,有效幫助人們增強身體免疫力,提高身體素質 💪🏻💪🏻
黨參 2條
北芪 2條
生曬淮山 1両
海玉竹 1両
杞子 1両
茨實 1両
圓肉 8粒
花膠 4塊
山東黑腳土雞 / 烏雞 1隻
清水 2000毫升
1. 花膠預先浸發,解凍後備用。
2. 黑腳土雞/烏雞去頭、去頸,去尾部劏洗乾淨,用「跑活水」方法,凍水放入汆水約30分鐘,盛起用水喉水沖走雜質,備用。
3. 北芪、黨參洗淨浸30分鐘後剪為小段。
4. 淮山、海玉竹、杞子、圓肉、茨實浸洗約10分鐘,倒去水份,備用。
5. 鍋內倒入清水,放入全部材料 (除了杞子) ,用中大火煲15分鐘後,再轉小火煲2小時。最後半小時加入杞子,熄火焗30分鐘。
7. 煲沸後,加適量鹽調味,即成。
➡️ 花膠浸發方法: 「先蒸後浸」先用薑葱放入蒸焗爐蒸20分鐘至軟身。除去薑片和蔥段,將花膠浸於室溫水約2日,中途可換水1-2次。 再按每次食用嘅份量用保鮮紙個別包起,用密實袋做儲存,放入雪櫃冰箱,可存放約3-4個月)
➡️ 孕婦不宜吃黨參 , 可以省去
➡️ 此湯感冒或痛風患者不宜
🔹黨參: 有補中益氣、生津養血的功效。黨參中含有降血脂,增強身體免疫力,提高身體素質
🔹北芪: 又名黃芪 , 微溫 , 能補氣升陽、固表止汗、利水退腫
🔹淮山: 能健脾、益胃、補肺、清熱解毒、止咳
🔹杞子:有補腎益精 , 養肝明目的功效。
🔹花膠:能增强腸胃的消化吸收功能 , 提高食慾,含豐富的膠質 , 對身體具有滋補養顏的功效
🔹圓肉: 補心脾、益氣血作用
🔹海玉竹: 養陰潤肺、生津止渴
🔹茨實: 具有補脾袪濕、益腎固精、滋養強身等功效
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北芪 黃芪 功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文
人參 — 性溫,有補氣養血、健脾益胃、強心提神的功效,適合身體虛弱、氣血不足、脾虛腹瀉、氣短氣促者食用;陰虛火旺、糖尿病、高血壓病人不宜食用。
黨參 — 性平,有補肺脾氣、生津養血的功效,尤其適合陽虛、氣虛、血虛體質人士服用。
大棗 — 即紅棗,性溫,有養氣補血、健脾和胃之效,特別適合氣血兩虛人士,體質偏燥熱、暗瘡、便秘或糖尿病人士不宜食用。
北芪 — 又名黃芪,性溫,有補虛益氣、強心護肝的功效,適合氣血不足、容易感冒、脾虛腹瀉人士服用;陰虛火旺、氣滯腹脹者忌吃。
4 ingredients to replenish qi and blood
Chinese medicine believes that qi and blood are closely related. Both are the most basic elements for maintaining health. As long as qi and blood circulates well, the body is healthy. Those with weak qi and blood have symptoms such as pale complexion, cold limbs, or even numbness, prone to dizziness and heart palpitations, shortness of breath, poor appetite, and brittle nails. The situation may worsen in winter because the body needs more energy to deal with cold weather, and the qi and blood functions worsen. If you are weak, you are more likely to get sick.
To improve the body condition of those with deficiency of qi and blood, they need to replenish their qi and blood, and eat more ingredients that can replenish qi and nourish blood, including ginseng, codonopsis root, Chinese red dates and astragalus root. This can improve qi and blood deficiency and promote circulation. They should do low-intensity exercise, such as stretching, Tai Chi, walking, etc. Avoid exercises that lead to excessive sweating, otherwise the weakness of qi and blood will be aggravated.
Ginseng- warm in nature. It can nourish qi and blood, strengthen spleen and stomach, strengthen the heart and give your mind a boost. Suitable for those with weak body, qi and blood deficiency, asthenic spleen, diarrhea and shortness of breath. Those with yin deficiency with excess fire, diabetes or high blood pressure should not eat.
Codonopsis root- mild in nature. It can replenish lung and spleen qi. Suitable for those with yang deficiency, qi deficiency and asthenic blood body types.
Chinese red dates- warm in nature. It can nourish qi and blood, strengthen spleen and stomach. It is especially suitable for those with qi and blood deficiency. Those with heat-related symptoms, pimple, constipation or diabetes should not eat.
Astragalus root- warm in nature. It can improve deficiencies, nourish qi, strengthen the heart and protect the liver. Suitable for those with qi and blood deficiency, prone to cold/flu, asthenic spleen and diarrhea. Those with yin deficiency with excess fire, qi stagnation and abdominal bloating should not eat.
#男 #女 #我疲憊 #氣虛 #血虛 #頭暈