Every document and contract must be carefully reviewed or be consulted by legal agents, but sadly to say, we have very few agencies that make this process more safe and promising unless you pay extra fee to a lawyer or consultant. So, most of the consumers could only get help from someone relatively have more experience such as friends, co-workers, or get information from newspaper, tv or other media. Therefore signing a pre sale house document is so important to review the contract that construction company made, if it's differ from the government revised version, even if it's only a minor difference, do not ignore, whenever you have a doubt, you figure out. Good luck and may every one of you have a good deal! #盈盈來看厝
#預售屋一定有風險,房市投資有賺有賠,申購前應詳閱定型化契約 !
#跟預售屋銷業務詢問查詢到天黑 ! 才知道預售的話術 ~ 好厲害 !
#小心一點清楚一點仔細一點明白一點 ! 希望糾紛就可以少一點 !
#只不過是想要買家而已呀 ~ 就請業者大人行行好 ! 可憐可憐我們這些小蝦米吧 !