王喬尹Joyin Wang
台灣苗栗縣人,畢業於國立台灣藝術大學戲劇系,現為唱作歌手 。
參與過《聲林之王第二季-創作組》、《中國蝦米x滾石原創歌手比賽》、《2020文化部客家流行音樂大賽》獲得貳獎與最佳演唱獎。受邀於浪漫臺三線、慢慢生活節、海洋音樂祭等大型音樂祭演出,並活躍於各大展演空間,2019年四月發行創作單曲「為什麼長得好看還會失戀」,2020發行《Fairy Tale》與客語全創作專輯《就係王喬尹》。
Joyin Wang is a Taiwanese songwritter and singer.
Born and raised in Taiwan, she was effected by Western pop Music, Hip Hop, and Taiwanese folk Music. She has a special sound in her own way and good at rhythmic music style. As her original songs are always describing the dark side of love,which is in contrast of her fresh appearance, her fans call her "dark sweetie." Undergoing some music competitions, she was commended as "such a smooth and warm voice which you enjoy so much at the midmight." She released her first Hakka original album called "This is Joyin Wang" in 12/28 2020.
2020 客語全創作專輯《就係王喬尹》
2020 《Fairy Tale》
2019 《為什麼長得好看還會失戀》
客家流行音樂大賽 貳獎
客家流行音樂大賽 最佳演唱獎