「茂德科技 ( 茂德資訊服務 )/安全定位手錶 ProGuard 究極保鑣:
智能穿戴裝置⌚️,具備精準室內WIFI定位、戶外GPS定位,心率和血氧量測以及SOS求救🆘、訊息雙向推播功能;藉由CAT-M1 / NB-IoT蜂巢式物聯網通訊技術,不需要連結智慧裝置即可獨立運作,搭配系統可作遠距/廣域安全定位並即時關懷。」
「ProMOS Technologies Inc./ProGuard:
The smart wearable device provides accurate indoor positioning with WIFI and outdoor GPS positioning.
Also, have heart rate monitoring, blood oxygen level monitoring, SOS emergency alerts, and interactive message function with CAT-M1 / NB-IoT cellular IoT communication technology.
It can operate independently without connecting the smart device, as well as it can track long-distance and wide-area real-time security positioning.」
➡本館位置:30078新竹市科技五路1號 (竹科管理局後方黃色馬賽克建築物)
➡導覽相關問題請洽:03-5773311 ext.1720,1721
➡導覽預約專線請洽:03-5773311 ext.2222~2224
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2. 科學園區探索館首頁(https://web.sipa.gov.tw/explore/)