1. 黑豆洗淨浸水2-3小時,瀝乾水後加入鍋中,加入4杯水以武火煮滾,調至文火煮5-10分鐘,撈除表面泡沫。
2. 加入其他材料,攪拌均勻,以中火煮約30分鐘至收汁即可。
It is suitable to nourish the kidneys during winter and it is important to protect against the cold. A lot of black colored ingredients can nourish the kidneys such as black fungus, black soya beans, black rice, black sesame, and mulberries. You may not get a lot of chances to eat these ingredients in your regular diet so we have a delicious recipe for the common Korean appetizer black soya beans. You can keep it as a dish or a snack in the fridge. Those with asthenic weak spleen and stomach should not have too much.
Saucy black soya beans
Ingredients: 1 cup black soya beans, 3 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 tablespoons granulated sugar, 2 tablespoons mirin, 4 cups water
1. Soak black soya beans for 2-3 hours. Remove water and add into wok with 4 cups of water and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 5-10 minutes. Remove surface foam.
2. Add in other ingredients and mix well. Cook on medium heat for 30 minutes until sauce has evaporated.
*Remember to stir regularly to avoid black soya beans sticking
*You can replace granulated sugar with brown sugar
*Put into container after cooling and store in refrigerator
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