1982 年日本漫畫家大友克洋,開始連載動漫史上最偉大的鉅作之一《阿基拉》( Akira ),神預測日本爭取到 2020 年的奧運主辦權。1988 年動畫上映,其中一幕更是令人震驚:奧運開幕前 147 天,東京陷入動蕩,民眾群集示威,在奧運的宣傳看板上,寫下了「停辦奧運」的標語。
但,這真的是巧合嗎?事實上,跟許多人想像的不同,奧運的風光是近三十年來的事情。從二戰後到 1984 年間,「奧運」二字,名聲簡直臭不可聞,奧運的賽事主辦國更是經常陷入極大困境──不只因為美蘇冷戰背景、兩大陣營互相抵制,這邊參賽了那邊就拒出賽,也因為每屆奧運賽事毫無例外,都會出事。
儘管口號冠冕堂皇,奧運背後就是各種金錢、政治、國際局勢的角力。例如:1904 年美國的路易斯奧運,89% 的選手是美國人,讓所謂的「國際賽事」成了笑柄。1912 年斯德哥爾摩奧運上,美國天才運動員吉米索普(Jim Thorpe)拿下五項跟十項全能兩面金牌,卻因為「曾經」在美國打過一個夏季的職業棒球而被取消資格,很多人認為實際原因只是因為他是一名印第安人。
再例如 1920 年的比利時奧運,這次賽事由一群安特衛普的一群有錢人主導,原本說好由他們捐款來主辦,但是後來卻變成了他們向政府借款來舉辦,同時在地方上修建了一堆品質極差的道路及旅館,導致安特衛普政府財務出現巨大赤字,而這些地方富豪卻利用這些活動與建設從中獲利。這個模式聽起來是否相當熟悉?是的,這個獲利方程式經過了一百年依舊有效,建商承包大量的工程,政府無止盡的舉債,不管賽會成功與否,最後錢都落進了建商及銀行的口袋裡,而政府則留下大量負債。在後來的日子,「安特衛普模式」讓生意人趨之若鶩,不斷說服政府投入大筆資金來承辦,這當然需要有一個非常冠冕堂皇的藉口,因此,展現「國力」跟「人種優越」 則是成為主辦奧運最大的理由。
奧運從無人問津進化為各國爭相加入的國力展示場,從百病叢生變成不可一世的搖錢樹,奧運的體制不停的轉變,在洛杉磯奧運終於迎來了頂峰:洛杉磯是唯一申請主辦 1984 年奧運的城市,但爭取主辦 2004 年奧運的城市,卻達十七個之多──這還不算進那些有意申請,但是基本條件實在欠缺的城市。跟可以預期的滾滾黃金相比,那些賄賂奧會官員的費用顯然微不足道,這期間,幾乎每一屆的奧運申辦也都有不同程度的醜聞。而雅典奧運的龐大支出,讓每個希臘人背負了高達十年的債務,同時間接也讓希臘成為 2008 年金融危機的主角之一──諷刺的是,正是從十七個申請國中脫穎而出的雅典的下場,讓各國對於爭取奧運主辦權這件事,興趣迅速的消退,許多國家這才驚覺,舉辦奧運是一個龐大的陷阱。
到了 2013 年,東京在爭取主辦權的競賽中脫穎而出(此時參與競爭的正選城市只剩下五個),相較於北京奧運及里約奧運所象徵的大國崛起,日本最大的目的是為了 311 大地震之後的復興。到了 2017 年,東京奧運的經費已經超過了一百三十億美金,這差不多是日本政府所能承擔的極限了,更悲慘的是 2020 年發生了襲捲全球的武漢肺炎疫情,奧運陷入停辦危機,日本政府在各方壓力下,不得不宣佈東京奧運延後一年,延後一年的追加預算需要將近二十七億美金,使得整體經費接近倫敦奧運的一百六十億美金。日本政府宣稱的省錢奧運成為空談,而這還不包括日本民間的旅遊業者,這幾年來為了因應奧運旅遊潮所做的投資,如今比賽延後一年,還必須封館比賽,支出超出預期,卻又幾乎沒有回收,尚未正式開幕,就已註定成為虧損最嚴重的一次奧運。
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅pennyccw,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Release Date: 10 June 2005 (USA) Episode Detail: Larry Brown - SportsCentury A profile of well-traveled Hall of Fame basketball coach Larry Brown, w...
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1984 olympics 在 報導者 The Reporter Facebook 的最佳貼文
2020東奧賽事進入後半段,桌球男子團體賽是台灣唯一還有競爭獎牌機會的球類運動。今(3)日遭遇宿敵德國隊,德國頭號男單奧恰洛夫(Dimitrij Ovtcharov)連續在2012倫敦奧運和2020東奧的銅牌戰中打敗我國莊智淵和「小林同學」林昀儒,這次在團體賽交手,格外引發關注。林昀儒在第2點成功拿下奧恰洛夫,報了3天前單打落敗的一箭之仇,之後第4點單打再下一城,個人贏下2點;但第一點莊智淵/陳建安的雙打及莊、陳在3、5點的單打輸掉,男桌團體止步8強。
台灣代表隊桌球男子團體今天對戰第二種子德國隊,兩隊不僅是宿敵,也有許多共通點。40歲的德國波爾(Timo Boll)和莊智淵同齡、兩人同時成名,早年與中國前選手王皓並稱「三隻小老虎」;波爾2018年曾以37歲之齡登上世界第一、創下最高齡球王紀錄,這次更是第6度參加奧運、為德國之最。而奧恰洛夫和林昀儒的竄起,分別超越波爾和莊智淵,讓兩隊都是跨世代組合。
第一點雙打由「桌球教父」莊智淵與陳建安的搭配,第一局似乎還沒進入狀況,遭到伏蘭季斯卡 (Patrick Franziska)/波爾(Timo Boll)賞了一個大鴨蛋,第二局即時回穩搶下一局,第三局再以6比11落敗;第四局成為關鍵點,台灣組合一開局表現不錯取得領先,可是就在10比8拿到兩個局點後,竟然被德國組合連搶4分逆轉,直接輸掉第一點雙打。
賽後林昀儒受訪時說:「險勝奧恰洛夫,算是復仇了吧!對自己的表現也蠻肯定。今年第一次參加奧運就拿下混雙銅牌,單打也打到四強,收穫非常多。」不過這些競爭僅限於場上,賽後奧恰洛夫在IG限動上貼出與林昀儒的合照,寫著:「Great rivals on court, Great friends off court.」(場上最好的對手,場下最好的朋友),林昀儒也隨即傳發了這張合照。
「挪威欄王」沃爾霍姆(Karsten Warholm)一個月前才剛剛在世界田徑鑽石聯賽奧斯陸站400公尺跨欄項目,跑出46秒70的成績,打破高懸29年之久的世界紀錄,成為新的世界紀錄保持人。沒想他到今天中午在決賽中,面對強勁的美國選手班傑明(Rai Benjamin)一路威脅,兩人進入最後一個彎道後,還並駕齊驅,但沃爾霍姆狂拉尾盤加速超前,最終成績竟然跑進46秒內,成績是45秒94,足足比自己的世界紀錄大幅推進0.76秒之多,也是改採電動計時以來,男子400公尺跨欄世界紀錄最大進幅。
美國體操女王拜爾絲(Simone Biles)之前在競技體操女子團體決賽中,因表現不佳造成心理問題困擾而中途退賽,今天在平衡木決賽中,克服心傷重返競技場的平衡木項目,在中國選手表現傑出之下,依舊穩定表現,以技術分6.1與完成分7.9,總分14.00分摘下銅牌。
桌球男子團體莊智淵、林昀儒、陳建安(2:3 止步8強、並列第5)
高爾夫女子徐薇淩、李旻(6:30 第一輪)
田徑男子標槍黃士峰(8:05 A組資格賽)
田徑男子標槍鄭兆村(9:35 B組資格賽)
田徑男子110公尺跨欄陳奎儒(10:08 準決賽)
舉重男子109公斤以上級謝昀庭(12:50 B組賽事)
拳擊女子蠅量級黃筱雯(13:00 四強戰)
【江湖,在哪裡?莊智淵,永遠挑最難的那條路】 https://reurl.cc/Q9g4QO
#報導者 #2020東奧特輯 #Olympics #Tokyo2020 #TeamTaiwan #東京奧運 #東奧 #奧運 #中華隊 #台灣選手 #桌球 #莊智淵 #林昀儒 #陳建安 #跨欄 #陳奎儒 #世界紀錄 #沃爾霍姆 #KarstenWarholm #拜爾絲 #SimoneBiles
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Criterion Channel 近日推出一個名為Voices of Protest 的片單,相信大家都知道原因。縱使未必每人都訂閱了CC,但這片單卻是不得不保存!
CC 的簡介:
//Power to the people! From labor organizing to armed uprising to the struggle for rights at the ballot box, cinema has long proved a powerful tool for documenting, dramatizing, and enacting political change from the grassroots up. The films collected here bear witness to the Civil Rights and Black Power movements, recount the lives of activist icons like Paul Robeson and Harvey Milk, and show ordinary people rising up in the factories of Turin, the banlieus of Paris, the coal mines of Kentucky, and the streets of Algiers. Featuring work by Agnès Varda, Jean-Pierre Melville, Barbara Kopple, Jafar Panahi, Sergei Eisenstein, and Jean-Luc Godard, this incendiary series pays tribute to those who’ve stood up and fought back in the hope of creating a better world.//
Strike (1925, dir: Sergei Eisentein)
Redes (1936, dir: Emilio Gomez Muriel, Fred Zinnemann)
Le silence de la mer (1949, dir: Jean-Pierre Melville)
Ikiru (1952, dir: Akira Kurosawa)
Ashes and Diamonds (1958, dir: Andrzej Wajda)
Youth in Fury (1960, dir: Masahiro Shinoda)
The Children Were Watching (1961, dir: Robert Drew, Richard Leacock)
Crisis (1963, dir: Robert Drew)
The Organizer (1963, dir: Mario Monicelli)
Women of the Resistance (1965, dir: Liliana Cavani)
The Battle of Algiers (1966, dir: Gillo Pontecorvo)
La Chinoise (1967, dir: Jean-Luc Godard)
The Olympics in Mexico (1969, dir: Alberto Isaac)
Z (1969, dir: Costa-Gavras)
Black Panthers (1970, dir: Black Panthers)
Hearts and Minds (1974, dir: Peter Davis)
Harlan County USA (1976, dir: Barbara Kopple)
One Sings, the Other Doesn't (1977, dir: Agnes Varda)
Paul Robeson: Tribute to an Artist (1979, dir: Saul J. Turell)
The Times of Harvey Milk (1984, dir: The Times of Harvey Milk)
La haine (1995, dir: Mathieu Kassovitz)
Che: Part One (2008, dir: Steven Soderbergh)
Che: Part Two (2008, dir: Steven Soderbergh)
Hunger (2008, dir: Steve McQueen)
This Is Not a Film (2011, dir: Jafar Panahi)
1984 olympics 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最佳解答
Release Date: 10 June 2005 (USA)
Episode Detail: Larry Brown - SportsCentury
A profile of well-traveled Hall of Fame basketball coach Larry Brown, who owns NCAA and NBA championships. He was the first American man to both play and coach basketball in the Olympics
11/8/2007: Shaquille O'Neal
2/3/2007: Barry Sanders
9/25/2006: Terrell Owens
9/18/2006: Marvin Hagler
8/7/2006: Evander Holyfield
5/22/2006: Dale Earnhardt Jr.
3/15/2006: Dean Smith
12/27/2005: Doug Flutie
12/20/2005: Dick Vermeil
9/27/2005: Karl Malone
9/22/2005: Tom Brady
9/8/2005: Reggie White
8/26/2005: Bobby Bowden
7/13/2005: Curt Schilling
6/10/2005: Larry Brown
5/31/2005: Alonzo Mourning
5/26/2005: Tony Stewart
4/22/2005: Pat Tillman
4/4/2005: Phil Mickelson
3/23/2005: Mike Krzyzewski
1/31/2005: Don Shula
10/30/2004: George Foreman
9/16/2004: 1999 Ryder Cup
9/4/2004: Sam Huff
8/30/2004: Peyton Manning
8/26/2004: Andy Roddick
8/9/2004: Mia Hamm
7/20/2004: Dennis Eckersley
6/27/2004: Pedro Martinez
6/21/2004: Steffi Graf
4/14/2004: Phil Jackson
4/13/2004: Sammy Sosa
3/29/2004: Rick Pitino
3/22/2004: Villanova vs. Georgetown
3/1/2004: Steve Carlton
2/20/2004: Disciples of Jackie Robinson
2/16/2004: Mark McGwire
2/9/2004: Jeff Gordon
1/26/2004: Bears' 46 Defense
1/23/2004: Chris Evert
1/19/2004: Tom Landry
1/12/2004: Bart Starr
1/5/2004: Chargers-Dolphins 1981 Playoff Game
12/23/2003: Lyle Alzado
12/15/2003: Terry Bradshaw
12/8/2003: Al Davis
12/1/2003: Latrell Sprewell
11/18/2003: Seabiscuit
11/11/2003: Mark Gastineau
11/10/2003: Jerry's Cowboys
11/6/2003: Pele
10/28/2003: Dennis Rodman
10/20/2003: Roberto Clemente
10/19/2003: Derek Jeter
10/13/2003: Yogi Berra
10/7/2003: New York Yankees
10/6/2003: New York Yankees
9/1/2003: Bill Tilden
8/28/2003: Cheryl Ford
8/19/2003: Billy Martin
8/18/2003: Billy Martin
7/20/2003: Lance Armstrong
7/19/2003: Oscar Robertson
4/25/2003: Allen Iverson
2/14/2003: Jayson Williams
2/3/2003: 2001 Year in Review
1/13/2003: 2000 Year in Review
12/30/2002: 1999 Year in Review
12/16/2002: 1998 Year in Review
12/13/2002: Bear Bryant
12/2/2002: 1997 Year in Review
11/18/2002: 1996 Year in Review
11/4/2002: 1995 Year in Review
10/21/2002: 1994 Year in Review
10/7/2002: Emmitt Smith
10/7/2002: 1993 Year in Review
9/26/2002: Randy Moss
9/23/2002: 1992 Year in Review
9/20/2002: Ball Four
9/16/2002: Darryl Strawberry
9/10/2002: 1972 Olympic Basketball Final
9/9/2002: 1991 Year in Review
8/30/2002: Tyrone Willingham
8/26/2002: 1990 Year in Review
8/23/2002: Venus and Serena Williams
8/12/2002: 1989 Year in Review
7/29/2002: 1988 Year in Review
7/9/2002: 1977 British Open
7/1/2002: 1986 Year in Review
6/28/2002: Anna Kournikova
6/21/2002: George Steinbrenner
6/11/2002: 1997 NBA Finals (Game 5)
6/7/2002: Mike Tyson
6/3/2002: Kobe Bryant
5/21/2002: Bobby Hull
5/14/2002: Mario Lemieux
5/6/2002: Roger Clemens
4/16/2002: Chris Webber
4/15/2002: Kevin Garnett
4/12/2002: John Daly
3/31/2002: Albert Belle
3/25/2002: Year in Review: 1985
3/24/2002: Bob Knight
3/18/2002: Year in Review: 1984
3/18/2002: Year in Review: 1987
3/4/2002: Year in Review: 1983
2/27/2002: Richmond Flowers
2/25/2002: Year in Review: 1982
2/22/2002: Willie Jeffries
2/20/2002: Zina Garrison
2/18/2002: Year in Review: 1981
2/13/2002: Florence Griffith Joyner
2/11/2002: Year in Review: 1980
2/8/2002: Dan Jansen
2/7/2002: Picabo Street
2/7/2002: Michelle Kwan
2/7/2002: Bonnie Blair
1/31/2002: Bill Parcells
1/24/2002: Brett Favre
1/19/2002: Peggy Fleming
1/19/2002: Dorothy Hamill
1/16/2002: Jim Craig
1/13/2002: Pete Sampras
12/31/2001: Woody Hayes
12/18/2001: Eric Lindros
12/10/2001: Don King
11/27/2001: Oscar De La Hoya
11/24/2001: Dale Earnhardt
11/3/2001: Brian Piccolo

1984 olympics 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最佳貼文
une 7, 2011- Allen "The Answer" Iverson the 14-year NBA star most notably with the Philadelphia 76ers turns 36 today. Iverson's 36th birthday comes the day after the NBA turned 65 on 6-6-11. The NBA was founded on June 6, 1946 in New York City.
The kid from Newport News was a true renaissance man to basketball. His cornrows, sick cross-over dribble, shooting sleeve, and hip-hop style moves are seen in current stars Dwyane Wade, Chris Paul, and Derrick Rose.
LeBron James is connected to Jay-Z like Iverson was linked to Jadakiss. LeBron even has a multiple of tattoos that some say were influenced by Iverson.
Iverson by all accounts is the all-time most influential player to the hoops and hip-hop culture fusion born in 1984 that is known today as The "Dunkadelic-Era" In America.
Iverson had the second most successful sneaker line of all-time behind Michael Jordan with his Reebok signature shoes. His I3 logo was very popular for over 10-years. Iverson even wore a shoe named "ATR Dunkadelic" for the last played NBA game of Michael Jordan's career on April 16, 2003 in Philadelphia, PA.
Allen was the first pick of the 1996 NBA Draft. A talent rich draft that featured Kobe Bryant, Marcus Camby, Ray Allen, Stephon Marbury, Kerry Kittles, Antoine Walker, Shareef Abdur-Rahim, Steve Nash, Peja Stojakovic, Jermaine O'Neal, Zydrunas Ilgauskas, Derek Fisher, and Malik Rose.
Iverson scored 24, 368 career points, was the 2001 NBA MVP, 11-time All-Star, 2-time All-Star MVP, a 4-time scoring champion, and was named the 1997 NBA Rookie-of-the-Year.
The 1996 Draft has been considered the "Hoops and Hip-Hop Culture Draft" because the players of the draft were drafted, started, and played their NBA rookie year between the death's of rap icons Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G. Many of the media called Iverson the "Tupac of the NBA."

1984 olympics 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最讚貼文
Allen Iverson finally came up with an outstanding offensive performance, just in time for the Philadelphia 76ers' first loss of the season.
Iverson scored 46 points, nearly equaling his total during the 76ers' 3-0 start, but Malik Rose atoned for poor performances by David Robinson and Tim Duncan to lead the San Antonio Spurs to a 98-94 victory.
Rose, who attended Drexel, minutes away from the First Union Center, scored a career-high 22 points on 10-of-12 shooting and grabbed nine rebounds as the Spurs snapped a three-game losing streak.
"My teammates were getting me the ball," said Rose, who bought 64 tickets for family and friends. "We played well, we shared the ball and I was the recipient of some good passes and a little luck."
Iverson was a dismal 15-of-55 (27 percent) from the field and averaged 16.7 points as Philadelphia got off to a 3-0 start, its best since the 1984-85 campaign. It was a different Iverson in this contest as he dominated on the offensive end and came within four points of a career high, hitting 14-of-26 from the floor and 15-of-17 from the foul line.
"It would have been better to have a one-point performance and win than having a 40-point game and lose," said Iverson, who added seven rebounds and six assists.
Rose, whose previous career best was 14 points, was the surprising hero as Robinson and Duncan battled foul trouble. Robinson, who picked up his fifth foul early in the third quarter, was 3-of-8 from the field and just 9-of-18 from the foul line to finish with 15 points and eight rebounds. Duncan fouled out with 1:59 to play with 15 points and six boards.
"We can't keep putting this kind of pressure on the supporting cast," Robinson said. "We've played some good ball, it's just that we've turned the ball over at times and have not shot as well as we would have liked. It took a total team effort to scrap this one out."
Clinging to a 61-57 lead midway through the third, the Spurs took control with a 15-4 run to end the period. Duncan's jumper triggered the burst before Rose converted a three-point play. Late in the quarter, Rose buried a 14-footer and put home a dunk before Sean Elliott's free throw made it 75-61.
"He (Rose) is one of the hardest working players on our team," said Spurs coach Gregg Popovich. "He's on the verge of finding his place in the NBA. I'm thrilled he was able to have this kind of game in his hometown."
The margin was 82-69 with just over nine minutes left when Iverson, who had just three turnovers, led a 22-9 tear that tied it. Iverson drained a 3-pointer in transition to make it 88-84 before an 18-footer by Harvey Grant forced the Spurs to call timeout with 4:11 to go. After Robinson made 1-of-2 free throws, Iverson sank a pair, trimming the deficit to 89-88.
Elliott drained a long jumper, but Iverson followed with a foul shot off an illegal defense and hit two more that tied it, 91-91, as Duncan fouled out.
Another free throw by Robinson put the Spurs back in front and, after Iverson missed a 3-pointer, Avery Johnson sank two free throws. Iverson hit again from the foul line after another illegal defense call, making it 94-92 with 45 seconds left.
Matt Geiger then had a chance to tie it, but Rose forced a jump ball as the Sixers center went inside for a layup. The 7-1 Geiger won the jump over the smaller Rose, but Iverson drove into two players and turned it over.
Johnson blew a pair of free throws, but Rose grabbed the offensive rebound on the second miss with 8.1 seconds left. Steve Kerr sank two foul shots for a 96-92 lead, and after Snow followed a miss by Iverson, Elliott's two free throws sealed it with 2.6 seconds to go.
"When Pop (Popovich) needs me, I feel confident enough to go out and do the things I did tonight," Rose added. "I'm just a role player. When they need me, they just call me and I'll be ready."
Johnson scored 15 points and Elliott chipped in 13 for the Spurs, who shot an atrocious 28-of-51 from the foul line. They were outrebounded, 46-42, but owned a 52-24 advantage in points in the paint.
Rookie Larry Hughes came off the bench to score 12 points but hit just 3-of-12 shots and Philadelphia connected on a mediocre 39 percent (30-of-77) from the field. San Antonio shot 50 percent (34-of-68).
"If we came up with a loose ball, a rebound, or a (conversion) when we had the ball down low, things might have been a little different," said Sixers coach Larry Brown.
Iverson, who matched Detroit's Grant Hill for the most points in one game this season, set a First Union Center record by scoring 25 points in the first half.
"I was making layups early in the game, which made me feel good," Iverson added. "In previous games, I was missing shots early. So I was able to get into the flow early on."

1984 olympics 在 1984 Olympics Opening Ceremony | By Jazzercise Alameda 的推薦與評價
Video from the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Opening Ceremony. Jazzercise performed alongside the marching band. See if you can spot me!! ... <看更多>
1984 olympics 在 16 Days of Glory 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles - YouTube 的推薦與評價
16 Days of Glory 1984 Olympics in Los AngelesI do not own this video and have no copyrights on this. ... <看更多>