#1. Cremasteric Reflex - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
Superficial reflexes are motor responses that occur when the skin is stroked. The cremasteric reflex is a superficial reflex found in human ...
提睪反射(Cremasteric reflex)是指輕輕撫摸男性大腿內側上方皮膚,可以引起同側提睪肌(cremasteric muscle)收縮使睪丸上提的反射。 提睪反射產生的機制是:當撫摸 ...
#3. Cremasteric Reflex - Physiopedia
The cremasteric reflex is a superficial reflex present in males. The female equivalent of this test is called the Geigel reflex. It evaluates the function ...
#4. Cremasteric reflex - YouTube
Test for the cremaster reflex. Used in patients with suspected cauda equina syndrome, in multiple sclerosis, testicular torsion, ...
#5. What is the role of the cremasteric reflex and Prehn sign in the ...
The cremasteric reflex is almost always absent or diminished on the affected side in patients with testicular torsion, and its presence may help to ...
#6. Testicular Torsion - American Academy of Family Physicians
The finding of an ipsilateral absent cremasteric reflex is the most accurate sign of testicular torsion. Torsion of the appendix testis is ...
#7. Cremasteric Reflex - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The cremasteric reflex is a function of the genitofemoral nerve (L1) and is present in all boys older than 2 years of age. ... When the reflex is elicited by ...
#8. How useful is the cremasteric reflex in diagnosing testicular ...
The absence of CR correlated with surgically confirmed testicular torsion in 15 cases. There were 27 cases of absent CR in non-torsed testes and two cases of ...
#9. The cremasteric reflex: a useful but imperfect sign in testicular ...
The normal reflex consists of cremasteric contraction with elevation of the testis on stroking the medial thigh; the reflex is reported to be uniformly absent ...
#10. Cremaster muscle | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia
The cremaster reflex is elicited by gently stroking the skin of the medial upper thigh which causes ipsilateral contraction of the cremaster ...
#11. Normal cremasteric reflex in a case of testicular torsion - The ...
It has been suggested that a positive cremasteric reflex is a testicle that moves briskly upwards at least 0.5 cm, and is best elicited with the patient laying ...
#12. The cremasteric reflex and its muscle ... - Wiley Online Library
Since the cremasteric reflex is a useful sign in detecting testicular inflammation, testicular torsion, and varicocele, and even for successful ...
#13. identification of a new reflex and its role during increased intra ...
The cremasteric muscle (CM) being composed of fleshy muscle bundles constitutes the active component of the fasciomuscular tube of the ...
THE CREMASTERIC REFLEX IN VARICOCELE.Read before the Section of Surgery and Anatomy, at the Forty-third Annual Meeting of the American Medical Association, ...
#15. Cremaster Muscle Function, Anatomy & Diagram | Body Maps
The muscle pulls the testis towards the body to protect it. The cremasteric reflex refers to an action the muscle takes in response to the stroking of the inner ...
#16. The cremasteric reflex: A useful but imperfect ... - ResearchGate
The cremaster reflex has been reported to be absent in 100% of cases of testicular torsion, making it a useful sign in this difficult diagnosis.
#17. Cremasteric reflex | Sign | ICS
Cremasteric reflex. Sign, defined by ICS as: Contraction of the ipsilateral cremaster muscle, drawing the testis upwards, when the upper inner aspect of the ...
#18. cremasteric reflex - APA Dictionary of Psychology
cremasteric reflex the contraction of the cremaster muscle, which causes retraction of the testes toward the abdomen, caused by cold temperature or by ...
#19. Cremasteric reflex Definition & Meaning |
Save This Word! n. ... A drawing up of the scrotum and the testicle in response to scratching of the skin over Scarpa's triangle or on the inner side of the thigh ...
#20. Cremasteric Cramp With Testicular Retraction - jstor
were hyperactive superficial cremasteric reflexes asso ciated with testicular retraction; ... in both the hyperactive left cremasteric reflex produced.
#21. Cremasteric Reflex - Family Practice Notebook
Normal: Cremasteric Reflex present (Testicle rises). Seen in Epididymitis · Abnormal: Cremasteric Reflex absent (no Testicle rise). Suggests Testicular Torsion ...
#22. Cremasteric reflex - Oxford Reference
Absence or reduction of both cremasteric reflexes indicates an upper motor neuron lesion; absence of the reflex on one side suggests a lower motor neuron lesion ...
#23. Cremasteric reflex - Video - Orthobullets
Test for the cremaster reflex. Used in patients with suspected cauda equina syndrome, in multiple sclerosis, testicular torsion, ...
#24. In the presence of scrotal pain, an absent cremasteric reflex ...
The cremasteric reflex is a contraction of the cremaster muscle, in response to the stroking of the thigh, which results in retraction of ...
#25. Cremasteric reflex -
Cremasteric reflex The cremasteric reflex is a cutaneous reflex observed in human males. Additional recommended knowledge Essential Laboratory Skills Guide ...
#26. Acute scrotal pain - RACGP
The cremasteric reflex (pinching or stroking the skin of the upper thigh, causing the ipsilateral testis to elevate via contraction of the muscle) may be ...
#27. Cremaster muscle - Kenhub
Cremaster is a pelvic muscle whose main function is to protect the testes via cremasteric reflex. Learn about its anatomy and function at Kenhub!
#28. How useful is a physical exam in diagnosing testicular torsion?
The cremasteric reflex or a nontender testicle usually excludes testicular torsion, but case reports have noted the opposite to.
#29. Retractile testicle - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
If the cremaster reflex is strong enough, it can result in a retractile testicle, pulling the testicle out of the scrotum and up into the groin.
#30. The Incidence of the Cremasteric Reflex in Normal Boys
AbstractThe presence or absence of the cremasteric reflex was documented in 225 normal male subjects ranging in age from birth to 12 years.
#31. cremasteric reflex - General Practice Notebook
You have 3 more open access pages. The cremasteric reflex is dependent upon the nerve roots L1 and L2. This reflex is elicited by stroking the superior and ...
#32. The cremasteric reflex: a useful but imperfect sign in ... - INFONA
The cremaster reflex has been reported to be absent in 100% of cases of testicular torsion, making it a useful sign in this difficult diagnosis.
#33. Best 1 Definitions of Cremasteric-reflex - YourDictionary
What does cremasteric-reflex mean? A drawing up of the scrotum and the testicle in response to scratching of the skin over Scarpa's triangle or on the inne.
#34. Evaluation of nontraumatic scrotal pain or swelling in children ...
Inspection · Palpation · Cremasteric reflex ... coverings include the infundibuliform fascia, cremaster muscle, and intercrural fascia.
#35. Chapter XIII.11 Acute Scrotum - Case Based Pediatrics Chapter
The cremasteric reflex is absent on the left. The right hemiscrotum and testicle are normal on exam. The circumcised penis is normal, with no urethral ...
#36. Cremasteric reflex -
The cremasteric reflex is a superficial reflex observed in human males. This reflex is elicited by lightly stroking or poking the superior and medial ...
#37. cremasteric reflex Archives - Emergency Medicine Cases
How sensitive is the presence of cremasteric reflex in ruling out testicular torsion? Are there any set of clinical symptoms and signs or ...
#38. File:Cremasteric reflex.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
English: Depiction of the method for inducing the cremasteric reflex in a human male. Area A (in orange) represents the area of sensory fibers controlled by ...
#39. Retractile Testicle: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and ...
When the cremaster muscle contracts (tightens), it pulls the testicle upward toward the body; this is known as the cremasteric reflex.
#40. Cremaster Reflex - Hi, My Right Testicle Is Was Absolutely
Normally the position of left testes is slightly lower than the right (which is positioned higher). Groin pain can be due to strenuous ...
#41. Dr. Kavoussi publishes study on treatment of men with ...
An underdiagnosed cause of it is what is known as a hyperactive cremaster muscle reflex resulting in testicular retraction causing pain.
#42. The Spermatic Cord - Course - Fascia - Contents
Fig 2 – The cremaster muscle. Note the looping structure. Clinical Relevance: Cremasteric Reflex. The cremasteric reflex can be stimulated by stroking the ...
#43. 6 Reflexes That are Vital to Your Pelvic Health - New Jersey ...
Cremasteric reflex. The cremaster muscle surrounds the spermatic cord (the cord-like structure that contains the testicular blood supply, ...
#44. The cremasteric reflex and its muscle – a ... - Semantic Scholar
The aim was to investigate how the cremasteric reflex and its signaling pathway are described in the current literature and how the ...
#45. Electrophysiologic evaluation of cremasteric reflex in ...
Absent cremasteric reflex (CR) is a well known but not reliable sign of testicular torsion. We hypothesized that CR can also be altered in ...
#46. Pediatric Retractile Testicles - Children's Health
Retractile testicles happen when the cremaster muscle contracts and draws the ... All males have the cremasteric reflex, however, it is more pronounced in ...
#47. cremasteric reflex - Ontology Browser - Rat Genome Database
cremasteric reflex. 'A reflex is elicited by lightly stroking the superior and medial (inner) part of the thigh resulting in a contraction of the cremaster ...
#48. cremasteric reflex在線翻譯- 用法 - 海词词典
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供cremasteric reflex的在線翻譯,cremasteric reflex是什麼意思,cremasteric reflex的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。
#49. Cremasteric reflex - Wikiwand
The cremasteric reflex is a superficial reflex observed in human males.
#50. Cremasteric reflex | Psychology Wiki | Fandom
The cremasteric reflex is a superficial (i.e., close to the skin's surface) reflex observed in human males. This reflex is elicited by lightly stroking the ...
#51. a useful but imperfect sign in testicular torsion. - Harvard ...
The cremasteric reflex: a useful but imperfect sign in testicular torsion. J Pediatr Surg. 2003 Aug; 38(8):1248-9. View in: PubMed. subject areas.
#52. Retractile Testicle(s) - Children's Health Orange County - CHOC
The cremasteric reflex is elicited by lightly stroking the inner part of the thigh. The cremaster muscle contracts in the body which is responsible for pulling ...
#53. Testicular Torsion - SAEM
Several studies have found loss of the cremasteric reflex to be the most accurate sign of testicular torsion. This reflex is elicited by stroking the ...
#54. Straining-cremasteric reflex: identification of a - ProQuest
Straining-cremasteric reflex: identification of a new reflex and its role during increased intra-abdominal pressure. Shafik, Ahmed; Ahmed, Ismail; Sibai, ...
#55. Is the cremasteric reflex an indicator of successful spinal ...
We investigated the use of the cremasteric reflex as an index of the onset of spinal anaesthesia produced by meperidine and hyperbaric bupivacaine, ...
#56. Testicular torsion - Knowledge @ AMBOSS
cremasteric reflex . Imaging with. duplex ultrasound. of the. scrotum. may be required if the. clinical diagnosis. is in doubt.
CREMASTERIC REFLEX [1 record] ... Ipsilateral contraction of the cremaster muscle with resulting elevation of the testis, induced by scratching or stroking ...
#58. Cremasteric reflex - The Free Dictionary
4. Reflexed. n. 1. a. Physiology An involuntary response to a stimulus. b. reflexes A person's ability to respond to new or changing stimuli: ...
#59. Cremasteric reflex synonyms, cremasteric reflex antonyms
Synonyms for cremasteric reflex in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for cremasteric reflex. 26 synonyms for reflex: automatic, spontaneous, instinctive, involuntary ...
#60. Cremasteric reflex definition & cremasteric reflex test - Health ...
Cremasteric reflex is a superficial reflex found in human males that is elicited when the inner part of the thigh is stroked in a downward direction.
#61. Testicular Torsion | NEJM
The left testicle was tender on palpation and elevated as compared with the right testicle, and the cremasteric reflex on the left side was ...
#62. Evaluation and Management of Chronic Scrotal and Testicular ...
Some men who have a hyperactive cremasteric reflex have a tremendous response to this procedure, so it is a good idea to elicit the ...
#63. Cremasteric Reflex - - Trip Database
Evidence-based answers for health professionals | Searching sources such as systematic reviews, clinical guidelines and RCTs.
#64. Pattern of Reflex Evolution during Spinal Shock - :: KJNT ...
The evaluated reflexes include delayed plantar response (reflex), bulbocavernosus reflex, cremasteric reflex, Babinski sign, ankle jerk, and ...
#65. A 26-Year-Old Male with a 14-Year History of Left Intermittent ...
... swollen, exquisitely tender testis with the cremasteric reflex often absent and may also be aided by the use of Doppler ultrasound.
#66. Orchiopexy |
Cremasteric reflex — A reflex in which the cremaster muscle, which covers the testes and the spermatic cord, pulls the testicles back into the scrotum.
#67. Code System Concept - PHIN VADS
No other relationships present. Child Concepts. Cremasteric reflex finding (finding) {366513004 , SNOMED-CT }.
#68. Human cremaster muscle and cremasteric reflex - X-MOL
OBJECTIVE Human research on the cremaster muscle (CM), cremasteric reflex (CMR) and genitofemoral nerve (GFN) and reports on their clinical ...
#69. Condition - Cremasteric Reflex -ve. - Cochrane Linked Data ...
Condition - Cremasteric Reflex -ve. JSON-LD. RDF Type:
#70. Testes examination
A retractile testis will remain intrascrotal after being manipulated into the scrotum until the cremasteric reflex is stimulated, whereas an UDT ...
#71. 運動系統
(2) 提睪肌反射(cremasteric reflex):由腰椎第1,2節神經支配。 請受測者平躺,大腿略為外翻。以棉籤經劃於大腿內側(如箭頭),觀察陰囊是否有向上提起之反射。
#72. A Retrospective Review of Pediatric Patients With Epididymitis ...
An absent cremasteric reflex was the most sensitive physical finding for diagnosing testicular torsion. Color Doppler ultrasound is a useful ...
#73. Professional Guide to Assessment - 第 496 頁 - Google 圖書結果
++ ++ - Bracheoradialis reflex Record the patient's deep tendon reflex ( DTR ) ... The cremasteric reflex is tested in men by using an applicator stick to ...
#74. Electrophysiological Evaluation of Cremasteric Reflex in ...
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart, New York · Masson Editeur Paris. Electrophysiological Evaluation of Cremasteric Reflex in Experimental Testicular Torsion.
#75. Superficial and deep reflexes in spinal cord injuries - Neurology
The superficial abdominal and cremasteric as well as the deep reflexes, that is, the muscle-stretch reflexes of the ab- dominal wall - iliac, costal, pubic and ...
#76. Cremasteric Reflex The cremasteric reflex is elicited - GrepMed
Cremasteric Reflex The cremasteric reflex is elicited by stroking the inner part of the thigh, causing the cremaster muscle to contract and ...
#77. Retractile testicle | Pediatric urology - Children's Hospital of ...
Some of the things that bring on the cremasteric reflex are cold, fear or if the inside of the thigh is touched lightly. This reflex may be more apparent in ...
#78. What's the next step for a patient with testicular pain?
Physical examination shows an erythematous, swollen right scrotum with significant tenderness to palpation on that side. Cremasteric reflex is ...
#79. The sensitivity of the cremasteric reflex in ruling out testicular ...
The sensitivity of the cremasteric reflex in ruling out testicular torsion. Report By: Mohammad Aldeeb - Medical resident R4 ...
#80. Correlation between clinical neurological data and ... - Nature
of bladder neck and sphincter and the anal bulbocavernosus reflexes. Higher lesions ... with a SCL T9 had a cremasteric reflex present at only one side.
#81. cremasteric reflex - 中文意思| 提睾反射英文怎麽說 - 學術論文修改
cremasteric reflex 提睾反射,是什麽意思,英文怎麽說,中文意思,診斷學名詞-詞匯翻譯,美國LetPub 論文編輯.
#82. The BAL-Score Almost Perfectly Predicts Testicular Torsion in ...
Children with TT suffered most often from short duration of pain, nausea and vomiting, high riding testicle and absent cremasteric reflex.
#83. Suspected testicular torsion in children: diagnostic dilemma ...
High-yield clinical findings include transverse testicular position, absent or diminished cremasteric reflex, and high-riding testis.
#84. Kremasterreflex - DocCheck Flexikon
Als Kremasterreflex wird die Kontraktion des Musculus cremaster durch Bestreichung der ... Synonyme: CR, Hodenheber-Reflex Englisch: cremasteric reflex ...
#85. Clinical Features of Acute Scrotum in Children - Clinical and ...
All testicular torsion showed no cremasteric reflexes. ... and physical examination such as cremasteric reflex are useful for diagnosis.
#86. Testicular Torsion | Emergency Care Institute - Agency for ...
Clinical Examination · Absence of cremasteric reflex. The cremasteric reflex is illicited by stroking/pinching the medial aspect of the thigh, ...
#87. Dermatome variations in patients with transitional vertebrae
The cremasteric reflex is a further means by which the position of lumbosacral dermatomes can be described. Its receptive field in the dermatomes Ll, L2, ...
#88. Testicular torsion and weather conditions: analysis of ... - SciELO
PURPOSE: The hypothesis of association between testicular torsion and hyperactive cremasteric reflex, worsened by cold weather, has not been proved.
#89. Note on the cremasteric reflex in sciatica / by GA Gibson.
Note on the cremasteric reflex in sciatica / by G. A. Gibson. ... Gibson, George Alexander, 1854-1913. Date: 1901. Books.
#90. Assessment | Diagnosis | Scrotal pain and swelling | CKS | NICE
The cremasteric reflex is almost always absent. The testis is often elevated in the scrotum, and may have a transverse lie. Neonatal cases of testicular ...
#91. On examination - cremasteric reflex (finding) - SNOMED CT ...
Name: On examination - cremasteric reflex (finding) See more descriptions. ... ICD-10 Codes: No Cross-Mapping. ... This tool allows you to search SNOMED CT and is ...
#92. SNOMED CT - Cremasteric reflex negative - Classes - NCBO ...
Preferred Name. Cremasteric reflex negative. Synonyms. Cremasteric reflex negative (finding). ID.
#93. Latest News, Videos and Photos of Cremasteric reflex
Cremasteric reflex News: Latest and Breaking News on Cremasteric reflex. Explore Cremasteric reflex profile at Times of India for photos, videos and latest ...
#94. cremasteric Reflex CR - Deutsch-Italienisch Übersetzung
Übersetzung Deutsch-Italienisch für cremasteric Reflex CR im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion.
#95. Non-Traumatic Scrotal/Testicular Pain Clinical Pathway
Normal lie of testicle; Cremasteric reflex present; Mild pain; No nausea /vomiting; No abdominal pain (Pre-pubertal patient).
#96. AccessMedicine's Case of the Week: Emergency Medicine
B - The presence of a cremasteric reflex effectively rules out testicular torsion. C - The normal lay of the testicle in the scrotum ...
#97. Picard's FOANed Skills - Testicular Emergencies - Injectable ...
The cremasteric reflex is a contraction of the cremaster muscle, in response to the stroking of the thigh, which results in retraction of the ...
#98. Cremasteric reflex- clinical significance -
Cremasteric reflex - clinical significance ... Upper inner part of the thigh is stroked in a downward and inward direction with a blunt point, in the supine ...
#99. What is cremasteric reflex? - Movie Cultists
The cremasteric reflex is a superficial reflex found in human males that is elicited when the inner part of the thigh is stroked.
cremasteric reflex 在 Cremasteric reflex - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Test for the cremaster reflex. Used in patients with suspected cauda equina syndrome, in multiple sclerosis, testicular torsion, ... ... <看更多>