Setting a positive tone for the rest of my day...🙌💪 I'm ready to go to work now, arghh...
When I get up early, there is no rushing through everything. I like making my own bed, coz I like being organized. I try my best to engage in a #relaxing yoga or exercise routine before work, coz that makes feel accomplished.
( #MorningRoutines #MorningRituals #MeetYourDailyGoal #5minutesPlanking #KeepingThatStreak )
I actually did a 6minutePlanking this morning 💪🙌!
#Determination #NoLameExcuse #Patience #Practice #focus #yoga #MovingMeditation #absOfSteel #coreWork #FindingMyBalance #healthylifestyle #NeverStopTrying
#IamNotAQuitter #nofilter #NoBeautyCam #NoMakeUp #StretchMarks #HardWorkAlwaysPaysOff #沒有最好只有更好 #fitover50 @ Hong Kong