Swipe Left ⬅️to see my transformation over the years 📊from 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 (after started working out) - 2010 (before starting to work out)
The point is, everyone wants to know the secret to revealing the six packs hiding underneath the layer of fats. First is, there's no shortcut sadly but I have some tips for you guys that I can share which enable me to achieve my goals in what I pursue for
1) You must have BELIEF in yourself that you can get there (begin with the end in mind)
2) Have a partner (the right one), if you don't know how (hiring the right trainer helps) because professionals know how to guide you according to your body needs (posture problems) & achieve your wants (six pack goals)
3) Right plan of execution (setting SMART goals)
S - Specific (I want 6 packs)
M - Measurable (Body Fat % Below 10%)
A - Action Plan (Train Core 3x Weekly)
R - Realistic (Lose 2lbs Fat / Month)
T - Time-Bound (90 days)
#HansYung #sixpack #MHCoverGuy17 #NextManUp