#defendingjacob 8集 自從兒子Jacob被指控謀殺後,這个家庭起了重大變化...
#downtownabbey 已經喜歡 #michelledockery
michelledockery 在 Grace Lam HK Facebook 的最佳解答
Date nite movie nite at @lunaPalaceCinemas in Perth last nite. This old skool style cinema in Leederville reminds me of my London days going to the old Gate cinema in Nottinghill Gate drinking 🥂🍺 watching good films (smoking was allowed back in those days 🚬)
It was a toss up btw @theGentlemen & @jojoRabbitMovie but we went w @guyRitchie instead. 1.5 hrs of pure joy, entertainment, exciting plots & twists & whenever #ColinFarell appeared he had me in stitches.
Major cast! For me the most outstanding performances came from #HugeGrant & #DowntonAbbey Lady Mary @michelleDockery love watching them doing the whole ‘Del boy’ wheeling n dealing & the cockney accent 👏🏻😆
I dont know why ppl make such a fuss abt ‘One Upon A Time In Hollywood’ as I thot it was only above average. I much prefer ‘The Gentlemen’ as its more clever & less contrived. I bet @margotRobbie wished she had the same break thru role as Lady Mary. #GuyRitchie elevated Michelle’s creditability to another level which #QuatinTarantino did nothing for Margot...what a boring role & stereotypical pretty woman 🙄
I cant tell u how wicked ‘The Gentlemen’ is. Like me, if ur a Londoner ...u wud totally get it & enjoy it! Must Watch! 🇬🇧👏🏻🙌🏻
Partner in crime
#TheGentlemenMovie @ Perth, Western Australia
michelledockery 在 半瓶醋 Facebook 的最佳貼文
(The Gentlemen,2020)
導演蓋瑞奇(Guy Ritchie),當年展露頭角的【兩根槍管】(Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels,1998)、【偷拐搶騙】(Snatch,2000),正是以多組三教九流的人物互相暗算較勁的多線敘事,以及令人耳目一新的英式黑幽默驚艷四座。然而,今年來娛樂電影市場似乎更看重他犀利的畫面設計與慢動作等視覺風格,因而有了【福爾摩斯】(Sherlock Holmes,2009)、【紳士密令】(The Man from U.N.C.L.E.,2015)與【亞瑟:王者之劍】(King Arthur: Legend of the Sword,2017)等品質參差不齊的大製作。如今【紳士追殺令】又重回那荒唐的英國街頭,可說是重拾蓋瑞奇的拿手老本行!
電影從私家偵探休葛蘭(Hugh Grant)對米奇的副手查理漢納(Charlie Hunnam)進行勒索,同時揭露大麻帝國交易的前因後果。不得不說前半個小時複雜的閃回片段以及用對白來交代的龐大資訊,很容易讓不熟悉蓋瑞奇的觀眾摸不著頭緒;然而隨著劇情逐漸明朗,你開始漸漸知道哪些人不是好惹的,那些事是不能搞砸的。這時,當你看到科林法洛(Colin Farrell)的弟子白目地跑到馬修麥康納(Matthew McConaughey)的地盤搗蛋,或是街頭小流氓不識好歹地挑釁查理漢納,便能逗得觀眾又驚嚇又好笑。
某些橋段的表演的強度與震撼感,甚至不下於【黑色追緝令】(Pulp Fiction,1994)中,山謬傑克森(Samuel L. Jackson)怒頌聖經的橋段。(相較之下,查理漢納則是靠導演在營造他冷面殺手的隱微的威懾力)
#宥影評 #GuyRitchie #MatthewMcConaughey #CharlieHunnam #JeremyStrong #HenryGolding #MichelleDockery #EddieMarsan
michelledockery 在 蜜雪兒·道克利- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 的相關結果
蜜雪兒·蘇珊娜·道克利(英語:Michelle Suzanne Dockery,1981年12月15日-)是一位英國女演員。她因演出英國熱門電視劇《唐頓莊園》中的女角-瑪麗·考利(Lady Mary ... ... <看更多>
michelledockery 在 Michelle Dockery - IMDb 的相關結果
Michelle Dockery, Actress: Downton Abbey. Michelle Suzanne Dockery (born 15 December 1981) is an English actress and singer. She is best known for her role ... ... <看更多>
michelledockery 在 Michelle Dockery - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Michelle Suzanne Dockery (born 15 December 1981) is an English television and film actress. · Dockery made her professional stage debut in His Dark Materials in ... ... <看更多>