TLDR: 西瓜共蟹,唔識莫買。呢篇真係極長。但你要搵人鬧嘅,好簡單,Bartomeu就係屌靶。條友完全唔識足球,亦唔識足球嘅生意。自己唔識都算,又唔知人善任。全歐洲都知佢係水魚,玩到佢謝。尼馬嗰2.2億歐羅,最後去咗邊?另外,買親人都畀貴價,簽親都水貨,人工又畀得高,唔死就奇。但話說回頭,邊個選佢上去架呢?聽講巴塞唔係老細足球油王波喎,咩人選佢上去?最後,美斯份糧亦有一定嘅角色,當然佢係落場征戰嗰個,貪錢嗰個好似係佢老豆,冇乜人會怪佢。同場加映 多蒙特同彭美拉斯點樣玩到Bartomeu謝,笑死無命賠。
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1. 真係英雄所見樂瞳,我諗到呢個題,然後原文Simon Kuper最後亦都係用羅馬帝國比喻巴塞。記住,你覺得篇文垃圾覺得我唔識波嘅,請你去鬧Simon Kuper,「不過鬧之前睇下人地咩料子先」。內容主要都係取材自篇文,當然有啲我個人想法,我盡量分開。一係你睇原文咯,唔使錢的(https://bit.ly/3fI5AVE),但你又唔想英文或唔鍾意睇字嘅,咁咪只能聽我講,你自己選擇的。
2. 篇文其實嚟自Simon Kuper本新書,幾日後出(https://bit.ly/3iwl9kN)。唔記得佢係咪特別捧巴塞,但之前見佢都寫唔少巴塞或美斯文,訪問好多人,絶對有資格講。佢本書原本係寫巴塞成功史,點知寫寫下已經見到巴塞盛極轉衰,佢篇文寫嗰時都未知美斯走,但已經預言好大機會。
3. 上篇文比較technical(https://bit.ly/37Hxr3T),而且只係講一單球員交換,講巴塞大鑊到要搞埋啲咁嘅怪雞嘢,但冇解到巴塞點搞到咁,不過個故事太過過癮。今篇我保證,易明好多。真係你打football manger都知係乜事
4. 好似講歷史咁,遠因,近因,導火線。巴塞搞到咁大鑊,導火線當然係疫情,同埋西甲嘅salary cap,巴塞要瘦身。但差不多間間球會都受影響,點解唯獨佢地咁大鑊?
5. 巴塞財政問題,你可以睇Twitter @Swissramble,7月尾已經講巴塞好大鑊,唔係事後孔明.但講真佢啲嘢真係純金融,唔易入口。所以你可以睇我呢篇文講。
6. 近因係巴塞財政狀況近幾年都差,年年都只係勉強頂住,但一個疫情打落嚟咪出事。有幾差?普通人都睇得明:巴塞係全世界收入最高嘅足球會,疫情前唯一一間一年收入過10億美金嘅球會(不過,都係少過一間維他奶!)。但欠落嘅債,去到14億美金。冇錯,長命債可以慢慢還,但大鑊在啲債好多都係短債,好快要找數。咁明晒啦?
7. 你想賣人?嘿,成班老嘢,邊有人買?況且,人人知你莫財,點會唔壓你價?就算其他人真係咁好心,亦都有心無力,其他球會都係十分水緊。好可能De Jong,Ansu Fati或Pedri之類都只能平賣。冇錢就係咁架啦(題外話:所以叫你唔好借錢買股票)
8. 之但係,呢啲都係近因。巴塞點解搞到負債咁多?同埋點解年年蝕錢(收入高都可以蝕錢)?就係遠因。
9. 巴塞嘅收入,疫情前一路係全球頭兩三位。固然疫情下打擊大,仲有啲贊助商又縮數,但照計唔應該咁快出事。咁收入冇問題,就梗係開支出事啦。於是你普通人都估到,球會可以有乜開支?咪就係買人出事,同埋人工出事。
10. 香港文化興搵禍首,我都明。咁今次畀定個屌靶你,肯定係前任會長Bartomeu,佢就係亡國之君。去到現任Laporta時肯定返魂乏術了。今年3月先接手,可以做乜?
11. 陣間會慢慢鬧Bartomeu,但此人根本完全外行,唔識足球,亦都唔識足球嘅生意,絶對係一條水魚,畀人玩到佢謝。自己唔識都算,但佢又唔知人善任。
12. 但,巴塞唔係老細足球嘛,唔係油王大陸錢,喂,會員制架喎。咁所以,第二屌咪屌啲球迷咯。唔係你同我(除非你係有份投票嘅),我地呢啲電視機球迷反而最聖潔。喂,Bartomeu係你班友選上台架嘛,咁唔係啲選民負責返?原本佢只係過渡角色,但2015年(記住呢個日子)6月巴塞在柏林對祖雲達斯,10年內第5次拎歐聯後,佢就大票數再當選。呢次亦係巴塞暫時最後一次拎歐聯。
13. 當然仲有,美斯。或者應該話美斯份糧,可能係美斯老豆。美斯有幾好波已經唔使討論,佢在賽場上絶對冇欠巴塞半分。巴塞近年戰績可能未如球迷預期,但絶對唔係巴塞財困嘅原因,畢竟巴塞唔係搞到冇歐聯踢嗰種情況。不過,美斯份糧,同埋佢對球會轉會嘅參與,似乎亦同巴塞財困有一定關係。
14. 關於美斯,我仲想講多兩句。Simon Kuper寫過好多美斯嘅文,場上固然唔使討論,足球場外美斯並唔係一個特別鍾意權力嘅人,特別麻煩嘅人,甚至唔係一個特別貪錢嘅人(佢老豆就可能係)。美斯要嘅嘢好簡單:佢要勝利,佢要一隊戰無不勝嘅夢幻隊,就係咁簡單。「其他嘢你地幫我搞掂佢」。球員冇理由要理埋球會財政嘅嘢,關我春事。但美斯份糧,弔詭地就搞到巴塞搵唔到美斯想要嘅球員。況且球員亦都知道美斯呼風喚雨,權力好大,佢撐你,高層唔敢唔加人工。邉個高層夠膽同美斯作對?美斯唔係一個權力慾好大嘅人,但佢知自己有影響力(以上都係作者啲文講,你可以去質疑)
15. 我目測香港巴塞球迷遠多過皇馬。但唔好忘記,在美斯嚟之前,巴塞戰績並唔係一間咁「神」嘅球會。固然巴塞more than a club,你亦可以話係中央馬德里打壓,由佛朗哥之類講起。但客觀事實係巴塞在美斯之前,只係拎過一次歐聯冠軍(當然05-06嗰次都唔多關佢事),美斯同拉馬西亞嘅黃金一代,就改變咗巴塞。但,之後呢?
16. 既然巴塞場上表現唔係導致財困嘅原因,咁所以亦唔使鬧朗奴高文之類,歷任主帥都唔關事。球場上嘅得失冇搞到巴塞陷入困境,至於咩轉會簽人,唔係主師話到事嘅。頂多係體育總監,但實際上係Bartomeu,或者其他高層,或者美斯。朗奴高文之類,會務上冇乜say
17. 頭先講過,巴塞2015年拎歐聯後,Bartomeu就大熱再當選。所以就由2015年講起。
18. 正如頭先提到,2015年,巴塞如日中天,10年拎咗5次歐聯。多得拉馬西亞黃金一代,當時巴塞財政情況極好,冇人會相信巴塞有一日會冇錢,當時巴塞要乜人有乜人。但就係呢度開始出事。
19. 巴塞嘅轉會,向來都亂嚟。董事局好多人都有唔同意見,至於教波嗰個往往係唔會知嘅。唔好忘記,仲有體育總監要講嘢,仲有……美斯。
20. 但,始終罪魁都係Bartomeu。好簡單,因為呢條友係真係唔識的!但你地選佢上台嘛。原本佢嘅體育總監係蘇比沙列特(Zubizarreta),巴塞名宿,幫佢簽咗尼馬同蘇亞雷斯,聞風喪膽嘅MSN組合。但2015年Bartomeu就炒咗蘇比沙列特,6年換咗5個體育總監。自己唔識唔緊要,但你搵件識嘅好冇?
21. 事後睇,2017年,就係巴塞惡夢嘅開始,但當時你都唔會估到。發生咩事?尼馬走咗。呢個未必係巴塞或者Bartomeu任何人嘅問題。況且PSG畀咗破紀錄嘅2.2億歐羅轉會費嘛。當時點睇都係PSG先係水魚,對不?巴塞拎住2.2億歐,可以買好多人
22. 但,就係Bartomeu將呢舊錢亂咁用。有好多好好笑嘅故事,但,總之好快,全歐洲就知呢條友好多錢洗,又要好快咁用咗佢,亦知道呢條友乜都唔識。真係千載難逢嘅一條水魚,唔昆你對唔住自己球迷。
23. 當其時嘅巴塞,在轉會市場上呼風喚雨,仲要有錢在手,冇乜球員或經理人會say no,未必單單都成,但所有人都會同你傾。2017年尼馬走後,巴塞原本有機會平價買到麥巴比同夏蘭特,但Bartomeu唔要。不過我覺得呢啲不能怪佢,總有走漏眼,況且其他人都有異議,唔係話個個都話要簽但Bartomeu一票阻止。
24. 咁買唔到最好嘅,冇咁好都OK啦,畢竟2.2億歐真係好多錢(雖然PSG都係分期)。問題係,巴塞結果去買嘅,係多蒙特嘅丹比利Ousmane Dembélé。應該冇乜人反對係水貨啦?仲要係用咗1.5億歐羅。
25. 而成件事係好Q好笑的,好似拍賣會咁,明明另一高層同Bartomeu之前一早講明,我地底線只會畀8000萬歐買丹比利。入蒙地卡羅酒店房(同多蒙特傾)前仲夾好,多過呢個價我地就拍枱起身走。結果入到去,多蒙特嘅德國佬,就話冇時間傾,趕住坐飛機,唔會同你講價,1.5億,要就要唔要就拉倒。但結果?Bartomeu都係話好!咁佢係大佬嘛,另外件高層當然冇聲出。因為Bartomeu要同球迷交代,況且佢根本唔識。事後佢仲話丹比利好波過尼馬。
26. 然後大家都知,之後巴塞亦都用咗1.6歐去買古天奴,利物浦合埋眼都識笑,居然有啲咁嘅水魚。錦上添花當然係後來借埋古天奴畀拜仁,然後拜仁歐聯大炒巴塞古天奴仲要梅開二度。我懷疑路明尼加漢尼斯一定有Whatsapp利物浦啲高層齊齊恥笑Bartomeu。至此,尼馬嘅錢已經嘔突,而丹比利同古天奴,在巴塞嘅表現,大家有目共睹。
27. 當然,某程度上巴塞係慣咗做水魚的。背後未必係佢地特別笨(Bartomeu就應該係),亦因為佢地嘅文化係「我要嘅嘢就要得到」,反正選會長個個都係拍心水「我要簽邊個邊個」,有問題留畀下手,球迷係唔會理咩財政狀況,話知你下季畀個警務署長我做,今季我就要捧盃。你搵件「理性撚」去選,同人講「我為巴塞長遠著想,我唔會簽人,因為我地再咁搞呢,5年後會爆煲,大家要接受我地未來幾年都唔會有盃捧」,我保撚證你唔使選。球迷就係咁,呢啲就係「民粹」。
28. 又例如,de Jong應該唔算水貨,但巴塞畀7500萬歐。個問題唔係你同我覺得值唔值,最好笑係阿積士都覺得唔值,原本係出面開價3000-4000萬,但有人畀錢要志在必得獨家買斷,唔通唔要咩。
29. 巴塞嘅文化,痴心情長劍,非君不娶。我唔會要一個「de Jong咁類型但平一半」,我就要de Jong本人,幾多錢都要。聽落好型,但你咁拎去做生意,就死得。對家一定當你水魚咁劏。公平地講,似乎呢個唔係Bartomeu年代獨有嘅事。
30. 至於美斯嗰部份,都講過下,佢份人工實在極高。當然我無意批評美斯,波一定係好到不得了,無可取代(否則巴塞就塞走佢啦),咁你可以話「全世界最好波嘅球員要加人工有乜問題?」(同意),況且,亦有話係佢老豆嘅主意,佢自己只係專心踢波,呢啲真相冇乜人會知。但反正文入面都引述巴塞高層講,美斯都唔係一個問題,最大問題係佢加,其他人又會要加,而大家都知美斯出名鍾意幫朋友,Other people’s money,有錢齊齊搵。
31. 當然美斯對外一直都聲稱自己只係專心踢波,但文中又引述巴塞高層講,美斯都成日背後發功。邊個先真,我都唔知。但話說2019年,尼馬同美斯講話想離開PSG,美斯應該係有大力要求巴塞去買。但巴塞真係冇錢,而且覺得唔值(即係,冇錢),PSG開價2億歐喎。結果真係不停做大龍鳳,扮到好似想買,其實只係安撫美斯,「我地盡晒力啦」。但似乎美斯冇咁好呃。最後大家都知,巴塞買咗基沙文,又係1.2億歐,美斯似乎唔多高興。當然美斯係專業嘅,冇因為咁就hea踢,但文入面話佢完全不能原諒Bartomeu。美斯並唔係一個特別鍾意權力嘅人,佢鍾意人地幫佢搞掂晒,「但我話想要邊個嚟你就幫我搞掂佢」,而由始到終佢都係想要尼馬(所以,我估佢真係一定去PSG)。至於基沙文,嚟到巴塞當然亦係唔係嗰回事,更重要係。呢1.2億歐,仲要壯大埋馬體會,反咬返巴塞。「益利物浦多蒙特都算啦,唔好益自己西甲對手嘛」
32. 事情發展到呢度,巴塞已經好似畀白蟻蛀咁,越嚟越吃力。2014-2019年使咗10億歐羅買人(未計賣尼馬嘅收益嘅),多過任何一間球會,但成績明顯唔成正比。
33. 去到2020年頭,蘇亞雷斯受傷,巴塞要搵人,只能夠搵啲平嘢。結果當時體育總監艾比度Abidal搵著北京國安嘅剛果/法國球員Cédric Bakambu。呢單又係一單鬧劇,剛果人收到電話,十分歡喜,卒之唔使在北京睇電視機,就坐飛機去香港,轉機去巴塞。點知嚟到香港開返電話,Abidal先同佢講:唔好意思我地改變主意,你在香港玩得開心啲。我肯定剛果人屌咗佢老母N次。最後剛果人返返北京繼續睇電視機,而家仲在國安(彩蛋:FC過,其實北京有機直航去巴塞,咁點解會去香港?可能剛果人想嚟香港去重慶大廈食咖喱,可能剛果人唔想坐國航,又或者嗰日咁啱冇機。如果係直航件事仲好笑,剛果人去到西班牙人地先同佢講唔好意思)
34. 剛果人鬧劇之後,應該好多人都知巴塞最後簽咗乜水。丹麥人Martin Braithwaite。此人應該都算係水貨啦?呢條友米杜士堡都未踢得掂,居然去咗踢巴塞,好似話在個介紹新球員環節,條友的波晒球技都出晒醜,波都控唔到。「可能太緊張」。文入面都有講,當年連尼加同曉士(Mark Hughes)去巴塞,話有個介紹會,曉士有啲緊張,連尼加同佢,驚春咩,最多咪一百十人嚟! —點知去到魯營有6萬人睇佢!連尼加幫曉士開脫,話巴塞嘅壓力,唔係人人受得住。
35. 當然,Bartomeu年代嘅轉會,沒有最好笑,只有更好笑。另外有個叫Matheus Fernandes(我聽都冇聽過)嘅球員,亦係同時簽落。係由巴西彭美斯拉買嘅,仲要只係預備組,我以為係隱世球王拿度尼添。固然只係1000萬歐,散紙,但完全唔知係乜事!呢條友甚至冇一個正式介紹會。最後借咗去華拉度列,出咗幾場,返返巴塞出咗十幾分鐘,就踢咗佢返巴西。
36. 當然只係好少錢,但畀你見到巴塞啲轉會係如何亂嚟。連彭美拉斯個體育總監都覺得神奇,「啲人話我發神經呀,叫艾比度嚟買個踢彭美拉斯預備組都冇乜點有得上場嘅小朋友,點知真係有人買喎」。果然水魚唔怕多。大家可以諗下,美斯見到Braithwaite同Fernandes,有乜感想(彩蛋:Fernandes著咗件19號波衫,因為Covid—19,冇人肯著,成件事真係19得很)
37. 然後,就發生咗上篇文講,同祖雲達斯交換球員嘅事件。美路去祖雲達斯,巴塞簽比真歷。巴塞當時已經好唔掂,但急需要一筆「盈利」。上篇文都冇講,因為再搞唔掂,就要Bartomeu自己上身,咁佢當然諗呢啲方法。但啲蘇洲屎就留下之後嘅人解決了。
38. 已經打咗5000字,都只係講咗巴塞轉會如何操作。買貴人嘅後果好嚴重,你賣固然蝕錢,但你唔賣一樣每年同你「折舊」,例如比真歷之類,當然cash唔使點比(同祖雲達斯offset咗嘛),但profit -wise每年都仲要拖低條數。
39. 寫得太長,但以上都只係講轉會。唔好忘記,巴塞除咗轉會出手豪,人工亦出得高,美斯份糧亦係一個問題。本來就收入多開支多冇問題,但以wage as a percentage of income,巴塞都係離晒罩嘅(comment會貼圖)
40. 固然Bartomeu任內,都簽咗Pedri返嚟,好好嘅收購,不過真係十件水貨先扑中一件掂嘅。你話拉馬西亞完全斷層,亦唔係,Ansu Fati亦都擔到大旗。但,真係遠水不能夠近火,都講過巴塞嘅問題唔係場上,係財政。你Ansu Fati踢得再好又點?巴塞似乎只能係賣走呢啲好球員,而疫情下,對家都冇乜錢,況且人人知你莫財,當然再壓你價。
41. 爆煲?就唔似會嘅,但,照計賣走啲主力不能避免,點都要幾年調整下。
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What is a real estate bank and how to implement it to invest profitably?
December 21, 2020
Phnom Penh: What is Land Bank for sure? And what kind of investment methods should be available to make a profit? And be successful, have free cash and be able to retire for 15 years.
Nget Chou, an economist and real estate analyst, said that US real estate investors John Jacob Astor and Songsakdi used the "Land Banking" strategy. In the long run, focusing on high potential land in the suburbs has succeeded in becoming a billionaire real estate billionaire.
"Cambodia is also a country with a lot of potential in the land sector, so I believe that you, especially the youth, can use this strategy to be able to Retire only 15 years. ”
He gave the example that if you are 25 years old and you save $ 500 per month or $ 6,000 per year to invest in Land with a 20% increase in value per year, 15 years later (when you are 40) you can have about half a million dollars in assets.
Half a million dollars is not much, but you can retire if you know how to live a simple life (that is, spend less) and know Manage those assets to continue to increase revenue or as additional assets.
The above example is just a simple case, obviously if you are a person who is patient, good at saving or using capital sources from the bank and is smart. Very smart to invest in 15 years, you can save millions of dollars through real estate banks.
To achieve the above results, you should implement these 4 steps:
Building skills: You need to learn about investing and how to do land banking from experienced individuals, find out about legal, marketing and other skills. Such as negotiation, etc. In particular, you should have a person with practical experience as a mentor to help orient and advise you.
Second, investment planning: You need to use your long-term time effectively. How much land will you invest in each year? How much land? In what area? How much is the investment capital? Where do you get the capital from? What percentage of your salary is increased each year to increase your investment potential?
Third, wealth accumulation, you begin to study investment options according to the plan. Every year you follow a plan and have some flexibility depending on the actual situation. Then you wait to see the evolution through economic growth and the construction of infrastructure such as roads, water, electricity, housing and factories. Etc. Population growth is starting to pick up, demand for land is getting stronger and prices are going up accordingly.
Fourth, wealth distribution: About 15 years later, you are reaping the rewards of investing in a visionary land bank. You can sell some land to generate monthly income or sell some land to invest in a warehouse or building for rent or investment In the company, the director of the annual dividend to feed the family and enjoy a life of financial freedom.
These investment activities are all contributing to the development of the national economy. Some land that still has the potential to increase in value should continue to be kept as an asset increase.
Mr. Nget Chou stated that the above article is the result of practical implementation, study, research and analysis in the context of the Cambodian market and economy.
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昨日もお話しさせていただいたのですが、3日前に募集を開始した「西野亮廣オンライン講演会 〜マーケティング講座【上級編】〜」に期待が集まっているみたいで、昨日の段階では受講生が850人だったのですが、今朝見たところ、1700名を超えていました。本当にありがとうございます。
[how to survive the entertainment office]
Let me make a status report before entering the chase.
I was able to talk to you yesterday, but I started recruiting 3 days ago, ′′ Ryo Nishino Online Lecture ~ Marketing course [Advanced Edition]~" it seems that there is a lot of expectations for yesterday's stage, and I'm going to have a good time with the students There were 850 people, but I just saw it in the morning, and it was over 1700 people. Thank you so much.
(here ↓)
This lecture is 5300 yen for the enrollment fee, but the online bangabandhu (advance tickets) of the movie ′′ a town ′′ is coming with ′′ 3 pieces ′′ so I'm going to enroll The fee is virtually almost free. About the fees of a fan.
Of course, I don't have any profit to do this lecture, but from me, it's a thousand times more than that, it's a lot of people who have been able to watch a lot of movies that we all made. I'm so happy that I'm so happy that I'm so happy that I'm
What do you need to deliver things?
What do you have to do to collect people?
In this lecture, I would like to talk about the problem that is involved in all services, and the problem that is involved in all services, and the solving of it." it is an advanced version." but it is difficult words and useless. I don't use the side letters, so please rest assured.
So today's chase.
Today we will talk about the theme of ′′ if xin nishino is going to make an entertainment office..."
I'm officially a talent for yoshimoto kogyo, but it's time to go on the stage, and my actual work is about 9 % of Nishino Co Ltd.
It's just that I'm not drumstick with yoshimoto kogyo, but I'm going to have a good time with yoshimoto kogyo, and I'm going to have a good time with the work that I don't have to set up here, but I'm going to do it I'm giving it to you. I'm flexing it.
This is a man who has a rare ′′ Yoshimoto Love ′′ among yoshimoto comedians.
As expected, it's a company that raised me even if I said it, so i feel bad if I don't return it to a few times.
That's why when you can't do it, it's pretty strong to say ′′ no
Pretty strong lol
It's not limited to yoshimoto kogyo, but when you cut the current situation that every entertainment office is in a flat position...... as expected, there are many people who watch ′′ TV ′′ that was the biggest authority, and each one is youtube I have a channel, and I have lost the talent of ′′ I want to be on TV ′′ and ′′ I want a regular program,"
In the case of yoshimoto kogyo in the mouth, the theater was also hit in corona...... by that, ′′ No, it's a lot of people who put down the story on Youtube like jal rather than lowering the story in the theater. I found out that it's good to have a good time?" now I think that the question in everyone's head is ′′ I really need an entertainment office?"
The essence of the internet is ′′ direct purchase so the position of ′′ inside ′′ is going to be weak.
In such a way, each entertainment office has survived, and it is hitting their hands with this, but for example, about yoshimoto kogyo, it was a ′′ Daibutsu business ′′ so far.
There is a akashiya san, and there is downtown, and there is a nine nine nine... Of course, there is no doubt that it is yoshimoto kogyo who gave birth to the talent, but it is also a fact that ′′ I have continued to be born with the talent that I have been born,"
Still, until the net infrastructure is done, it's done.
I didn't have to update my business model for a long time, when I cut my talent schedule, negotiate galaga, and sometimes, in remembrance of the newcomer...
That's really amazing though.
But now, net infrastructure, more to say, video infrastructure and direct charge infrastructure have been set up, so it's no longer an era like ′′ if you don't belong to the office, you can't get out of the world
So," this is crazy!" and now I'm in a hurry, and I'm going to have a good time with each entertainment office digital, but it's about 7 TO 8 years late with the skin feeling.
′′ UI, UX, what is that?"" the online salon is profitable?"
Really, I'm in a hurry to move the needle on the clock that has stopped years ago, so it's the current situation that I'm going to have a good time with the tagaytay snipe.
I know you're working hard, but the knowledge of there is overwhelming, so I'm going to see what's trending, and I'm going to have a good time with a lot of people who are in the middle of the day, and I'm going to have a mass production of
It's a row of ′′ it's not that kind of thing
One, as for yoshimoto kogyo's crowdfunding ′′ Silkhat ′′ in front of the launching, I still have a mouth-to-mouth ′′ it's different here, it's like this other than that I don't really understand the service that yoshimoto is planting.
Salvation is the outside director of the biryani, and I think that the case is cool, but it's just that there's only one body of Mr. Bamboo, so I'm going to go to the middle of the day, and I'm going to have a good time with yoshimoto kogyo Covering the services of the.
Yoshimoto is a really big company.
The net is especially the world of the fittest survival, and how wide it is in real society so far, but if it is not right in the era, it will be destroyer in 1 seconds.
It's not a world where people who have been stopping the needle in the clock for many years can survive and survive.
Now, I think that each entertainment office, which has lost the the in corona, is scrambling to make a new source of income ~"
I know I'm going to get this strange expansion, but I think all kinds of offices will start the ′′ Online Salon ′′
The reason to start is ′′ the online salon seems to be profitable
And when it's my likened, almost 100 % fail.
Because I don't understand the structure of ′′ why the direct charge is completed?"
I don't understand the difference between ′′ cognitive ′′ and ′′ popularity ′′ in an intrinsic part.
Imada-San and higashino-San, last time, Mr. Hua-San and chidori-San said, ′′ that's what I wish I could ask nishino to do without knowledge without throwing the flag But that's what I'm saying, but I really think it is.
But employees never listen.
I'm getting an offer for a lecture for employees from a Japanese famous company, but I've never been asked by yoshimoto kogyo.
I don't like it because I'm going to say it myself, but it's actually a problem, crowdfunding is collecting the most support in Japan, and I'm collecting the most members in Japan at the online salon, and I'm going to have the biggest advertising I'm taking it.
... isn't it better to ask for advice if that kind of guy is in this company and in the distance where he can ask for advice casual?
Isn't it better to ask Naomi Watanabe how to operate her instagram?
Isn't it better to have a youtube study session for kazi and olli nakata?
But I don't do that. Why?
It's ′′ pride
The tag called entertainment office and tv is really strong so far, and the talent was only ′′ the existence of use," so I can't say ′′ let me know,"
There are people who are doing it on the front line of the active crunching. This is not spoiled, is it?
If I am the president of yoshimoto kogyo, I will give you 100 yen to nishino, and I will put all employees of yoshimoto in nanbagurando huā yuè, and I will do a marketing course in nishino. Or handing out nishino's book ′′ Fanfare of the revolution ′′ to all employees.
I think it's a pretty flat opinion from a person with a normal business mind, not a big mouse or tengu.
So, today's chase, ′′ if xin nishino is going to make a entertainment office..." but now, the most era is," the player who leaves the result ′′ Things are not wrong.
There, because all the information is focused. As expected, the person is the most knowledgeable.
On Top of that, if I'm going to make an entertainment office............ I'll bring stocks to the top player.
Rather, I'm going to ask you from the office, and I'm going to have a office stock.
If it is difficult to get stocks, sign up for each business as an adviser fee and pass the percentage of the sales of the office.
If you're on Youtube at yoshimoto kogyo, you'll give a little percentage to kazi and olli nakata as an adviser.
So, kazi and olli nakata are going to elevate yoshimoto kogyo's Youtube, and they are voluntarily going to promote the youtube channel of other yoshimoto comedians.
From now on, I think that the light of ′′ the office that can pass stocks to talent ′′ and ′′ the office that can't give stocks to talent ′′ will be divided greatly.
Today's online salon article, from here, I would like to talk about stepping in further.
Happy birthday!
▼ an article about the latest entertainment business of ryo nishino (1 articles = 2000 to 3000 characters) can be read every morning online salon (almost mail magazine) is here ↓
▼ Instagram version is here ↓
Released on December 25, 2020!
The movie in a town ′′
▼ Buy Online Bangabandhu (with perks) here ↓
▼ here is the screening hall
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percentage profit 在 Herman Yeung Youtube 的最佳貼文
HKDSE Mathematics 數學天書 訂購表格及方法︰ http://goo.gl/forms/NgqVAfMVB9
課程簡介︰ https://youtu.be/Rgm7yUVG9cY
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DSE 數學 Core 天書 E 第2堂 (2小時3分鐘) https://youtu.be/s8Q0j4Ozg_8?list=PLzDe9mOi1K8qapGxN7XDZHxTUm8UTItB0
DSE 數學 Core 天書 E 第3堂 (2小時20分鐘) https://youtu.be/H76uqJU-W_s?list=PLzDe9mOi1K8qapGxN7XDZHxTUm8UTItB0
DSE 數學 Core 天書 E 第4堂 (2小時55分鐘) https://youtu.be/FUxsWlH2i8g?list=PLzDe9mOi1K8qapGxN7XDZHxTUm8UTItB0
Past Paper Demo (太多,無法估計) https://youtu.be/41cdF_BqxME?list=PLzDe9mOi1K8qapGxN7XDZHxTUm8UTItB0
DSE 數學 Core 天書 E 的內容︰
1 -- Percentage, Interest, Taxation 百分率、利息、稅款
2 -- Arithmetic sequence (A.S.) 等差數列
3 -- Geometric sequence (G.S.) 等比數列
4 -- Further Learning 進階學習
HKDSE 數學 Core 各天書 的內容︰ https://www.facebook.com/hy.publishing/photos/a.312736375489291.68655.198063650289898/933817946714461/?type=3&theater
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(中一至中六) 要考的所有課題,
適合任何考 HKDSE 的同學上課 (中四至中六都合適)
(p.s. Herman Yeung 所有天書,中英對照)
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