💥 #StarFab特報 💥 第七期 軟硬整合+AI視覺辨識 開必拓數據 創造國際商機
#開必拓數據 是台灣極少數的軟硬整合AI新創,在電子、紡織、金屬箔、電動車產業皆有佈局,更是去年第三屆 #TAIRA 投資人特別獎得主。
此期我們很榮幸邀請到 #開必拓 孫逢佑 執行長 與我們一同聚焦AI趨勢與應用,並分享其創業心法與市場進入策略!
📌 如何讓AI做到「如人一般」的智慧應用?
📌 開必拓如何運用其軟硬整合優勢?
📌 全球首見的AI鋁箔品檢技術如何幫助企業創造商業價值?
💥#StarFabNewsletter💥 Issue 7
AI Visual Inspection with the Integration of Software and Hardware
to Develop Business Opportunity Worldwide
As the leader in artificial intelligence industry, Kapito.Inc focuses on serving clients in the electronics, textile, smart vehicle, and metallic foil. Also, Kapito won the special prize on the TAIRA Accelerator Program Demo Day in 2020.
In this week’s issue, we were honored to invite Riccardo Sun, CEO of Kapito.Inc, to share his entrepreneurial journey and market entry strategy. Kaptio hopes to cooperate with startups and big companies interested in AI field to explore the global market together in the future.
📌 How does big data enable AI to complete tasks at a human level?
📌 How does Kapito make the integration of hardware and software as its advantage\?
📌 How does Kaptio create commercial value by the world's first AI quality inspection software for electrode aluminum foil?
【StarFab Newsletter】Issue 7:http://user132676.psee.io/3na4cm
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💥 #StarFab特報 💥 第六期 產業優勢+聯盟策略 AI生態系搶攻國際
近期甫完成A輪募資的 InfinitiesSoft 數位無限軟體 透過平台型產品「AI-Stack」協助客戶快速建立AI運算環境去進行AI模型的開發與機器學習訓練,同時更鏈結了許多生態夥伴在AI-Stack Ecosystem中共同堆疊出更多的應用場景與AI解決方案,策略聯盟共創AI產業新機。
此期我們很開心邀請到 第二屆 台灣雲谷雲豹育成計畫 的大學長 #數位無限 陳文裕 總經理 來分享AI產業的全球佈局機會與募資經驗談!
📌 台灣產業在人工智慧應用上面臨的挑戰及產業優勢為何?
📌 如何鏈結大企業並取得商業訂單?
📌 新創如何選擇適合的投資人?
💥 #StarFabNewsletter 💥 Issue 6
Competitive Advantages with Strategic Alliances
to Enter the Global Market in Artificial Intelligence
Just completing an A round of fundraising, InfinitiesSoft helps its clients establish an AI computing environment on AI-Stack to combine their knowledge with machine learning. Also, InfinitiesSoft has enabled many ecosystem partners to stack more tools or AI applications to promote the business development in AI industry through strategic alliances.
In this week’s issue, we will be sharing how InfinitiesSoft Solutions Inc., a firm that was the runner up on Demo Day for the 2014 CIAT Accelerator Program, positions itself in the global market and keeps its competitive edge in the AI industry with Wenyu Chen, General Manager of InfinitiesSoft!
📌 What are the challenges and advantages of the AI application in industries in Taiwan?
📌 How do startups connect with big companies and get orders from them?
📌 How do startups choose the right investors?
【StarFab Newsletter】Issue 6:https://pse.is/3p3sgp
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💥 #StarFab特報 💥 第五期 一窺 Might Electronic 邁特電子 外部創新心法!
邁特電子成立迄今已逾30年,過去大多協助大型客戶進行電子研發及製造,近年成立「邁特創新基地」,與30多間來自12個不同國家的硬體新創公司在 #智慧農業、#智慧移動、#智慧醫療及照護、#智慧工廠 等領域取得深度合作!
此次特派員很榮幸邀請到 #邁特創新基地 的執行長 Ray 與我們分享傳統產業在進行外部創新時的心法與硬體設計新趨勢!
📌 邁特電子如何鏈結新創在市場中取得先機?
📌 在傳統產業導入創新時,如何克服工廠抗拒「改變」的挑戰?
📌 #硬體設計 未來新趨勢為何?
💥 #StarFabNewsletter 💥 Issue 5
For this week's issue, we will be sharing with you how Might Electronic, an EMS firm that has been in operation since 1986, has been collaborating with tech startups to develop new products, and integrate innovation into their operations!
StarFab columnist had the chance to interview Ray Tai, CEO of Mighty Net. In this interview, Ray talks about how the manufacturing industry is innovating through external collaboration.
【StarFab Newsletter】Issue 5:https://user132676.psee.io/3lgrkt
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#StarFab特報 第七期軟硬整合+AI視覺辨識開必拓數據創造國際商機 #開必拓數據是台灣極少數的軟硬整合AI新創,在電子、紡織、金屬箔、電動車產業皆有 ... ... <看更多>
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#StarFab特報 第七期軟硬整合+AI視覺辨識開必拓數據創造國際商機 #開必拓數據是台灣極少數的軟硬整合AI新創,在電子、紡織、金屬箔、電動車產業皆有 ... ... <看更多>
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【StarFab特報】快速導入智慧監控!谷林運算協助中小企業搭上數位化高速列車| 全台最大新創定向育成加速器| StarFab Accelerator. 數位化風潮近年席捲台灣各產業,許多 ... ... <看更多>