📙New book: The Trend of Snuff Bottles from the Qing Court
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🍂Current Exhibits
陳列室:北部院區 第一展覽區 303
Snuff: The Trend of Snuff Bottles from the Qing Court
Dates: 2020-07-31~
Gallery: (Northern Branch) Exhibition Area I 303
where to buy
🏛National Palace Museum Store
No.221, Sec. 2, Zhishan Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City
No. 888, Gugong Blvd., Taibao City, Chiayi County(NPM Southern Branch)
National Palace Museum online Shop
Also attached are the recent publications of NPM.
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Smart Travel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,請用片右下角調HD1080高清睇片。 (文:香港科學館) 展期: 2013年11月8日 (星期五) -- 2014年4月9日 (星期三) 地點: 香港科學館地下展覽廳 票價: $20/$14#/$10* 觀眾如同時參觀常設展覽廳,可以優惠價$40/$28#/$20*元購買套票 香港賽馬...
exhibits national gallery 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文
🎨 防疫期間秀才不出門,能知天下事?
沒錯!許多美國國家級畫廊與展覽都推出線上版,讓你就算不出門,在家也能很文藝 🖼
無論你是正處於居家檢疫、自我隔離、在家工作或是很幸運地生活未受太多衝擊,新冠病毒一視同仁地挑戰了每個人的身心抗壓性。 AIT要與粉絲們分享一些有趣的線上虛擬展覽,一起來增強精神免疫力! 快點進推薦連結,享受片刻 「博物館的禪定時光」!
🧡紐約現代藝術博物館: 梵谷「星夜」
🎨 Where to Go When You Have To Stay Home ? Series #1
Online Gallery and Exhibits! 🖼
COVID-19 is challenging everyone’s physical and mental resilience, no matter if you are under quarantine, in self-isolation, working from home, or none of the above. AIT would like to share several fun virtual exhibits with you. Check out one of the listed exhibits for a “museum moment of zen”!
❤️Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY: Your Digital Digest
🧡 Van Gogh's Starry Night at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City
💛J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles: The Getty Iris
💚National Portrait Gallery: Washington, D.C.
💙The National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. Online Gallery
💜Smithsonian American Art Museum: Beyond the Walls
#HealingPowerofArts #StayHomeForAll #MuseumMomentofZen
exhibits national gallery 在 典藏 ARTouch.com Facebook 的精選貼文
【台北當代藝博會進入倒數,典藏ARTouch出品APP #臺灣藝術指南 #TWArtGuide】
今年1月台灣再次迎來國際專業境外藝博團隊打造的台北當代藝博會Taipei Dangdai,同時間還有 ONE ART Taipei、 ART FUTURE 藝術未來 等相關亮點展會發生,典藏ARTouch去年因應台灣藝術產業國際化升級盛會,特別出版介紹台灣藝文環境的中/英文別冊,#2020年我們持續思索更方便攜帶、協助國際藝文專業人士快速掌握台灣藝文環境的 #APP平台,為台灣當代藝術圈與國際藝術社群提供符合數位時代使用需求的線上服務軟體,破除紙本流通性有限的困境,主打手機即可下載,快速掌握台灣文化場館地點、藝博會看點、展覽資訊、藝文旅程、周邊食樂行等資訊推薦。
🔗臺灣藝術指南 TW Art Guide APP下載網址🔗
ios版>> https://apple.co/2QprQaq
Android版>> http://bit.ly/2ZV5Jfh
📍臺灣藝術指南 TW Art Guide APP功能📍
① IOS和Android雙系統
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③ 藝文活動展演資訊,並結合日曆與地圖工具
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💬臺灣藝術指南 TW Art Guide APP 2020年報導內容💬
#台灣藝術史與前輩藝術家 #VR技術與藝術表現 #酷兒與監禁 #性別平權 #鄭宗龍與布拉瑞揚 #社會運動與藝術 #文策院 #民俗與鬼怪 #女性與抽象 #氣候外交與雙年展
#卓納畫廊 #佩斯畫廊 #高古軒畫廊 #豪瑟沃斯
耿畫廊 Tina Keng Gallery 大未來林舍畫廊 LIN & LIN GALLERY 誠品畫廊 Eslite Gallery 尊彩藝術中心 Liang Gallery Each Modern 亞紀畫廊 赤粒藝術 Red Gold Fine Art 谷公館 Michael Ku Gallery Double Square Gallery 双方藝廊 非畫廊 Beyond Gallery 采泥藝術 Chini Gallery Tso Gallery 別古藏藝術空間 亞洲藝術中心 | ASIA ART CENTER Inart Space 加力畫廊 科元藝術中心 也趣藝廊 AKI Gallery
📌臺灣藝術指南 TW Art Guide實體摺頁索取地點📌
臺北市立美術館 Taipei Fine Arts Museum、 國立台灣美術館、 高雄市立美術館、 台北當代藝術館 MOCA Taipei、 MoNTUE北師美術館、 台北國際藝術村 Taipei Artist Village、 空總臺灣當代文化實驗場 C-LAB、 KdMoFA 關渡美術館、 寶藏巖國際藝術村 Treasure Hill Artist Village 、 國家兩廳院 NTCH, Taipei、 臺中國家歌劇院(National Taichung Theater)、 衛武營國家藝術文化中心 National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts - Weiwuying等。
🔸相關臺灣藝術指南 TW Art Guide訊息內容請鎖定>> 典藏 ARTouch.com
臺灣藝術指南 TW Art Guide
【ARTouch Launching New APP #TWArtGuide】
In January, 2020, the second edition of Taipei Dangdai is going to take place in Taipei; meanwhile there are also ONE ART Taipei, ART FUTURE and other art events. ARTouch published the “Taiwan Art To Go” to introduce the ways to understand Taiwan in culture and arts last year. In 2020, we launch the Taiwan Art Guide as the know-it-all platform for the arts to connect international art professionals with local art scenes. Download it now to have expert’s picks on exhibits, performances, lectures, and art fairs, plus latest news on rising art stars just one tap away.
🔗 TW Art Guide APP Download Now🔗
iOS >> https://apple.co/2QprQaq
Android >> http://bit.ly/2ZV5Jfh
📍What you get from TW Art Guide APP📍
① Launching on both iOS and Android
② Mandarin and English content
③ Expert’s picks on exhibits, performances, lectures and art fairs with also calendar and map
④ E-ticket
⑤ Featured topics and News
💬TW Art Guide APP 2020 Featured Topics💬
1.Taiwan 2019 Keywords in the Arts
#Taiwanese Art History and Art Pioneers #The Performance of VR Technology in Art #Queer and Incarceration #Gender Equality #New Performing Arts Landscape #Arts in Action #TAICCA #Folklore and Monsters #Feminism and Abstractionism #From Anthropocene to Climate Diplomacy
2.International Blue Chip Galleries and Their Key to Management
#DavidZwirnerGallery #PaceGallery #GagosianGallery #Hauser&Wirth
3.Gallery-Initiated Publishing and Academic Research
#TinaKengGallery #TKG+#Lin&LinGallery #EsliteGallery #LiangGallery #EachModern #RedGoldFineArt #MichaelKuGallery #DoubleSquareGallery #BeyondGallery #ChiniGallery #TsoGallery #AsiaArtCentre #InartSpace #KeYuanArtCenter #AkiGallery
4.Introduction on Taiwanese collectors, art history, museum and cultural policy.
5.Cultural Sighting.Art Map.Foodie’s Picks
🗣TW Art Guide for Whom?🗣
Art Practitioners Worldwide, Light Art Travelers and Culture Devotees
📌Pick up the TW Art Guide flyer📌
Taipei Fine Arts Museum, National Taiwan Museum of Arts, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, MOCA Taipei, MoNTUE, Taipei Artist Village, C-lab, KdMoFa, Treasure Hill Artist Village, NTCH Taipei, National Taichung Theater, National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts - Weiwuying
More Info on TW Art Guide>>典藏 ARTouch.com
TW Art Guide
Supervisor: Ministry of Culture
Organizer: ARTCO
exhibits national gallery 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最佳解答
展期: 2013年11月8日 (星期五) -- 2014年4月9日 (星期三)
地點: 香港科學館地下展覽廳
票價: $20/$14#/$10*
香港賽馬會呈獻系列 :「巨龍傳奇」展覽
多媒體劇場: 利用大型電腦動畫,帶領觀眾穿越時空返回恐龍時代。
機械動樂園: 透過「為食恐龍」機械恐龍展**,讓觀眾全面認識恐龍的飲食習性。
化石發掘場: 展示恐龍的埋藏狀態,並讓觀眾了解發掘和修復工作的艱辛。
化石展示區: 展出來自十間博物館超過一百件珍貴化石標本和展品,配合運用
要一次過欣賞長達30米、全亞洲最大的恐龍之一炳靈大夏巨龍,栩栩如生的鳥類祖先顧氏小盜龍,奇形怪趣的恐龍蛋,以及小朋友最喜愛的三角龍、暴龍和劍龍嗎?還有最新發現、可能是世界上最大的恐龍 -- 巨型汝陽龍的巨大椎骨化石?那就不要錯過「巨龍傳奇」展覽。參觀時別忘記下載特別為展覽設計的應用程式和携帶你的智能手機或平板電腦,以獲得更多樂趣和資訊。
Throughout the extended history of the Earth, there comes a time when dinosaurs first appeared about 200 million years ago and become the ultimate rulers of the planet for 130 million years. Over long periods of time, the ancient landmass Pangaea split into different continents as a result of plate tectonic movements. Dinosaurs evolved into a whole family of different species in order to adapt to the changing environment, but they ultimately could not escape from extinction and all disappeared about 65 million years ago. Thanks to the efforts of paleontologists, today we can have a glimpse of how dinosaurs survived and reigned from the large number of fossils unearthed. Dinosaur fossils can be found on all continents and more than 1,000 species have been named. Today, China has become one of the countries where most dinosaur species are discovered and many of them are unique.
The Hong Kong Science Museum had organised a number of dinosaur exhibitions and all were well received. The coming "Legends of the Giant Dinosaurs" exhibition would be the largest ever presented in Hong Kong. This exhibition is solely sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. In this exhibition, new technologies and presentation methods will be used to introduce the largest Titanosaurus and the latest studies on dinosaurs. Occupying an area of 2,500 sq. metres, the exhibition is divided into four areas with different themes:
Multimedia Theatre: The large-scale computer animations in this area will bring visitors back to the age of dinosaurs.
Animatronic Dinosaur Zoo: The robotic dinosaurs and interactive exhibits featured in the "Dino Jaws" Exhibition** will allow visitors to learn about the eating behaviours of dinosaurs.
Fossil Excavation Site: Visitors will be able to appreciate the hard work of excavation and repairing of fossils through a reconstructed dinosaurs burial site.
Fossil Gallery: More than a hundred exotic fossils and exhibits from ten museums will be displayed in this area. Together with the interactive games developed with latest technologies, visitors can learn about the latest discoveries in dinosaurs.