Including a lot of the “normal” kid things we do like play with legos, draw, puzzles, read books, etc… here are a couple things we’ve been doing to keep busy and sane at home.
小孩很喜歡假裝煮飯,也很喜歡在廚房玩,所以就真的讓他們 (在你的注意力底下) 跟你們一起下廚玩。我會讓Egan幫忙洗菜、洗水果,然後在旁邊陪我切菜、炒菜,我們也會讓他醃食材,因為鹽巴多一點點少一點點其實沒有太大的關係,所以我會真的讓Egan拿他要的調味料放進去一個大碗裡面,然後他會用手指或是湯匙來攪拌均勻,最後我們會把肉或是海鮮放進去碗裡面讓他去按摩,把他的’’特製醬料’’全部都按摩進去食材裡面。
Cooking 101.
Kids love to play in the kitchen, so I will let Egan wash all of our veggies and fruits while I do the more adult stuff like chopping and frying. We also let him marinate our meats and seafood. Since it is OK if there is a little less or more salt/pepper/spices/oil, we let him actually shake the contents into a big bowl and then mix it up with his fingers or a spoon. And then we put the meat into his mixture (you may need to help a bit) and he can massage the seasoning into our meats.
Note: Make sure to constantly remind them that they can’t touch anything while they’re dealing with raw meats. And definitely no taste testing yet!
煮好放上桌的時候, 也可以大聲的宣布這道菜是小孩一起幫忙做的。他們會很驕傲也會很有成就感。
Bonus: When the food is actually cooked, tell everybody that your toddler is the sous-chef and helped with the cooking. It teaches them about their contributions and small achievements.
Drink coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.
Oh sorry - that’s not something to do with the kids. That’s just for the parents to keep our sanity.
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#EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
#五十步笑百步 英文怎麼說 #打開看全文加強實力
pot 跟 pan 平平都是「鍋」,但pot指「深鍋」,pan指「淺鍋」
今天先介紹跟pot有關的諺語 4 個~
順便搭上最近很夯的 #正義聯盟 四小時導演剪輯版作為例句
對 #syndercut 有興趣的讀者,不要錯過下週的 #編輯聊英文 podcast!
Have you ever noticed that it seems to take forever for water to boil if stand in front of the stove waiting?1⃣This is the source of the expression “a watched pot never boils,” which means that when you want something to happen, paying close attention will make the wait seem much longer. Ex: Don’t just sit there next to the phone waiting for Lisa to call—a watched pot never boils.
不知道你有沒有注意到,煮水的時候你要是一直站在爐火前等,這等待的時間彷彿就像永遠一樣長?這種感覺正好是諺語a watched pot never boils「某事是急不得的」的由來,意思是:當你越希望某件事情能發生,給它越多關注,那件事情就似乎越晚才會發生。如:Don’t just sit there next to the phone waiting for Lisa to call—a watched pot never boils.(不要只是坐在電話旁邊等麗莎打給你──心急吃不了熱豆腐。)
Pots and kettles left on the stove for a long time tend to turn black. So if the pot calls the kettle black, well, the pot is probably black too. 2⃣ So this idiom is used to describe people criticising another person for a fault they have themselves. Ex: Robert accused me of being selfish—talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
要是把鍋跟煮水壺放在爐火上越久,顏色就會變深變黑。所以如果鍋子笑水壺黑,嗯,鍋子自己也是黑的啊。因此,諺語the pot calls the kettle black就是「五十步笑百步」的意思:Robert accused me of being selfish—talk about the pot calling the kettle black!(羅伯罵我自私──拜託,他是五十步笑百步好嗎!)
When you prepare meat to make a stew, you cut it up into tiny pieces and put in the pot. 3⃣ So the phrase “go to pot” came to mean “deteriorate, decline, be ruined.” Ex: Their business went to pot during the recession.
如果你要燉肉,你會把肉切成小塊再放入鍋裡,因此入鍋(go to pot)延伸有「毀壞、衰弱、完蛋」的意思,像是:Their business went to pot during the recession.(經濟蕭條期間,他們的公司也一起完蛋。)
4⃣But not all pots are made for cooking—like chamber pots, for example. You’d have to be pretty poor not to be able to afford a chamber pot, so if someone “doesn’t have a pot to piss in,” it means they’re very poor. Ex: Steve can’t lend you the money—he doesn’t have a pot to piss in.
不過呢,並非所有的鍋子都是用來煮飯的──像便壺(chamber pot)就不是。便壺這種東西,除非你是非常窮,否則不太可能買不起,因此,如果你說某人doesn’t have a pot to piss in(沒有便壺可小便),就是在暗示那個人非常窮困。如:Steve can’t lend you the money—he doesn’t have a pot to piss in.(史提夫不可能借你錢──他自己都窮到快被鬼抓走。)
🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選
he is cooking意思 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳解答
「can」と「be able to」の簡単ルール
英語で「〜をすることができる」と表現しようとした際、“can”と“be able to”のどちらで表現したらよいのか迷った経験がある方は多いのではないでしょうか。今日のコラムでは、現在・過去・未来の3つの状況に分けて、それぞれの用法をご紹介いたします。日常会話でもよく使われる表現なのでマスターしちゃいましょう!
現在の能力を表す場合は「can」と「be able to」両方が使える
Canとbe able toは現時点で何かが出来きる能力を表します。例えば、「自転車に乗れます」は「I can ride a bicycle.」と「I'm able to ride a bicycle.」両方使うことができます。しかし、ネイティブはcanを使う傾向があります。
✔言語を話す能力Speakと、楽器を演奏する能力Playについて話す場合は、canやbe able toを省いて言うことが多い。(例:I can speak English. → I speak English.)
I can (am able to) make macaroons.
He can (is able to) dance. He is actually a really talented dancer.
I (can) play the guitar and the piano.
過去の能力を表す場合は「could」と「was/were able to」両方が使える
「昔〜することができた」と表す場合はcouldとwas/were able to両方とも間違いではありませんが、was/were able toを使う方が一般的です。例えば、「子供の時、英語を話すことが出来た」は「I could speak English when I was a kid.」より「I was able to speak English when I was a kid.」の方が自然な響きがあります。また、Couldは「以前からずっと〜することができた」といったニュアンスが含まれ、1度きりの出来事に対して使うことは出来ません。例えば、「先週、その料理教室に申し込めました」は「I was able to sign up to the cooking class.」になり、ここではcouldを使うことは出来ません。
✔一度きりの出来事でも、例外として、See、Hear、Taste、Smell、Feel、Understand、Remember、Guessの動詞を用いる場合はCouldを使うことが出来る。(was able toでもOK)。例えば、「I could (was able to) understand the speaker's English from the last episode.(前回のスピーカーの英語を理解することが出来ました)」となる。
I could (was able to) dunk the basketball when I was a teenager.
She was able to make an appointment at the popular nail salon.
I could (was able to) see the Super Blood Moon last month.
将来の能力を表す場合は「will be able to」
現在は出来ないが(能力はないが)、将来的には出来るようになる(能力が身に付く)ことを表す場合はwill be able toを使いcanを使うことは出来ません。例えば、今は英語が上手に話せないが「3年後には英語が話せるようになる」と言いたい場合は「I will be able to speak English in three years.」と表現します。
✔将来の話でも決断の意思を示す場合はCanとWill be able to両方使える。例えば、「来週、セミナーに参加できます。」は「I can attend the seminar next week.」と「I will be able to attend the seminar next week.」のどちらでもOK。
I think I'll be able to run a half marathon under 2 hours next year.
You'll be able to write business emails in English at the end of this course.
I can (will be able to) start work next Monday.