好開心參加咗著名蘇格蘭單一麥芽威士忌 The Macallan Edition No.6嘅發佈會,係The Macallan Edition Series 嘅最終回,向位於蘇格蘭斯佩河(River Spey)上嘅根源及四周自然風景致敬之作。好靚嘅藍色酒標,帶橡木及熟透嘅乾梅、香橙、蜜糖及肉桂等味道,餘韻帶果香、朱古力及烤燕麥嘅香味,配上精緻嘅美食,太精彩🐦!唔知你有冇儲齊Editon 1-6呢? #Cheers! 🥳🥃😋
Very glad to attend The Macallan Edition No. 6 launch and it’s the last edition of The Macallan Edition Series, which is inspired by the legendary River Spey & nature. The blue label is so pretty! With toasty, oak, dried apricot, orange, honey & cinnamon notes, it has medium- long finish with chocolate & oatmeal. Pairing with sumptuous decliacies, it’s awesome! Not sure if you have collected all Edition series from No. 1-6! #Cheers! 🥳🥃😋
#whisky #whiskytasting #whiskypairing #themacallan #themacallanhk #macallancreates #editionno6 #macallaneditonseries #ccwhiskyvoyage #詩詩酒樂園 #throwback