#拜登挺台入北約? #誰疑美棄台?
今日凌晨,網路上傳開拜登總統接受美國媒體ABC News主持人George Stephanopoulos專訪時的一段談話,被認為是繼國家安全顧問蘇利文(Jake Sullivan)前一日的發言後,美國政府再度公開對阿富汗撤軍後世界各國包括台灣都逐漸升溫的「#疑美論」(認為美國的安全承諾不可靠)做出回應。
STEPHANOPOULOS: You talked about our adversaries, China and Russia. You already see China telling Taiwan, "See? You can't count on the Americans." (LAUGH)
BIDEN: Sh-- why wouldn't China say that? Look, George, the idea that w-- there's a fundamental difference between-- between Taiwan, South Korea, NATO. We are in a situation where they are in-- entities we've made agreements with based on not a civil war they're having on that island or in South Korea, but on an agreement where they have a unity government that, in fact, is trying to keep bad guys from doin' bad things to them.
We have made-- kept every commitment. We made a sacred commitment to Article Five that if in fact anyone were to invade or take action against our NATO allies, we would respond. Same with Japan, same with South Korea, same with-- Taiwan. It's not even comparable to talk about that.
我們已承——我們信守一切承諾。我們對(《北大西洋公約》(North Atlantic Treaty)的)第五條作出了莊嚴的承諾,如果有人要入侵、或採取行動對抗我們的北約盟友,我們會回應。對日本是如此,對南韓是如此,對——台灣(也)是如此。這根本就無法比較。」
以前連《美日安保條約》是否涉及釣魚台都要吵個幾十年,怎麼可能一句話就說日韓台我通通要守下來?何況美國與中華民國🇹🇼(or台灣)目前並未有正式的軍事同盟或協防條約(MDT),如何與北約對比?(《北大西洋公約》第五條「#集體防衛(collective defence)」條款主張:聯盟中任一成員受攻擊,將被視為對全體成員的侵略事件。)
與台灣網路輿論圈的自嗨、樂觀情緒(#台灣要加入北約了?美國爸爸表態死守台灣!)相反,正因為這個表態太過不尋常與不可能,更違反了美國長期以來堅守的「#戰略模糊」政策立場(”a deviation from a long-held U.S. position of "strategic ambiguity.”)。
第一時間,許多評論就認為這可能是拜登的又一次 #口誤(misspoken),代表人物如美國的中國問題專家 #葛來儀(Bonnie Glaser)就抱持這樣的看法。
果然,該篇專訪登出後不到7個小時,拜登政府的資深官員就對路透社(Reuters)放風透露:「#美國對台政策不變。」(“policy with regard to Taiwan has not changed”)
1⃣️長期關注美台關係議題的「US Taiwan Watch: 美國台灣觀測站」粉專大概是台灣這一波訊息燒開的推播起點與主力,內容尚稱公允詳實,並未特別增添政治觀點,也提醒大家美國依然沒有明確回應如果中共出兵,美國會是如何的回應法。(但美國也不可能明確回應,「戰略模糊」,remember?)
2⃣️民進黨副秘書長林飛帆於凌晨2點多發文(大概是觀測站的粉絲),除了同樣提供原文翻譯及評論,重點在他提到拜登的談話,「與美國國安會顧問蘇利文Jake Sullivan把台灣與以色列並列的談話,都明確破除中共正在台灣大肆操作的「#疑美論」和「#美國棄台論」,值得我們持續關注。」
這件事確實值得關注。然而坦白說,台灣的「疑美論」和「美國棄台論」有多少成分是中共大肆操作,有多少是民間自發討論?大概很難有人可以給出客觀量化的數據。因為在阿富汗撤軍後,世界各國都多少興起了這股 #疑美論風潮,連《紐約時報》與諸多民主黨政治人物都批評拜登,紐時更提醒諸多亞洲國家包括 #台灣要警醒。但台灣面對中共武力威脅與併吞野心,自然又多了這一層複雜的外力因素。
台灣:first time?
再來,拜登總統在提到台灣與南韓前時用的詞是「entities」(實體),這個詞很常用於形容一些不能算是主權國家的團體,美國或世界各地在國際法中討論到中華民國(ROC)或台灣(Taiwan)時很常使用這個詞,如「#政治實體」(political entity)。雖然不知道為何把南韓也放在一起(大概又是直率坦言下的口誤,韓國人知道會很生氣吧?),但重點在後面提到的「他們(台灣&南韓))有個 #統合一致的政府」(”they have a unity government”)。
❚ 小結
就我個人觀察,實在不認為國民黨內疑美、反美是主流立場,至多在個別議題上與美方立場有不同意見,黨的整體與決策層級人士基本上都是親美立場居多,只是他們又要顧及兩岸關係(親美和陸),沒辦法(也不認同)像民進黨那樣採取「#一邊倒」的政策,完全走「抗中保台」路線,親美程度感覺有差。但很大程度上,一些國民黨人也認為這樣的一邊倒政策對台灣人民的安全來說其實 #不夠負責任。
這樣一邊倒不留餘地,甚至可能煽動戰爭風險的路線對台灣是有危險的,「在應競爭的領域競爭,在 #可合作的領域合作,在 #必須對抗的領域對抗」,這是美國國務卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)揭示的對華方針,絕對不是一些人說的什麼美中全面爭霸、準備開戰,台灣要趕快選邊站對邊。
這也是為何近期包括吳釗燮部長、邱義仁秘書長及蔡英文總統,都一再發出 #踩煞車 意味的言論,甚至關心對岸水災,一改對抗姿態的原因。畢竟台海風高浪急,美國也不得不出來重申政策框架的邊界,「拜登政府支持強健的美台非官方關係,#不支持台灣獨立。」(by美國白宮國家安全委員會印太事務協調官坎貝爾Kurt Campbell)
君不見繼資深官員放話路透社之後,#國務院發言人 也跑出來重申台灣關係法、六項保證及一中政策等老調了嗎?歷經幾十年淬鍊實踐的政策框架,是不可能輕易更動的。
要戰略模糊還是戰略清晰?這件事 #本身也是模糊的,端看當下環境美國要如何彈性運用,重點在於能夠有效嚇阻。
台灣內部因為歷史與政治的多重因素,對於自身在國際上的地位有著 #焦慮與不安全感,把美國視為維持生存的唯一救生圈。阿富汗撤軍為何在台灣引起極大熱議,除了媒體的推波助瀾、喚起年長的國人當年美國撤軍斷交的痛苦回憶,很大程度上也是反應當前國人尤其綠營內部或許連他們自己都沒有意識到的 #焦慮與恐懼,想要相信、也逼自己相信美國一定會幫忙防守台灣、台灣非常重要,因此看到美方的誰說了什麼一點話,情緒就受到大幅刺激與波動,不是歡欣鼓舞就是難過得要命,實在大可不必。
如果是真正 #勇敢自信的台灣人,看到今天阿富汗面臨的情況(或說下場),應該是可以 #處變不驚(我們 #中華民國派 喜歡講 #莊敬自強 💪),最應先思考的是如何自立自強、如何提升台灣的籌碼與重要性,來認真檢視各項議題:是否要改革兵役制度、加強台灣的國防戰力,我們的軍事轉型完成了嗎?做對了嗎?我們的兩岸溝通管道暢通嗎?有辦法在周邊出事時保持最基本的聯繫而不誤判嗎?
#國際關係是關乎生與死的學問(”International theory is the theory of survival”— Martin Wight, 1961),需要長期觀察與浸淫才能一窺堂奧。近年來開始有很多專注國際關係的新媒體出現與傳統媒體的投入,這是好事。台灣非常需要了解國際關係,無論是經貿或是更重要的安全層面,更應該隨時保持冷靜思考,不要患得患失、隨媒體或政治人物的誇張言論起舞,因為這關乎我們所有人共同家園的存續,
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made by意思 在 Yilianboy Facebook 的精選貼文
窮小孩也能搭遊輪 學馬術
與其說驚訝 更多的是不捨和難過
我說要把握時間 活在當下
也說要無愧於心 逐己所愛
喜歡主修樂器的話請繼續享受 努力
「是不是因為學長的職業是牙醫師 收入不錯所以才能追逐自己的興趣?」
在他們的教育和認知中 收入竟優先於興趣
感謝學弟在提問的時候有強調『提問時沒有冒犯的意思』 而不是酸溜溜的質疑
1.我看過很多快樂的人 成功的人 都是追求自己熱愛的事物 發光發熱 同時藉此賺取生活費 因應社會 該職業的社經地位 也許高 也許低 但都是滿足快樂的�.
2.高收入的人不在少數 就以牙醫為例 難道是所有牙醫都有追求自己喜歡的事物嗎?都幸福美滿?身體健康?我想告訴你們的是:我從興趣中找到快樂和滿足 所以分享給你們 若非為了向升學關口的你們分享職業特色 我根本懶得提牙醫這塊 因為那不是我熱衷的事情 應該由熱衷於牙科治療的誰向你們口沫橫飛地說�.
3.錢是我們生活中的一部分 就只是一小部分 不是全部 也不是必要的 我們一定比上不足比下有餘 我個人喜歡往下比 因為更容易讓我感到滿足 往上比的話我可真窮 買不起豪宅 沒有跑車 遊艇 也不能任性地說不上班就不上班 說買奢侈品就買奢侈品
如果我們的水很多 可能可以裝滿大碗公 如果我們的水很少 可以換成一個瘦瘦高高的玻璃杯 也可以有一樣的水位高度 那代表著快樂和滿足的程度 在自己的能力範圍 盡該盡的責任 享受能夠享受的舒適 公寓 大樓 豪宅 別墅 各有合適的住客 然而都是一個安全舒服的家�.
最後要提 如果你的夢想是搭豪華郵輪 除了先攢足船票的錢 也可以應徵船上服務生的工作
又例如我大學的時候沒錢學馬術 我願意刷馬 掃馬廄一個下午 換得半小時的騎乘機會
.�祝各位善良勇敢 不枉此生
First of all, this article is too long for me to translate properly @@
So I will summarize it short and please forgive my grammar mistakes 😅
I was in my alma mater, Kaohsiung Senior High School, to give a speech to the students.
I shared with them my philosophy of life and suggest them follow their hearts, live in the present moment, do not regret.
I told students who majored in music, to keep enjoy in music and to work hard with their beloved musical instrument, but be brave to quit if this was not what they did enjoy in. Maybe they were forced by the society, parents or anything. Now is the most early time to save the rest of theirs youth from such a burden.
I knew they did listen carefully, that’s why they asked me some questions.
Many of them got the same question, which made me astonished and a bit sad,
“Do you think being a dentist with high income is the key enabling you to be engaged in your hobbies?”
Does this question mean they believe one’s income is more important than what one is interested in?
I cared about this question so much for one week after the speech.
And I asked their teacher to pass on to the cute and young, and maybe perplexed, students as following,
1.I’ve seen many people who are happy and successful. They are devoted to what they love and get money for living from it. He or she might be rich or poor, upper class or lower class, depending on the definition of the society, but their contentment and joy cannot be defined�.
2. There are a lot of people with high income. Take dentists as an example, is every dentist looking for what he loves? Or happy? Healthy? I find my happiness from my hobbies, that’s why I share this with you. Dentistry should be shared by some dentist who are enthusiastic about dentistry, not me. I shared my occupation to you only because you are facing the college entrance timing.�.
3. Money is a part of our lives, a little part of our lives. Not the whole life, and not necessary either. We are richer than many people, and at the same time, poorer than many people. I would rather compare myself with those poorer than me, because that makes me feel better, and feeling is the most important thing for a person. When I compare myself with those rich men, I am nothing, I can’t afford a villa, a personal airplane, a yacht.
If we have a lot of water, we can fill a big pot. If we have little water, we can fill a thin glass and reach the same height of water level, which represents the degree of contentment.
Make clear who we are, and take our responsibility, and enjoy what we deserve.
There are different people for different places, apartments, condominium, mansion, villa, however, the common point of them are being a nice and safe cozy home.
If you want to get on a cruise ship, you can earn enough money for the ticket or get the job as a waiter on the ship.
When I couldn’t afford the fee for equestrian class, I worked in the stable and took care of the horses for an afternoon to get the chance to ride the horse for half an hour
May you kind and brave, enjoy the life with no regret
made by意思 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
在我的觀念裡,力量訓練可分為「基礎力量」和「專項力量」。前者是每一種運動項目都要練的,後者跟運動項目有關,例如游泳、自行車、足球和跑步的「專項力量」都會有差別。但「基礎力量」會大同小異,這個大同中就一定有蹲舉……等動作。但除了蹲舉還有哪些?《The System》這本談論基礎力量的專書已經明確回答了這個問題,下面引用原文書第34頁分享如下:
帕列托法則(Pareto’s Principle),是一項著名的經濟學法則,又稱為「80/20法則」,它也適用於力量訓練動作的選擇。它所要表達的意思很簡單:把80%資源花在能產出最大效益的20%關鍵事情上,而這20%的關鍵又將為你帶來80%的效益。從訓練的目的來看,我們可以把這個法則的內容改寫成:從所有的力量動作中選出最關鍵的20%,而這關鍵的20%訓練動作將為運動員的力量與爆發力帶來80%的訓練效果。
●下背與後側動力鏈:羅馬尼亞式硬舉 (RDL)、背挺舉、反向背挺舉、早安動作
We ascribe to the 80/20 rule—attributed as Pareto’s Principle, an economic principle. It states that for many events, 20 percent of the work yields 80 percent of the effects. Adapted for our purposes, 20 percent of all the exercise and movement choices yield 80 percent of the gains in strength and power development.
●SQUAT VARIATIONS—back squat, front squat, single-leg squat
●EXPLOSIVE MOVEMENTS—clean, snatch, jerk, push-press
●PUSHING AND PULLING—bench press, military press, pulls (clean and snatch), row variants
●LOW BACK AND POSTERIOR CHAIN—Romanian deadlift (RDL), hyperextension and reverse hyperextension, good morning
That very short list of fundamental lifts compromises our particular 20 percent. Although we dedicate much more than 20 percent of our programming to these basic lifts, there is no doubt that well over 80 percent of the results we have seen in our athletes can be attributed to mastering this handful of movements and lifts.
Made even simpler, placing the primary focus of your coaching on learning and refining your teaching of the fundamental lifts will yield far greater and more sustained gains in your athletes’ strength and power than many more complex and “comprehensive” programs.
Any additional lifts or movements should be considered assistance or accessory work, which serve to address specific needs or deficits. Those exercises make up just a fraction of our time, as they fill gaps, rather than form the base of training—in other words, to provide assistance. Too many coaches try to be creative in exercise selection and end up with a collection of movements and lifts that improve nothing to any significant level.
The fundamental movements of sport are squatting, jumping, running, bending, twisting, pushing, and pulling. By building proficiency in the quality, the stability and strength, and then the speed of those movements, we provide almost all of the sport specificity we need. This is how we put first things first, and spend the greatest amount of time and repetition on refining and strengthening movements.
(以上原文出自《The System》第34頁)
made by意思 在 Gina music Youtube 的精選貼文
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Watch the official music video for " aftermath" by vaultboy:
👑 vaultboy:
I moved away and changed my number and when I did it
後來我就搬走了 還換了號碼
I’d hoped that cutting you off would make me feel different
I know I'm weaker than I probably seem
I can't lie I blame you for everything
我得承認 我把一切都怪罪於你
All pins and needles when I meet somebody new and I
Get all choked up whenever they ask about you and I
Feel so pathetic and I wanna scream
覺得自己很可悲 好想喊出聲來
I can't lie I blame you for everything
我得承認 我把一切錯誤都怪罪於你
I think you know exactly what I mean
You really fucked me up
Screaming at my mirror like I’m fucking drunk
Question who I am and what I could’ve done
質問自己是誰 本該做些什麼
'Cause you're the one who told me that you were in love, oh
You really fucked me up
Close my eyes and think of anything but us
閉上眼睛 除了我們什麼都可以想
Made me feel like I'm the one who's not enough
But you're the one who told me that you were in love
Try to forget how you could never meet me in the middle
How all the pain that you inflicted made me feel so little
你給我帶來無盡的痛苦 讓我越來越自卑
A little tired of remembering
I can't lie I blame you for everything
我得承認 我把一切錯誤都怪罪於你
You'd change so quick you'd start a fight and make me say I'm sorry
但你會改變得如此之快 是你挑起了矛盾 卻要我來道歉
Make me look like a fucking idiot at every party
It made sick it’s so embarrassing
那些尷尬的回憶 你讓我感到噁心
I can't lie I blame you for everything
我得承認 我把一切錯誤都怪罪於你
And I think you know exactly what I mean
You really fucked me up
Screaming at my mirror like I’m fucking drunk
Question who I am and what I could have done
質問自己是誰 本該做些什麼
'Cause you're the one who told me that you were in love, oh
You really fucked me up
Close my eyes and think of anything but us
閉上眼睛 除了我們什麼都可以想
Made me feel like I'm the one who's not enough
But you're the one who told me that you were in love, oh
You really fucked me up
Screaming at my mirror like I’m fuckin drunk
Question who I am and what I could’ve done
質問自己是誰 本該做些什麼
'Cause you're the one who said that you were in love, oh
#vaultboy #aftermath #lyric #西洋歌曲推薦
made by意思 在 Yunny Hou Youtube 的最佳貼文
1 year ago today, I went on a semester long exchange to study at Korea's Sungkyunkwan University #성균관대학교 for Fall 2020. 🇰🇷It was truly an exchange journey that really changed my life. I still can't help to think back to all of the amazing people that I met on this exchange, all of the awesome adventures exploring Korea, making the best out of every day in the 5 months that I was there for. That's why I selected A to Z of my favourite memories from August to January to show you guys why going on exchange can be so life-changing and it is definitely the best decision that I have made! Enjoy the video and thank you SKKU and Korea! 💗💗 감사합니다~
and also sorry that I haven't been active in posting on the channel, because it took me the last month to slowly edit this video together with so many footage and a lot of planning 🙇♀️🙇♀️😭
1年前的今天我實現了我一直以來夢想的韓國大學交換生活🇰🇷 現在想到每一天在韓國留學的時光都覺得每一天都過的很記憶深刻也很值得認識所有不同國家的交換學生。5個月真的過的好快,但是是我大學生活以來最難忘的一學期!這個影片是一篇我收集了五個月以來26個從A到Z最喜歡的回憶,希望你們看了也會覺得要去交換留學看看!💗💗真的很感謝我所有遇到的朋友和成均館大學給我這一次機會變成韓國大學生很精彩的玩遊韓國各地!希望你們會喜歡這隻影片唷~😊
Connect with Me!
♡ Instagram | @x.yunny.x
♡ Instagram | @my.eatz
♡ Email | yunnyhou@gmail.com
Music by Flux Vortex - Chemistry - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tQ6DXcfvKo
Music by Sean Kolar - The Cure (Animus Volt Remix) - https://thmatc.co/?l=E574D9C5
Music by Animus Volt - Young Girl - https://thmatc.co/?l=8F5897FD
Music by Animus Volt - Victory - https://thmatc.co/?l=21FB2BBF
Music by Fiji Blue - Outside - https://thmatc.co/?l=17C360AF
Music by Lukey - Honeydream - https://thmatc.co/?l=178253EC
Music prod. by wavytrbl - Gold - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pchE1Ch_1eg
Music by Chandler Juliet - Way Too Young to Feel This Old - https://thmatc.co/?l=329095F6
Music: Savage Love (Laxed - Siren Beat) Jawsh 685, Jason Derulo
Music by Dylan Sitts - Christmas in My Heart (Dylan Sitts Remix) feat. Loving Caliber, Mia Pfirrmanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uAQjcVQdWw
Music by Fiji Blue - Home - https://thmatc.co/?l=8DAE1F61
Music by Fiji Blue - Wait! - https://thmatc.co/?l=B50D88F3
What I use:
♡ Camera | Canon G7X Mark ii
♡ Doodles | SketchBook iPad App
♡ Editing | Final Cut Pro x Adobe Premiere Pro
made by意思 在 祖寧 Youtube 的精選貼文
#機智醫生生活2 #曹政奭 #田美都
00:00 機智醫生生活2 EP10解析
00:08 頌和的赤足有意思
01:39 B104頌和的小天地
04:23 頌和送給安治弘的禮物寓意
04:53 燃燒生命的恐龍稜線
06:00 1988小彩蛋
06:36 生命追求共存
07:35 冬天的心房分鏡解析
08:26 新西遊記羅PD來了
09:07 大熊去美國?
10:23 翊晙出事了?
✦祖寧 IG搜尋 / ning_twins0125
📌《機智醫生生活》為由EGG IS COMING製作,並由TvN播出。
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If you are the original owner and want me to remove the video, I will do it immediately, just send me an email to inform me. Please do not resort to any unnecessary copyright strikes.
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