This simple meditation technique - which came to me in this precise way during the 77th day of our daily meetings - is so essential especially in these uncertain times.
Whenever you find yourself out of your center or overwhelmed with fear, worry or anxiety, bring both of your hands to your heart, feel the warmth of your body beneath your hands, close your eyes and with eyes closed lift your gaze to your third eye center between your eye brows, take a deep breath in, and intone the sound OM on the out-breath, making sure you have enough breath for both sounds: O and M.
Three times is a good number of cycles.
There are many benefits to this simple practice:
💙 The soothing quality of human touch on your own body and especially on your heart center.
🦋 The detachment and disengagement from worldly concerns that happens naturally when we lift our gaze up to our third eye.
Make the experiment to consciously move your eyes upwards behind the closed eyelids...become aware of the light emanating from your sixth chakra - and feel the difference to what we usually do, which is to focus downwards.
🕉 The sound of OM on your out-breath will release stress and tension and bring a more peaceful state (and will activate your vagus nerve so sweetly).
Share it with your friends if you feel they might benefit from it as well❣️
#meditationforturbulenttimes #powerofom #poweroftouch #stressrelease #mindfulness #cominghome #homeiswheretheomis