#EZTalk #你不知道的美國大小事 #FWIW #FYI
📌Internet Slang📌
You may have noticed that chatting on online forums, message boards and social media is a great way to practice your English, but all the abbreviations can be a little confusing. You probably already know what LOL and TTYL mean, but there are plenty more where they came from.
Some of the most useful are abbreviations of commonly used phrases. It’s always nice to save time typing—especially when you’re typing on your phone.
Here are some of the more common ones: AFAIC (as far as I’m concerned), AFAIK (as far as I know), ASAP (as soon as possible), ATM (at the moment) BTW (by the way), FWIW (for what it’s worth), FYI (for your information), IDK (I don’t know), IIRC (if I remember correctly), IRL (in real life), IM(H)O (in my (humble) opinion), MYOB (mind your own business), OIC (oh, I see), OTOH (on the other hand), TBH (to be honest)
Of course this is only a small sample, so TBC (to be continued).
1. LOL:「哈哈哈」,為laughing out loud的縮寫。
2. TTYL:「晚點聊」,為talk to you later的縮寫。
AFAIC = as far as I’m concerned『對我而言』
AFAIK = as far as I know『就我所知』
ASAP = as soon as possible『儘快』
ATM = at the moment『現在,此刻』
BTW = by the way『順道一提』
FWIW = for what it’s worth『(用來提出訊息)不知道有沒有幫助』
FYI = for your information『(以下訊息)供你參考』
IDK = I don’t know『我不知道』
IIRC = if I remember correctly『我記得沒錯的話』
IRL = in real life『現實生活(相對網路生活而言)』
IM(H)O = in my (humble) opinion『依我淺見』,這裡的humble依上下文有時會有戲謔反諷語氣。
MYOB = mind your own business『管好你自己就好,不關你的事』
OIC = oh, I see『了解,收到』
OTOH = on the other hand『話說回來』
TBH = to be honest『老實說』
「mind your own business意思」的推薦目錄:
- 關於mind your own business意思 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於mind your own business意思 在 Hush & Shout x Studio in Seoul Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於mind your own business意思 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於mind your own business意思 在 英文面試王- Mind your own beeswax! 意為「少管閒事 的評價
- 關於mind your own business意思 在 【英文怎麼說】不關你的事It's none of your business - YouTube 的評價
mind your own business意思 在 Hush & Shout x Studio in Seoul Facebook 的最佳解答
齊齊與尼尼的韓國生活小事之 我終於被韓國老人惹到極點大罵髒話了。
故事有點長 有點無聊 但是如果妳對韓國老人有意見 或曾經被韓國老人惹過 (不管是來韓國玩的時候 被老人推、被老人插隊 還是怎樣 你就會知道終於可以罵他們有.多.爽.!!)
齊齊知道東大門很多的飾品都是從中國 或是 南大門拿過去賣的 所以就一心一意想找到源頭拿到最便宜的賣價
某一天齊齊抱病去南大門找貨源的時候終於找到了我們很常買的那家髮飾的貨源 而且我跟那個老闆說好我想自己設計我要的樣式 不要賣跟東大門重複的
她說怎麼設計都可以 就是要加錢 和 製作時間會比較長。
我說好 我這禮拜再回來找妳。
因為齊齊生病了很多天 加上禮拜一臨時要坐一早的飛機回臺灣 如果禮拜六不下訂 就會來不及我回來的時候販賣、一切又要拖到一個禮拜或更久之後 (因為我已經有經驗韓國人說的交貨日期我們都要自行往後延期)
到了她的店裡 發現她不在
然後老闆的鄰居(就是被我罵的老人 她只會說韓語 剛剛好齊齊聽得懂韓語 只是不會說而已)
「她去上廁所了 不曉得什麼時候回來」
我就站在店前面 看看等一下要買什麼 要訂做怎麼樣子的款式⋯ (因為上次已經知道價位了 所以不需要知道價錢)
「幹嘛一直站在這邊不走 不是說老闆不在嗎」
她不曉得我聽得懂韓語 所以她講話的語氣非常糟糕
我一下子就被她搞到非常不爽 我想說 我站在那邊關你屁事,於是我就拿了店裡的名片暫時離開去別的店家晃晃 (問題是我都逛過了 我覺得在那邊亂晃很浪費我寶貴的時間) 然後叫尼尼打電話老闆問她什麼時候回來。
我又走回去了 想說
那我就拍照告訴老闆我要買什麼吧 不想等了
我ㄧ回到那個店面 那個死老人鄰居就說
「幹嘛又回來了 不是說老闆不在嗎 一直回來幹嘛」
馬的 我整個火都上來了 但是我又忍 我想說趕快拍一拍我要閃人去別家店了 我可是行程排得很剛剛好的。
「妳不要亂摸 也不要拍照 不是說老闆不在嗎 妳趕快走」
我就直接瞪了她一眼 打給尼尼叫他解釋一下因為我沒辦法再回來了 可是我很著急著要下訂單 所以直接拍照跟老闆說。
不管尼尼再怎麼解釋 那個老人只說
「我不管她要幹嘛 老闆不在 她就是走」
可是尼尼也知道我的個性是怎樣 他如果這時候只是叫我走他會很慘 所以他語氣也很不好的跟死老人鄰居說
「我們是那個老闆的客人、沒有要問價錢 要直接拍照下單 等等等的解釋一通」
死老人鄰居就是一直鬼打牆一句 「趕快走 禮拜一再回來」
我們又再打給老闆 終於打通了
(其實這時候我已經對那個老人開罵了、當然是用英文罵她的 而且罵的非常大聲 整層樓都聽得到 就是跟她說我聽得懂韓語讓她不要再我背後說一些難聽的話 叫她滾開之類的)
「上次我們有跟妳說過要下訂單 但是我女朋友禮拜一就回臺灣了 一定要今天下訂 妳又不在 所以她才要拍照傳給妳」
「她已經站在這邊拍照拍一個小時了 叫她趕快走」
ㄟˋ 我才待不到20分鐘 就被妳罵了幾次? 老娘我花錢要訂做商品 我就不能站在那邊研究一下什麼商品要怎麼搭配嗎? 我如果是單純要盜圖 我就快速拍幾張閃人就好 為什麼要站在那邊給妳罵?
反正尼尼、我、死老人、老闆 四人就這樣在電話和批發市場交戰了大約五分鐘。
我最後整個大爆炸 用一整串的英文說
「 you know what? You are working here on Saturdays at your age because you are pathetic. You fucking old stupid woman, mind your own business and leave me alone. I didn’t do anything wrong and I’m her customer not your customer.
You should fucking focus on your own business so you don’t have to work on fucking Saturdays when you are this old!
最後用韓文補上 fucking old woman. 」
她聽到我用韓文罵她之後 整個在我後面瘋掉~
老闆其實是不能 人不在店面 把店面打開 叫鄰居顧的 所以她違反了他們批發市場的規定
老人鄰居的工作就是告訴有興趣的客人 禮拜一再回來 其他什麼都不管。
由於我在他們樓層大罵了那個老人家 已經傳遍了他們那棟大樓 可能管理員也發現老闆違規了 會被懲罰
ㄟ 不好意思 我會說中文 我自己有門路好嗎?
妳所有的貨源我都找得到 只是我懶而已 想偷懶讓別人賺而已
妳真的自以為妳韓國的手做出來的東西就比較美所以可以賣的比較貴嗎? 妳的材料還不都是中國製造的。
妳就把漂亮的東西貼一貼 就可以說 made in korea啦
我跟我同事說 我要去進口材料
對 這就是我的新目標。
死韓國老人們 去吃屎吧💩
mind your own business意思 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳解答
【謝謝你,但我的命我自己來】(English writing below)
"You could have chosen to be kept by a man early in your life. Why did you not?"
"Everyone should grow abilities for their own lives. What I wish to be is a big lotus that blooms out of the slushy mud, pure and untainted. Not a little flower that is incubated in a greenhouse."
I come from a family, where almost all the women are strong and self-reliant. My 78-year-old grandaunt lives alone, never marry and has no kids. When my grandfather got married, he brought my young grandaunt to live with him. In the twenty over years he passed on, when my grandmother was still alive, grandaunt would still give a monthly allowance to my grandmother (her sister-in-law), despite being 60 over years old.
She is just a lady who works odd jobs. The monthly allowance she gave my grandmother is from her hard-earned money.
Grandaunt did not receive much of an education. I am a university graduate. How can my abilities be inferior to hers?
During my childhood, my family was laden with heavy debts. Every other day, there would be creditors incessantly calling the house phone or banging on the house door, asking for repayment. As a young girl, I often get pushed out to deal with these fierce-looking strangers. Reason being, when they saw a kid, they would often soften their tone of voice, and give a few more days for repayment.
I was frightened at that time. But if I didn't do what I was told, I would get scolded or beaten badly. Even after I grew up, there are times when I would get ridiculously afraid. I count myself lucky that the Buddhadharma has an uplifting influence on me. The terror of facing a bear in front of me, and having a tiger chasing behind gradually moulded my tenacity.
Either I don't do it, or when I do, I will burn my boats so that it's either success or nothing.
A childhood where I was constantly frightened had me promising myself this: I will never let anyone or anything threaten me.
My Bazi did indeed indicate that I can opt not to work and rely on the financial support from a man.
But for an outstanding talent like me, if I do not come out to contribute to mankind and choose an easier way out, wouldn't I be letting down the great genes of my ancestors of the past 18 generations, and the teachings from my Grandmaster and Shifu?
Ever since I started out, my work had benefitted a lot of people and my writings had helped grow the wisdom of many readers.
The skills that I hone in the past 10 over years give me freedom to earn money wherever I am. With the environmental Feng Shui worsening, the problems of mankind will only snowball and multiply. As long as I have the real skills, my line of work will only get more valuable as I age. Shifu often jokes that, if I have no business when I am old, I can still consider setting up a fortune-telling stall in front of the Guan Yin Temple at Waterloo Street, to pass time. 😄
Should I have to go through another reincarnation, at the very least, there will be this seed of unflinching courage and perseverance planted in my subconscious. Because I made the effort to.
If I opt to rely fully on a man, and have no independent ability of my own, what will happen to me when he has a change of heart?
My mum also had many offers from men, who wanted to make a mistress out of her. But for the sake of us, the children, she rejected all of them. Through her own perseverance and efforts, she still managed to raise me.
She also said if a man is unwilling to give you a legal status, don't waste your youth on him.
The adults' teaching by example will always carry more weight than what they preach.
The kind of Destiny the adults have will also be similar to the kind of Destiny their children will have.
The me right now does not have to live an ignoble existence nor live my life according to the mood of a man. When I wish to make money, I go make money. When I feel like writing to talk with all of you, I write. In my spare time, I continue honing my skills in Buddhadharma and Chinese Metaphysics, and develop my wisdom.
To me, this is the freedom that I had fought for many years. Such is the spirit that I wish for my children to learn.
Spending money is most satisfying, when this money is earned with a peace of mind. If the money is obtained through illegal/immoral ways, there will always be karmic consequences to bear, be it the spender is me or my family.
This article isn't written to look down on other women, who choose to be kept by a man. Everyone has a different motivation in life. I only wish to awaken you, to continue treading on your original pure and pristine path in life. Among my women clients, those, who chose this easy route to money, do not have a happy ending.
For me, I just think that no other person will be more bothered and diligent than me, in creating the Destiny I covet.
If I do not have the ability, I am willing to learn humbly from the right teachers, and I am very fortunate to have two great ones in my life.
I will formulate my own Destiny.
If I can't even transform my own Destiny, what right do I have to receive the red packets from others, to help them with their fortune and luck?
mind your own business意思 在 【英文怎麼說】不關你的事It's none of your business - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Your browser can't play this video. ... 【英文怎麼說】不關你的事It's none of your business | 管好你自己的事 Mind your own business | 吉娜英文. ... <看更多>
mind your own business意思 在 英文面試王- Mind your own beeswax! 意為「少管閒事 的推薦與評價
Mind your own beeswax! 意為「少管閒事;不關你的事」 其中beeswax 並非原意的「蜜蠟,蜂蠟」,而是business 的俚語,意思是「事情;事務」。所以,mind your own ... ... <看更多>