※臺灣商務印書館 英語情詩名作分享※
※詩.聲.字 x 羅拔的老窩※
Robert Herrick "Upon the Nipples of Julia’s Breast"
Have you beheld (with much delight)
A red rose peeping through a white?
Or else a cherry (double graced)
Within a lily? Centre placed?
Or ever marked the pretty beam,
A strawberry shows, half drowned in cream?
Or seen rich rubies blushing through
A pure smooth pearl, and orient too?
So like to this, nay all the rest,
Is each neat niplet of her breast.
人們常常爭論:何謂藝術、情色與暴力的界線?看看Robert Herrick的詩作"Upon the Nipples of Julia's Breast",便覺前兩者是可相輔相成的,與其說本詩「情色」,不如說是場感官與聲音的盛宴。作者以植物、食物以及飾品襯托與比喻少女的乳頭,唯美又給人無限遐想。整首詩節奏輕快,充滿韻律,是一首非常有趣的作品。(羅拔)
#燈子 手寫、攝影
#羅拔 選篇、簡釋,粉專 羅拔的老窩
※本篇見於《有一天,我把她的名字寫在沙灘上:#英語情詩名作100首》(#陳黎、#張芬齡 譯,臺灣商務,2020年4月7日)
荷立克(Robert Herrick,1591-1674),英國詩人,與班.姜森和約翰.唐恩齊名。他出生倫敦中產階級,父親為倫敦最富有的金匠之一,在荷立克出生後不久即去世;1607年,荷立克隨事業同樣有成的金匠叔父入行學藝,至1613年轉向進入劍橋大學就讀,於1620年獲碩士學位。1623年,荷立克成為一名神職人員。但是他的神職生涯並不單調枯燥,因為寫詩使他鎮日有想像中的諸多仕女(茱麗亞、科琳娜、派莉亞、雅典娜等)相伴。1648年,他將詩作出版,不過未引起注意,因為當時英國人民正陷入審判和處死查理一世的激情之中。
雖然這本《金蘋果園》(Hesperides)是荷立克出版過的唯一詩集,但所有他感興趣的題材盡在其中──從女子的酥胸,到他與上帝的關係。這本詩集包括了兩個部份,一為世俗題材之詩歌,一為被他稱為「聖詠集」(His Noble Numbers)的宗教詩──這些宗教詩並不奧秘,明白淺顯一如他的非宗教詩。他對政治、人類在宇宙的位置、人類情感的黑暗面等重大主題並不感興趣,反而將觸角伸向生活週遭細節。他觀察細膩深刻,意象鮮活精準,切入事物的角度獨到,看似平淡無奇的事物,到他筆下,往往搖身一變成為興味十足的藝術品,因此有評論者稱他為「日常瑣事的雕琢大師」與「語言的金匠和珠寶匠」,他化腐朽為神奇的功力,在英語詩壇難覓匹敵者。
neat口語 在 IMDB看電影學英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【神力女超人】終於來了😍 https://youtu.be/VSB4wGIdDwo
端午連假搶先全球上映的 #WonderWoman 小編迫不及待想去看女神 #蓋兒加朵 展現力與美,和 #克里斯潘恩 搭檔一起攜手拯救世界💪💪💪
that's neat 可以用來形容很好的主意或想法,很口語的說法,像太棒了、酷...之類的意思
secretary 秘書
slavery 奴隸制
deserve 值得;應得
stand by 做好準備
It's up to you 隨便你、由你決定
hideous 極醜的
technically 事實上,嚴格說來
neat口語 在 尹俐 Julia Facebook 的精選貼文
好歌分享:It Ain't Me 不再是我 (Kygo and Selena Gomez)
特別的是ain't 是一種非常口語的用法,歌詞中常出現,表示am not, are not, is not
而wanna是want to, gonna則是going to, 都是歌詞裡面常出現的,但是一般寫作的時候不可以使用喔!🙏
I had a dream
We were sipping whisky neat
Highest floor, the bowery
And I was high enough
Somewhere along the lines
We stopped seeing eye to eye
You were staying out all night
And I had enough
No, I don't wanna know where you been or where you're going
But I know I won't be home
And you'll be on your own
Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?
Who's gonna rock you when the sun won't let you sleep?
Who's waking up to drive you home when you're drunk and all alone?
Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?
It ain't me
It ain't me
It ain't me
It ain't me
It ain't me
I had a dream
We were back to seventeen
Summer nights and The Libertines
Never growing up
I'll take with me the polaroids and the memories
But you know I'm gonna leave behind the worst of us
Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?
Who's gonna rock you when the sun won't let you sleep?
Who's waking up to drive you home when you're drunk and all alone?
Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?
It ain't me, no no
It ain't me, no no
It ain't me, no no
Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?
It ain't me
It ain't me
It ain't me
It ain't me
It ain't me
It ain't me, na na na na na
Bowery, na na na na na
Whisky neat
It ain't me
neat口語 在 【常用句-182】 neat 除了整潔之外, 在口語裡還有別的意思噢 ... 的推薦與評價
【常用句-182】 neat 除了整潔之外, 在口語裡還有別的意思噢~ ↓↓↓↓↓<答案請往下>↓↓↓↓↓ That's neat. 表示“這很酷” neat 類似cool,可以用來對當下的情形 ... ... <看更多>