#promo 什麼最肝(ㄍㄢˋ)?就算是素材刷到天荒地老的手遊或是手殘黨根本玩不了的魂系遊戲,都比不上社畜人生 online。
有沒有什麼辦法可以降低工作的肝度,早點下班回家打 game 呢?
科技不斷發展,然而,自動化機器人和 AI 想要完全接手我們的工作還有很~~~長的距離 XD
流程自動化(Robotic Process Automation, RPA)指的便是使用軟體與 AI 技術,將這些複製貼上的繁瑣動作,交由程式機器人代勞,不但提升企業生產力,也能更有效發揮人才價值。
尤其是在資料建檔、數據收集處理、會計流程、收發 E-mail 等規律且重複的工作上,RPA 的工作能力,也不會比我們人類遜色呢。
有統計數據顯示,引入 RPA 的企業員工覺得負擔減輕、能夠更專注在創造性、策略性的工作,增強協同能力以及減輕對工作的倦怠感。(聽起來也太美好)
但是啊,RPA 也不是萬靈丹,企業應該尋找合適廠商導入,才能夠提供全套服務,協助企業善用工具,提升投資報酬率,才不會花錢心酸還繼續肝苦。(點頭搗蒜!無誤!)
●聽 y 編與 S 編在節目裡聊 RPA:https://sndn.link/pansci-9527/P1urAL
●RPA 聽起來很厲害?精英電腦的 LIVA Z3 Plus 系列就有搭配這個解決方案喔!
想榨出更多的時間享受人生嗎?請參考世平集團網站 : https://reurl.cc/3Llq3l
※本文章由 Intel 及 WPIg世平集團 贊助製作※
正確用法:公司有了 RPA 從此都能準時下班!
錯誤用法:公司有了 RPA,我還是天天加班QQ
- 關於observations統計 在 PanSci 科學新聞網 Facebook 的最佳解答
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- 關於observations統計 在 中美贸易谈判胡春华代替刘鹤?/国家统计局回应人口普查质疑 ... 的評價
observations統計 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的精選貼文
彷彿語言的誤解和誤譯本身,已趕在被台灣宗教財團收攏的不肖政客通過「宗教基本法」之前,悄悄成立了宗教——The Universal Church of Miscomprehension and Mistranslation——以防人心發展出理性思考去加以干涉、甚至「迫害」。
以下以【……】標出知名無神論者Sam Harris精彩可期的
著作The End of Faith的部分翻譯問題。
書名:The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason
作者: Sam Harris
譯者: 孔繁鐘
作者簡介 山姆.哈里斯(Sam Harris)
美國著名作家、哲學家、神經科學家。著有《紐約時報》暢銷書《信仰的終結》(The End of Faith,美國筆會2005年非小說類得獎著作)、《給基督教國度的一封信》(Letter to a Christian Nation),以及《道德風景》(The Moral Landscape)。他的作品以超過十五種語言出版。文章曾刊於《新聞周刊》、《紐約時報》、《洛杉磯時報》、《泰晤士報》(倫敦)、《波士頓環球報》、《大西洋月刊》、《神經學年鑑》、《外交政策》及其他許多刊物。為理智工程(Project Reason)的共同創始人與董事長,該非營利組織致力於傳播科學知識和社會中世俗價值。
史丹佛大學哲學學士。他研究東方及西方的宗教傳統以及各種靈性教派已二十年。2009年取得神經科學博士學位,研究主題為相信、不相信、及不確定的神經學基礎。請造訪他的網頁 www . smaharris . org.
譯者簡介 孔繁鐘
The young man takes his seat beside a middle-aged couple. He will wait for the bus to reach its next stop. The couple at his side 【appears to be shopping for a new refrigerator】. The woman has decided on a model, but her husband worries that it will be too expensive. He indicates another one in a brochure that lies open on her lap.
The next stop comes into view. 【The bus doors swing】.
The nails, ball bearings, and rat poison 【ensure further casualties on the street and in the surrounding cars.】
These are 【the facts】. This is all we know for certain about the young man.
A BELIEF is a lever that, once pulled, moves almost everything else in a person’s life. Are you a scientist? A liberal? A racist? These are merely species of 【belief in action】.
It seems that if our species ever eradicates itself through war, it will not be because 【it was written in the stars】 but because it was written in our books; 【it is what we do with words like “God” and “paradise” and “sin” in the present】 that will determine our future.
【People tend to organize themselves into factions according to which of these incompatible claims they accept】—rather than on the basis of language, skin color, location of birth, or any other criterion of tribalism.
All are 【in perverse agreement】 on one point of fundamental importance, however: “respect” for other faiths, or for the views of unbelievers, is not an attitude that God endorses.
【While all faiths have been touched, here and there, by the spirit of ecumenicalism,】 the central tenet of every religious tradition is that all others are mere repositories of error or, at best, dangerously incomplete. Intolerance is thus intrinsic to 【every creed】. Once a person believes—really believes—that certain ideas can lead to eternal happiness, or to its antithesis, he cannot tolerate the possibility that the people he loves might be led astray by the blandishments of unbelievers. Certainty about the next life is 【simply incompatible with tolerance in this one.】
Observations of this sort pose 【an immediate problem for us, however, because】 criticizing a person’s faith is currently taboo in every corner of our culture.
But technology has 【a way of creating】 fresh moral 【imperatives】. Our technical advances in the art of war have finally rendered our religious differences—and 【hence our religious beliefs】—antithetical to our survival. We can no longer ignore the fact that billions of our neighbors believe in the metaphysics of martyrdom, or in the literal truth of 【the book of Revelation】,
Consider the case of alchemy: it fascinated human beings for over a thousand years, and yet anyone who seriously claims to be a practicing alchemist today will have disqualified himself for most positions of responsibility in our society. Faith-based religion 【must】 suffer the same slide into obsolescence.
What is the alternative to 【religion as we know it】? As it turns out, this is the wrong question to ask. Chemistry was not an “alternative” to alchemy; it was a wholesale exchange of 【ignorance at its most rococo】 for genuine knowledge.
OF COURSE, people of faith 【fall】 on a continuum:
they imagine that the path to peace will be paved once each of us has learned to respect the 【unjustified】 beliefs of others.
Many religious moderates have taken the 【apparent high road】 of pluralism, asserting the equal validity of all faiths,
As long as a Christian believes that only his baptized brethren will be saved on the Day of Judgment, he cannot possibly “respect” the beliefs of others, for he knows that the flames of hell have been stoked by 【these very ideas】 and await their adherents even now.
Muslims and Jews generally take the same arrogant view of their own enterprises and have spent millennia passionately reiterating the errors of other faiths. It should go without saying that 【these】 rival belief systems are all equally uncontaminated by evidence.
observations統計 在 中央研究院 Academia Sinica Facebook 的精選貼文
中研院生物多樣性研究中心鄭明修研究員的研究團隊,長年在東沙島上實地調查,並透過模擬垃圾在海中的漂流軌跡,及野外定點採樣觀測,試圖找出海漂垃圾的身世,並發表全球關注的海漂垃圾研究。研究成果已於本(4)月3日發表於國際期刊《環境研究期刊》(Environmental Research Letters),成為第一篇登上國際期刊之臺灣海漂垃圾研究。
[English Version]
A team from the Biodiversity Research Center led by Research Fellow, Ming-Shiou, Jeng, recently published the findings on monthly and annual dynamics in ocean litter and what its potential contributors are. Their findings were based on field observations and current velocity and windage simulations. The study was published on April 3, 2018, in Environmental Research Letters.
Samples from 50m onshore transects on Dongsha Island suggested that large amounts of macro ocean litter entered the island. The annual litter quantity ranged from 112.8 kg–320.6 kg, and the annual number of items from 2,202–8,502. The litter on the north and south coasts showed significant differences, mainly due to the influence of monsoons.
This study suggests (1) incorporating the techniques into existing environmental or wildlife monitoring programs; (2) collecting the litter onboard vessels, shipping it back and processing it onshore; (3) strengthening national information exchanges, and acknowledging and fulfilling oceanic environmental protection plans through trajectory tracking; and (4) raising public awareness and action, and strengthening the legal system.
【AS Special Reports】https://www.sinica.edu.tw/en/news/5835
【公視影音】綠蠵龜肛門卡塑膠袋 海漂垃圾無所不在
【聯合影音】海灘變醜了 東沙島滿是海漂垃圾
【環境資訊中心】每年數百公斤海飄垃圾襲東沙島 中國、越南為大宗
【中央社】海漂垃圾充斥東沙島海灘 來自中國越南最多
【自由】東沙島海漂垃圾6成來自中國及越南 學界研究登上國際期刊
【蘋果】中研院台灣海漂垃圾研究 國內首篇登國際期刊
#生物多樣性中心 #海漂垃圾 #BRC #Oceanlitters #0422世界地球日
observations統計 在 機率與統計- Yuting Blog 的推薦與評價
敘述統計; 機率分布; 參數估計; 假設檢定; 無母數統計 ... Negative binomial distribution, for binomial-type observations but where the quantity ... ... <看更多>