將循環經濟主題網站(The Circular Economy Club)
P.s 開箱之前請服用微量翻譯豆沙包
The Circular Economy Club (CEC) is the international network of over 4,500 circular economy professionals and organizations from over 140 countries. Non-for-profit, global and open to anyone to join the club for free.
The goals by 2022 are:
1.Bringing together local actors to create circular economy strategies in 200 cities.
2.Embedding the circular economy in 200 university curriculums.
3.Supporting 200 startups and companies to implement circular practices, through mentoring, funding and communications.
Those goals are achieved by the CEC online platform and three main programs:
1.CEC Organizers program - for circular leaders to bring the circular economy to live in their cities, universities, hubs and companies;
2.CEC Mentors program - for members with expert skills to give free advice to the most promising circular talent; and
3.CEC Global events - for members to work collaboratively to solve local and global challenges.
#Someone's Trash is Someone's Treasure.
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,620的網紅Crescent Lament,也在其Youtube影片中提到,從2007/02/28成立至今,Crescent Lament 恆月三途正式走過十個年頭。感謝一路陪伴的各個夥伴與聽眾,也感謝無數貴人的相助,我們幸運的在音樂的道路上,一直向前行。 身為台灣本土的樂團,我們想要將台灣的故事傳唱下去;在歷經2008年的兩張EP & 2011年的首張專輯 “Behin...
organizers翻譯 在 小胖子的陽春麵 Facebook 的最讚貼文
[政府違法扼殺民主, 讓世界再度看見台灣]
事情已經鬧上國際, 中選會, 蔡英文政府, 你們還要對年輕生命的犧牲不聞不問嗎?!
國際知名環保人士支持以核養綠, 聲援黃士修絕食要求政府依法行政
請蔡英文政府讓人民能公投決定自己想要的能源政策, 而不是政府黑箱決定執行非核家園, 結果只是讓台灣成為排碳家園, 空污家園, 漲價家園
Taiwanese Government Sparks Hunger Strike After Rejecting Signatures For Pro-Nuclear Referendum
This is urgent — please share!
The Taiwanese government is being accused of violating election law after rejecting more than 24,000 signatures gathered by the former president and environmentalists seeking a popular vote on nuclear energy this November.
“I am not asking people to support nuclear power,” said a Shih-Hsiu Huang, 31, the co-founder of Nuclear Myth-Busters, who began a hunger strike in front of the government Central Election Commission (CEC) last Thursday after it rejected the signatures. “I am asking the Taiwanese government to let the people choose.”
In August, Taiwan’s former president, Ma Ying-jeou, endorsed the referendum and joined pro-nuclear environmentalists in the streets of Taipei to gather signatures, drawing new support for the initiative and triggering widespread media coverage.
"Opposing nuclear energy is now an outdated trend," Ma said. "What has become a trend is how to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide to tackle global warming."
The referendum on nuclear power could still qualify for the ballot. Organizers say they had delivered 315,000 signatures on September 6 — more than the 282,000 that the law required.
But the activists say that their odds declined when the government rejected an additional 24,000 signatures that they attempted to deliver on September 13.
“This is malfeasance,” said Tsung-Kuang Yeh, a professor of nuclear engineering at National Tsing Hua University. “First, they kept moving up the deadline — from September 14 to September 10 and then to September 6. Then, they rejected our signatures on September 13.”
Organizers say they delivered additional signatures to increase their chance of qualifying and were rejected on a technicality.
In a statement, the government commission said, “There is very little flexibility in each stage. To follow this stage-by-stage procedure, it is therefore not possible for the CEC to accept a second submittal.”
But Huang says a representative of the government told him by phone, which he video-recorded, on September 12, that she would accept the group’s additional signatures, and even told him which door in the building to enter in order to meet her.
“Twenty-four hours later the CEC changed its mind and slammed the door on us,” said Professor Yeh.
Huang said their signature-gathering benefited from widespread opposition to the current anti-nuclear government. With an approval rating of just 33% , President Tsai Ing-wen saw her popularity decline when half of all households suffered electricity outages last summer due, in part, to the nuclear phase-out.
The rejection of signatures wasn’t the first time Taiwan’s government took actions which the pro-nuclear activists say were designed to thwart their efforts.
Taiwanese law requires that petitioners have at least six months to gather signatures after delivering an initial 2,000 signatures in order to gain permission for the larger signature-gathering effort.
Though they delivered the initial signatures in March, the government only allowed signature-gathering to begin in July.
Solar & wind provide less than 5% of Taiwan’s electricity despite years of large government subsidies.EP
Nuclear power in Taiwan derives its support from environmentalists concerned about land use and climate change and from those concerned about the island-nation’s heavy dependence on energy imports. Taiwan imports 97% of its energy from abroad.
Solar and wind combined provide less than five percent of Taiwan’s electricity last year despite years of heavy government subsidies, while nuclear energy provided 13 percent — and would have provided 23% had Taiwan been operating all of its reactors.
Earlier this year the Tsai government approved a new coal plant, despite recent reports documenting 1,000 premature deaths annually from air pollution from Taiwanese coal plants.
Last October, the climate scientist James Hansen and dozens of other leading environmental scientists and scholars urged President Tsai (致蔡英文總統公開信中文翻譯) to return to nuclear. “Taiwan would need to build 617 solar farms the size of its largest proposed solar farm at a cost of $71 billion just to replace its nuclear reactors.”
Tuesday marks the 125th hour mark of the fast, and Yeh said Huang is becoming fatigued from lack of food. Another pro-nuclear leader, Yen-Peng Liao, said he would continue the fast if Huang is hospitalized.
“This hunger strike is not for myself and not for the public referendum,” said Huang, “it is for the democracy and the order of law in Taiwan.”
organizers翻譯 在 酒類專家 王 鵬 Facebook 的精選貼文
布魯塞爾世界酒類競賽烈酒評選(Spirits Selection by Concours Mondial de Bruxelles),是全球最富盛名的烈酒賽事之一。台灣今年在此大賽中,再次獲得佳績,所獲獎牌數量為參賽前五強。第一名是法國(本土44面,海外屬地53面),其次是中國(47面)、墨西哥(27面)、義大利(25面)與台灣(22面)。
台灣雙金獎1面(金車噶瑪蘭 Kavalan Solist Fino Sherry Single Cask Strength)、金獎11面(得獎者包括金門酒廠、信義鄉農會、台灣菸酒公司、國立高雄餐旅大學)、銀獎10面(得獎者包括金門酒廠、台灣菸酒公司、優米企業、金車噶瑪蘭、國立高雄餐旅大學、霧峰農會酒莊)
布魯塞爾世界酒類競賽烈酒評選,巡迴世界各地,今年邁入第17屆,在智利拉塞雷納(La Serena)舉辦。
評審團每六人一桌,每桌由大會指派一名評審團主席(俗稱桌長),來自台灣的陳千浩與王鵬,都是本屆的評審團成員,並雙雙兼任評審團主席。此外,王鵬也擔任大會《烈酒風味評判準則》(Spirits Sensory Guidelienes)編纂計劃總召集人及主編,這項計畫從兩年前萌芽,一年前正式開始籌備,並於本屆順利推出,成為本屆賽事亮點之一。
1. Rhum Blanc Agricole Karukera Canne Bleue by Marquisat de Sainte-Marie Sas, Guadeloupe
2. Château du Tariquet Bas Armagnac Folle Blanche 12 years, France
3. Mezcal Don Aurelio Reposado by Don Aurelio Lamas, Mexico.
4. Ekiss Vodka 2012 by Domaines Francis Abecassis, France.
今年烈酒大賽的評審日程為期三日,在8月22日大會開幕典禮上,將正式發表這部《烈酒風味評判準則》(Spirits Sensory Guidelines),目前這部作品以英文發行。
一個賽事的評審團,通常必須拆分成不同桌次,每個桌次可視為一個獨立的評審團。評審桌長,就是這個獨立評審團的主席,通常我們私下都稱為table captain(桌長),但是正式的說法是president of jury(評審團主席)——位階聽起來威風凜凜,但其實就是桌長。身為桌長,任務內容簡單許多,基本上只要確保該桌工作進度沒有落後,文件資料填寫齊全。但是我擔任桌長時,也希望同行專家都能透過討論,從彼此身上學到一些東西,並確保評選結果符合應有水準素質。
〈智利國家電視台TVN Canal 24 Horas〉Comenzó concurso mundial de destilados
〈智利電視台Ahora Noticias Central MEGA〉2017年8月24日
王鵬主導編纂的《烈酒評判準則》(Spirits Sensory Guidelines)正式推出,是本屆賽事的亮點之一 。以下是王鵬在8月22日大賽開幕典禮上的英文致詞全文,以及中文翻譯。
* * * * * * * * * * * *
My dear fellow judges,
As a judge, we never stop learning. I believe you feel the same way. There are so much to explore in the world of spirits. The diversity of our drinks and cultural richness behind them are fascinating; yet, its complexity can be frustrating sometimes. No one is a perfect judge. However, we try to do our best and fulfill our mission.
And we are lucky being in this family of Spirits Selection, because fellow judges always share thoughts and knowledge at the judging table. I was inspired to collect valuable comments, and compile them into Guidelines, so that such information become available for each member in the team, rather than limited within one single jury at a given table.
Hopefully, these guidelines will help you in the challenging task as spirits judge, particularly when you are faced with certain categories that you are less familiar with. We recommend you spend some time on the “Users’ Guide.” You can find it in the beginning of your booklet. Appropriate use of these guidelines will be helpful in your judging, and will ensure our mission in promoting great culture of fine spirits.
Let’s imagine that each bottle or each sample is a person, and it tries to express itself in its own language. To better communicate, we have to learn its language. The diversity of spirits can be compared to diverse languages, and we managed to bridge over that gap, by revealing the secret of “how to speak its own language,” in other words, how to evaluate the spirits from their unique cultural backgrounds. This is what these guidelines are for.
In these Guidelines, we aimed at pointing out common features and frequent faults within each category, and these are often useful tips for judges. We believe, your expertise paired with this powerful tool of Guidelines, will enhance your performance as a judge. I hope you enjoy using these Guidelines before or during judging. Discussions are encouraged, since guidelines themselves are a compilation of these useful comments. When you find them, write them down and send them to us. They are much wanted and desired.
This document is designed to evolve over time, based on your remarks and suggestions. Some pieces are still missing, but I believe they are about to come, thanks to your feedback. Please capture any thought that arises during judging, and let’s share with the whole team in the next edition. Ever-improving guidelines will help reproduce quality judging, which is of utmost importance for the reputation of the renowned Spirits Selection, where we are united as a family and whose reputation is also ours.
I feel so proud and happy being part of the project. Although it was me who took initiative in the creation of these guidelines, were it not for the support of competition organizers and help from fellow judges, the project would not have been carried out with success. We would like to thank all those who have devoted their time and expertise to producing this first version. My special thanks go to Mr. Thierry Heins, who supported this project with great knowledge on spirits and particularly on human resources. He knows his people very well, and always have good contacts. Those fellow judges who contributed to the Guidelines, provided insights and advices, are listed in the Acknowledgements. I believe, in the next edition, this list will definitely grow longer because of your participation.
Thanks for your attention and support. Enjoy your tasting. Let’s get prepared for work!
organizers翻譯 在 Crescent Lament Youtube 的最讚貼文
從2007/02/28成立至今,Crescent Lament 恆月三途正式走過十個年頭。感謝一路陪伴的各個夥伴與聽眾,也感謝無數貴人的相助,我們幸運的在音樂的道路上,一直向前行。
身為台灣本土的樂團,我們想要將台灣的故事傳唱下去;在歷經2008年的兩張EP & 2011年的首張專輯 “Behind the Lethal Deceit / 末路之召”,我們逐漸摸索出明確的定位,以成為台語歌德/民謠金屬樂團為目標,並於2015年發行了第二張專輯 “花殤 / Elegy for the Blossoms”。在今年啟動的第三張專輯計畫中,我們將繼續以台灣歷史文化為主軸,唱阮台灣人的歌。
在歷經大大小小的表演後,我們在成軍的第十年 – 2016年,踏上了比利時音樂祭Metal Female Voices Fest的舞台。在這個歐洲的大舞台上,我們用台語歌唱著台灣藝妲的故事,用台灣藝妲的故事感動著不同文化的聽眾。是的,在滿場熱情的歐洲聽眾前,我們以身為台灣樂團感到無比光榮!
Crescent Lament’s “10th Anniversary Documentary” is a visual review recording the most exciting moments we experienced in the past 10 years. Thanks to all friends and fans, without your support and encouragement, we wouldn’t be able to have so many beautiful memories.
As an indigenous band of Taiwan, our creations are greatly inspired by Taiwan’s history and culture, both musically and lyrically. After releasing 2 EPs in 2008 and debut album “Behind the Lethal Deceit” in 2011, we began to integrate traditional Taiwanese instruments with metal music. The result was “Elegy for the Blossoms” (2015), a conceptual album recounting the story of Taiwanese geisha in ancient Taiwan. Such a gothic/folk metal style will remain the principal theme in our future creations.
It is always a huge pleasure and honor to attend a gig or a festival. Through these domestic and foreign performances, we are deeply touched by the genuine enthusiasm from the audience. Here, we must show our immense gratitude to each organizers/staff of performance, cooperative band, photographer/videographer, and audience. Among those unforgettable performances we've attended, the Belgian festival "Metal Female Voices Fest" in October of 2016 is particularly worth mentioning. It was truly an amazing experience to play our Taiwanese-style songs on a famous European stage. We saw joy on people's faces, and were deeply flattered by their passions. It was a memorable milestone to celebrate the 10th year of Crescent Lament. Many thanks to Helcanen Val and everyone of MFVF to create this beautiful memory with us!
The journey of Crescent Lament will be continued.
Thank you all for being with us for these 10 years.
—【十周年全記錄】影音製作 / Making of this documentary —
★ 影像 / Video
- 腳本 / Scenario:周慕姿 Muer Chou
- 素材挑選 / Footage selection:許至維 Wick Hsu
- 影片剪輯 / Film editing:邱振華 Wat Chiu
- 英文翻譯 / English translation:周岳弘 Komet Chou
*特別感謝下列攝影師提供素材 / Special thanks to the photographers who providing the footage:Bongsoo Lee, Brian Chen, Ekim Lu, Hendrik Schroeder, Juergen Bardong, Kunio Huang, Lily Hsu, Nathan Lin, Rudi Marina Wauters, Rainer Kerber, Ton van Moll, 林布朗, 林峻, 吳旭曜(氫酸鉀), 周承翰, 周劭儒, 侯政宏 Horace Hou, 陳采瑩, 陳沐新
★ 音樂 / Audio
1.「煙花易寒」演奏版 / Once Blossomy (instrumental)
- 作曲 / Music:周岳弘 Komet Chou
- 編曲 / Arrangement :周岳弘 Komet Chou & Jedi Yeh
- 客座演出 / Guest appearance:楊子儀
2.「十年一瞬」/ 10th
- 作曲 / Music:周岳弘 Komet Chou
- 編曲 / Arrangement:恆月三途Crescent Lament
- 錄音 / Recording:邱振華 Wat Chiu & Jedi Yeh
- 混音 / Editing & Mixing:Jedi Yeh
追蹤我們的最新消息 / Stay up to date on Crescent Lament
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/crescentlament
Website - http://crescentlament.site44.com/

organizers翻譯 在 citiesocial - #小編實測#80種語言雙向翻譯 荷蘭Travis 隨身即時 ... 的推薦與評價
小編實測#80種語言雙向 翻譯 ✨荷蘭Travis 隨身即時 翻譯 神器✨ 限時8 折 http://bit.ly/2AyyEMQ 一按即翻!英文、韓文、泰文、德文等都適用! ... <看更多>
organizers翻譯 在 【綜藝玩很大】得分機器再發威上演逆轉勝?!坤達忍不住大喊 的推薦與評價
歡迎幫助完娛提供多國字幕 翻譯 讓世界各地的朋友一起享受完全娛樂 翻譯 字幕請直接私訊"完娛臉書"提供給我們喔:) https://www.facebook.com/setshowbiz. ... <看更多>