Vô vàn các vị trí nghiên cứu, Phd từ Hàn sang UK, Mỹ cho các bạn quan tâm. Các lĩnhh vực từ Kinh tế tới Kĩ thuật nhé.
🏆6 Ph.D. tại the University of Oxford, Colorado, and Texas 🇺🇸🇬🇧 and 6 Research Engineer Positions in Vietnam Earable Office. Tin do anh Tâm gửi trực tiếp cho HannahEd Scholarship for Vietnamese students
- Mỗi trường sau có 2 suất: he University of Oxford, UK; the University of Colorado, University of Texas Arlington 🇺🇸
- Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu:
(1) Embedded System Machine Learning, (2) Quantum Computing, (3) Mobile Healthcare, (4) Smart Agriculture, and (5) Mobile and Wireless Systems, (6) Wireless Sensing, (7) Mobile System Security, and (8) 5G/6G Communication and Sensing.
- Yêu cầu background: Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Robotics, Bioengineering
- Hồ sơ: CV. sample of your publications, GRE score, TOEFL
- Contact:
+ [email protected] or [email protected] (Apply vào Oxford or Colorado) hoặc + Info@Earable.AI or Tam@Earable.AI (Apply vào công ty Earable)
Tam’s Homepage: http://mnslab.org/tamvu/
+ [email protected] (If you want to apply to Texas)
VP’s Homepage: http://wsslab.org/vpnguyen/
🏆Ph.D. tại Georgetown University 🇺🇸 . Tin từ anh V.D. Le
- Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu: Economics, Finance
- Link: https://econ.georgetown.edu/academics/phd/admissions/ (deadline January 01 2021),
- Hiện tại Giáo sư Dan Cao, chuyên về macro/finance cũng ở trong hội đồng, các bạn có thể contact: http://www9.georgetown.edu/faculty/dc448)
🏆 3-year Ph.D tại UCL Chemistry Department UK. Tin từ anh Trần Trung Lưu
- Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu: Theoretical Chemistry: Design and Simulation of Organic Radicals for Next-Generation Solar Cells and Light-Emitting Diodes
- Deadline: 8/1/2021
- Link: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/prospective-students/graduate/apply.
- Contact: Dr Hele via t.hele@ucl.ac.uk gửi kèm bảng điểm, motivation letter
🏆1 Ph.D tại Sungkyunkwan Univ Hàn Quốc. Tin từ anh Quy Nguyen
e-post lại thông tin tuyển NCS.
- Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu: “Towards Super Sapiens: Superintelligence for Future Human Innovations” (1. Application of machine learning in networking, iot, sensor to solve pending mathematical issues. (Mainly focused in the lab)
2. Anomaly detection
3. Medical image processing )
- Link: https://supersapiens.skku.edu/main/.
- Miễn học phí mỗi tháng được thêm từ 700-900USD
- Contact:
Prof. Hyunseung Choo, Ph.D. - choo@skku.edu.
College of Software, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), KOREA
+82-31-290-7145(O) 7231(FAX) 7226(LAB)
🏆Ngoài ra, team Finance bên RMIT Vietnam đang tuyển Giảng viên có PhD. Bạn nào có background trong Finance và Computer Science thì tham khảo nhé. Team finance tập trung mảng Blockchain, Financial Technology, Cryptofinance và Big Data & AI. Tin từ anh Binh Nguyen.
Link: http://careers.rmit.edu.vn/vn/en/job/591931/lecturer-finance?fbclid=IwAR0uO5nwEkOcPjMqxEnSmKn76vBFQznzN5QAfuR-PTPzCjHUn-KdnSC4qGM
<3 Like page, tag và share bạn bè nhé <3
#HannahEd #scholarshipforVietnamesestudents #Phd #research
ph.d. or phd 在 Dr Soo Wincci 蘇盈之 Facebook 的最佳貼文
WhiiseCon supports 50-50 gender split & donates all the proceeds to Women In Music, promoting gender equality in the music world. Come watch my interview! It will be online for 48 hrs. It's free to attend online from anywhere in the world
#Repost @whiisecon (@get_repost)
What better way to #grow than by taking the advice of an award-winning singer, actress, entrepreneur and Ph.D. holder? There isn’t one! So you’ll be happy to know that #registration is now #OPEN for #WhiiseCon , the #FREE online conference for musicians who want to advance their career, for the fans of our #charttopping #artists and for all the #musiclovers . Don’t miss your chance to learn from the best for FREE, join WhiiseCon 2018 (Nov. 28 - Dec. 2) !
Music and creative fields are unlike most professions, you can’t get by on only discipline and technique, you MUST have some feeling. Your audience needs to have a way to relate to you and to your music for it to mean anything to them. Practice is important, but so is meaning the words you sing or the chords you play.
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ph.d. or phd 在 李世淦-屏東縣議員 Facebook 的最讚貼文
國立屏東科技大學107學年度第2學期徵聘「專任教師」公告 (自108年2月1日起聘) 公告日期:107年06月26日 ◆徵聘單位:技職教育研究所 ◆徵聘職稱:助理教授(含)以上 ◆名額:1 ◆一般資格條件:具教育部認可之國內、外大學技職教育相關系所之博士學位或助理教授級以上教師資格證書者。 ◆專長領域或特殊資格條件(含研究著作要求): 一、專長 1.專長領域:技職教育。 2.具備中等學校合格教師證。 3.具備全英文授課能力。 二、應具備三年以上與任教領域相關之業界實務工作經驗。 三、獲聘後,需教授技術及職業教育研究所與師資培育中心中等學校教育學程課程。 ◆Department:National Pingtung University of Science and Technology ◆Position:Assistant Professor (above) ◆Vacancy:1 ◆General Requirement:A Ph.D. degree or an experience as an assistant professor (or above) with an official teaching certificate recognized by the Ministry of Education of the R.O.C. in technological and vocational education relevant fields is required. ◆Specialization or Special Qualification(research and publication requirement included): 一、Specialty 1.Specialty in technological and vocational education. 2.Teacher certificate in secondary education is required. 3.Have the ability to teach in English. 二、Proven professional/working experience in technological and vocational education for more than three years is required. 三、Teaching the courses of Graduate Institute of Technological and Vocational Education and Center for Teacher Education is required. ==================================================================
◆徵聘單位:通識教育中心 ◆徵聘職稱:助理教授(含)以上 ◆名額:1 ◆一般資格條件: 一、具有國內外政治經濟學相關領域之博士學位者(須取得正式博士學位證書)。 二、具有助理教授(含)以上教育部頒發之教師證書資格者優先。 ◆專長領域或特殊資格條件(含研究著作要求): 一、具備全英語授課能力。 二、「區域研究」、「國際經濟關係」或「環境經濟」相關專長者尤佳。 三、能講授「智慧財產權」者。 四、個人學經歷表及自傳。 五、擬開設課程課綱(兩門中文課程、兩門英文課程)。 六、博士學位證書影本一份(持國外學歷者須完成駐外單位驗證並附中文譯本)、最高學歷歷年成績單一份。 七、曾任教於大專院校及研究機關者,請附教師證書及歷年聘書影本各一份。(無者免附)。 八、歷年著作目錄一份、代表作一份、參考著作一份。 九、具備三年以上相關領域之工作經驗年資。 ◆Department:Center for General Education ◆Position:Assistant Professor (above) ◆Vacancy:1 ◆General Requirement: 一、The candidate must hold a PhD degree with major in political economy related fields from domestic or foreign institute recognized by Ministry of Education (MOE), Republic of China. 二、The candidate with a teacher certificate of assistant professor level or above awarded by MOE is preferred. ◆Specialization or Special Qualification(research and publication requirement included): 一、Capable of teaching in both Mandarin Chinese and English. 二、Expertise in regional studies, international political economy, or environmental economics is preferred. 三、Teaching intellectual property laws is required. 四、An academic C.V. and autobiography. 五、Syllabuses of two Chinese courses and two English courses. 六、A copy of the PhD certificate and the transcripts. 七、A copy of the teacher’s certificate (if available). 八、A list of academic publications, a copy of two chosen pieces of publications. 九、A least 3-year work experiences is required. ==================================================================
◆徵聘單位:熱帶農業暨國際合作系 ◆徵聘職稱:助理教授(含)以上 ◆名額:1 ◆一般資格條件:具教育部認可之相關領域國、內外博士學位或具助理教授以上教師資格證書者。 ◆專長領域或特殊資格條件(含研究著作要求): 一、具有熱帶農業生產相關專長並且可開熱帶農業相關基礎課程。 二、精通英語,能全程以英文授課。 三、具備三年以上之全職實務工作經驗(自碩士畢業起計算)。 ◆Department:Department of Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation ◆Position:Assistant Professor (above) ◆Vacancy:1 ◆General Requirement:A Ph.D. degree recognized by the Ministry of Education of the R.O.C. in a relevant field is required or an experience as an assistant professor (or above) with official certificate. ◆Specialization or Special Qualification(research and publication requirement included): 一、Expertise and teach in tropical agriculture production or related fields. 二、Excellent in English proficiency is required. 三、The applicant should have at least 3-year working experience in industries (starting from the acquisition of a master degree). ==================================================================
================================================================== ■備註︰ 一、以上應徵之「一般資格條件」,須於公告截止日前(107年8月20日)已具有博士學位或教育部核頒助理教授以上教師資格證書。。 二、以上應徵之「專長領域獲特殊資格條件」中有關「實務工作經驗」之審核,本校將依教育部訂定公布「技專校院專業科目或技術科目之教師業界實務工作經驗認定標準」規定辦理。 三、報名期間︰自公告日起至107年8月20日止截止收件。 四、報名方式︰一律採書面方式報名,收件至報名截止日止。 (一) 郵寄方式報名:以郵戳為憑,請寄送至91201屏東縣內埔鄉老埤村學府路1號,國立屏東科技大學人事室收。 (二) 親送方式報名:以本校人事室「職缺收件章」收件日期為憑,請於報名截止日前之本校工作日期間親送至本校行政中心二樓人事室,交由人事人員收執,並加蓋「職缺收件章」。 ※ 應檢附之證件不齊或逾期者,均不予受理。 五、聯絡電話︰08-7703202轉6112本校人事室蘇先生。 六、應徵信封右上角請務必註明「應徵者姓名」及「應徵單位/領域」;符合資格者由徵聘單位通知甄試,不合者恕不另行通知及函覆;如未獲錄取而需返還書面應徵資料,請附足額回郵信封以利郵寄。 七、獲聘為本校教師後,如學校因教學需要調整教師任教單位時,應無異議接受。 八、報名需繳送表件︰(各徵聘單位另有資料需求者,請依其需求辦理) (一)個人基本資料表(請詳細註明通訊位址、聯絡電話、行動電話及fax)。 (二)新聘專任教師應徵人員資料簡表。 (三)最近五年著作一覽表。 (四)最高學歷畢業證書(含教師證書)影本,畢業學校如係國外學歷須為教育部所認可且經我國駐外單位驗證有案者。 (五)最高學歷歷年成績單影本,畢業學校如係國外學歷須為教育部所認可且經我國駐外單位驗證有案者。 (六)檢附相關實務工作經驗之證明文件影本。 (七)其他有利於聘審之資格證明文件。 九、獲得本校系(所、中心、室)教評會推薦聘任,但未具教育部核頒擬聘任職級之教師資格證書者,請俟系(所、中心、室)電話通知後,備齊「取得送審前一等級教師資格後之專門著作(作品、成就證明及技術報告),含代表著作及參考著作合計至多五件(送審講師、助理教授資格者,尚得以學位論文代替代表著作)。」合訂本一式五份,並寄送至本校辦理外審作業;未依通知時限繳送著作辦理外審者,不予聘任。送審後著作恕不退還。 十、前述第八項(1、2款)所需之「個人基本資料表」、「新聘專任教師應徵人員資料簡表」表格,刊登於本校首頁(網址:http://www.npust.edu.tw/)點選「徵才資訊」及人事室網站首頁(網址http://personnel.npust.edu.tw/bin/home.php)最新消息、徵才求職,請自行下載相關表格使用;其中有關「新聘專任教師應徵人員資料簡表」,請另行以E-mail方式逕傳送以下相關系、所承辦人: 項目 系所 郵件信箱 (六) 技職教育研究所 jsl@mail.npust.edu.tw (七) 通識教育中心 hs@mail.npust.edu.tw (八) 熱帶農業暨國際合作系 sophia@mail.npust.edu.tw 十、應徵者之個人資料將用於本校此次徵聘教師之各項相關業務;且錄取後,將其個人資料供校務行政之用。 十一、本校聘用前依性侵害犯罪加害人登記報到查訪及查閱辦法第14條之規定,應申請查閱有無性侵害犯罪紀錄。 十二、本公告同時刊登於下列網站: (一)行政院人事行政總處網址http://www.dgpa.gov.tw/點選「事求人」。 (二)本校首頁網址http://www.npust.edu.tw/index.aspx 點選「求才資訊」。 (三)本校人事室網址http://personnel.npust.edu.tw/bin/home.php點選「最新消息」/「徵才求職區」。 (四)全國就業通網址https://www.taiwanjobs.gov.tw/Internet/index/index.aspx 點選「找工作」。 (五)104人力銀行網址https://www.104.com.tw/index.cfm點選「找公司」。 (六)教育部全國大專教師人才網網址https://tjn.moe.edu.tw/index.php點選「職缺訊息」。 <詳細內容及相關報名表格請至本校人事室網頁參閱、下載。 網址:http://personnel.npust.edu.tw/bin/home.php 點選「最新消息」>
ph.d. or phd 在 Should I write "PhD" or "Ph.D."? - English StackExchange 的推薦與評價
PhD and Ph.D. are both correct. Canadians tend to omit the periods and those from the U.S. tend to keep them. ... <看更多>