這陣子一些個股的飆法, 是不是讓您覺得賺錢很容易呢? 這並不是常態, 所以正確的投資與理財觀念很重要. 也請不要認為這樣(買這些飆股)能一夕致富喔.
今天要介紹的一本書, 就是作者藉由分享自己的理財方式, 希望讀者能夠參考自己的方法, 來有系統地打造一個理財計劃.
我年紀不小了, 所以不是這本書的主要目標族群😅, 不過倒挺建議剛入社會, 或是年輕人看看, 說不定會從裡面得到一些啟發. 你不理財, 才不理你. 如果能從年輕時開始擬定適合自己的理財計劃, 並養成習慣, 好好執行, 那財富指日可待!
🌻Fidelity Contrafund的Will Danoff訪談摘要
很扎實, 有內容的一篇訪談. 雖然不少內容都已經在自己的實作上了, 但有從他的談話中應證了以前的一些想法, 於是還是整理了一下筆記(不過也不是完全100%同意他的觀點就是(有寫在下方))
1. Azure revenue growth accelerated and came in above analysts’ expectations for the quarter.
2. Sales of new Xbox consoles didn’t hurt the margin of the Windows business as much as analysts had expected.
3. Revenue guidance for the company quarter beat expectations.
(中文文字來源: https://tw.appledaily.com/property/20210127/YQPVSZAXC5HV5GFAWVZACAT5QQ/)
原文: What we are witnessing is the dawn of a second wave of digital transformation sweeping every company and every industry. Digital capability is key to both resilience and growth. It's no longer enough to just adopt technology. Businesses need to build their own technology to compete and grow. Microsoft is powering this shift with the world's largest and most comprehensive cloud platform.
官方財報新聞稿連結: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/Investor/earnings/FY-2021-Q1/press-release-webcast
🌻沒太follow ARK的新聞, 不過最近連續有三個媒體在報導. 這些基金對我來說, 算是動能投資的操作方式. 若碰到修正, 會拉回很多. 供參.
高盛:美股的確已有泡沫現象 SPAC火熱
GS的CEO在財報上也有提到SPAC: Goldman Sachs warned of the risks in SPACs"I do think SPACs is a good use case, versus a traditional IPO, and advantages for sellers and for investors and looking at this ecosystem. But the ecosystem is not without flaws. I think it's still evolving. I think the incentive system is still evolving. One of the things we're watching very, very closely is the incentives of the sponsors, and also the incentives of somebody that selling. And while I think these activity levels continue to be very robust, and that they do continue as we head into 2021 continue to be very, very robust. I do not think this is sustainable in the medium term...things I certainly think is the case is you have something here it's a good capital markets innovation. But like many innovations, there's a point in time as they start, where they have a tendency, maybe to go a little bit too far, and then need to be pulled back or rebalanced in some way. And that's something my guess is we'll see over the course of 2021 or 2022, with SPAC" - Goldman Sachs (GS) CEO David Solomon
Pictures來源: 出版社提供; https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/26/microsoft-msft-earnings-q2-2021.html
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅Utatv,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【【法國甜品】『試吃』金屬水泥蛋糕?!Uta帶你去巴黎喝下午茶吃個Brunch|Restaurant Casse-noisette Opera|Utatv】 ♥️訂閱UtaTV/ウタ看新影片: https://goo.gl/BIfbJy Uta的法國美食vlog又來啦!法國的旅遊vlog大家最喜歡...
selling point中文 在 強尼金口筆譯教學日記 Facebook 的最讚貼文
▌時事英文 ▌
股海茫茫,誰現在也住公園 🤣
1. 股票(股數):Share(s) of Stock:株(かぶ)
2. 劇烈震盪:Bumpy / Fluctuate Violently:乱高下(らんこうげ)する
3. 成交量:Trading Volume:出来高(できだか)
4. 內線交易:Insider Trading:インサイダー取引(とりひき)
5. 股東:Principal / Shareholder:株主(かぶぬし)
6. 暴跌: Collapse / Slump / Drop Sharply:暴落(ぼうらく)する
7. 暴漲:Jump / Boom / Soar / Skyrocket:暴騰(ぼうとう)する
8. 套牢:Underwater / Tied Up:水浸し(みずびたし)、塩漬け(しおづけ)
9. 零股:Odd Lot:端株(はかぶ)、単位未満株(たんいみまんかぶ)
10. 道瓊工業指數:Dow Jones Industrial Average:ダウ平均株価(へいきんかぶか)
11. 那斯逹克:NASDAQ Composite:ナスダック
13. 跌幅: Fall / Decline:下げ幅(さげはば)
14. 漲停:Limit Up:ストップ高(だか)
15. 跌停:Limit Down:ストップ安(やす)
16. K 線圖:Candlestick Chart:ロウソク足チャート
17. 開盤價:Ex-Distribution:始値(はじめね)
18. 收盤價:Close:終値(おわりね)
19. 壓力線:Resistance Line:抵抗線(ていこうせん)
20. 支持線:Support Line:支持線(しじせん)
21. 跌破最低大關:Fall Below the Mark:底を割る(そこをわる)
22. 疲軟:Weak:軟調(なんちょう)
23. 利多消息:Good / Bullish / Positive /Favorable News:好材料(こうざいりょう)
24. 利空消息:Bad / Bearish / Negative / Unfavorable News:悪材料(あくざいりょう)、不安材料(ふあんざいりょう)
25. 分析師:Stock Analyst:アナリスト
26. 股利、股息:Dividend:配当金(はいとうきん)
27. 散戶:Retail Players / Retail Investors / Individual Investors:個人投資家(こじんとうしか)
28. 法人股東:Corporate Shareholder:機関投資家(きかんとうしか)
29. 投機客:Speculator:スペキュレーター
30. 前景:Outlook:先行き(さきゆき)
31. 上市企業:Listed Company:上場企業(じょうじょうきぎょう)
32. 回升反彈:Rebound:反発する(はんぱつする)
33. 停損:Stop Loss:損切(そんぎり)
34. 獲益了結:Book Profit / Lock in Profits / Profit-Taking:利益確定(りえきかくてい)
35. 槓桿:Leverage / Gearing:レバレッジ
36. 資本利得:Capital Gain:キャピタルゲイン
37. 攤平成本買進:Average Down / Add to a Losing Position:ナンピン買い(がい)
38. 本益比:Price-Earnings Ratio:株価収益率(かぶかしゅうえきりつ)
39. 基本面:Fundamentals:ファンダメンタルズ
40. 技術面:Technicals:テクニカル
41. 每股盈餘:Earnings Per Share:一株あたりの利益
42. 稅後盈餘:Net Income after Tax:税引き後利益(ぜいびきごりえき)
43. 漲跌幅限制:Price Limit:値幅制限(ねはばせいげん)
44. 毛利率:Gross Margin:粗利率(あらりりつ)
45. 產能利用率:Capacity Utilization:生産稼働率(せいさんかどうりつ)
46. 高處脫手:Sell at a High Point:売り抜け(うりぬけ)
47. 全年展望:Stock Market Outlook of the Year:通年の見通し(つうねんのみとおし)
48. 牛市:Bull Market:強気相場(つよきそうば)
49. 熊市:Bear Market:弱気相場(よわきそうば)
50. 多頭氣氛:Bull Position:強気(つよき)ムード
51. 空頭氣氛:Bear Position:弱気(よわき)ムード
52. 觀望氣氛:Wait-and-see Position:様子見(ようすみ)ムード
53. 下市:Delisting:上場廃止(じょうじょうはいし)
54. 熱門股:Popular Stock:人気株(にんきかぶ)
55. 績優股:Blue Chip:優良株(ゆうりょうかぶ)
56. 科技股:Technology Stock:ハイテク株
57. 概念股:Concept Stock:関連株(かんれんかぶ)
58. 總市值:Market Capitalization:時価総額(じかそうがく)
59. 以美元計價:Dollar-Denominated:ドル建て(だて)
60. 買超:Overbought:買いこし
61. 賣超:Oversold:売りこし
62. 損益平衡點:Break-even Point:損益分岐点(そんえきぶんきてん)
63. 護盤:Boost Market Confidence / Engage in Price Stabilization:買い支え(かいささえ)
64. 恐慌性賣壓:Panic Selling:パニック売り(うり)
65. 股票選擇權:Stock Option:ストックオプション
66. 股價創新低:Touch Another Low:安値を更新する(やすねをこうしんする)
67. 黃金交叉:Golden Cross:ゴールデンクロス
68. 死亡交叉:Death Cross:デッドクロス
#翻譯日常 #翻譯 #筆譯 #口譯 #自由譯者 #自由業 #英文 #中文
selling point中文 在 強尼金口筆譯教學日記 Facebook 的最讚貼文
▌時事英文 ▌
「股票」相關單字 Part 2
1. 上市企業:Listed Company
2. 回升反彈:Rebound
3. 停損:Stop Loss
4. 獲益了結:Book Profit / Lock in Profits / Profit-Taking
5. 槓桿:Leverage / Gearing
6. 資本利得:Capital Gain
7. 攤平成本買進:Average Down / Add to a Losing Position
8. 本益比:Price-Earnings Ratio
9. 基本面:Fundamentals
10. 技術面:Technicals
11. 每股盈餘:Earnings Per Share
12. 稅後盈餘:Net Income after Tax
13. 漲跌幅限制:Price Limit
14. 毛利率:Gross Margin
15. 產能利用率:Capacity Utilization
16. 高處脫手:Sell at a High Point
17. 全年展望:Stock Market Outlook of the Year
18. 牛市:Bull Market
19. 熊市:Bear Market
20. 多頭氣氛:Bull Position
21. 空頭氣氛:Bear Position
22. 觀望氣氛:Wait-and-see Position
23. 下市:Delisting
24. 熱門股:Popular Stock
25. 績優股:Blue Chip
26. 科技股:Technology Stock
27. 概念股:Concept Stock
28. 總市值:Market Capitalization
29. 以美元計價:Dollar-Denominated
30. 買超:Overbought
31. 賣超:Oversold
32. 損益平衡點:Break-even Point
33. 護盤:Boost Market Confidence / Engage in Price Stabilization
34. 恐慌性賣壓:Panic Selling
35. 股票選擇權:Stock Option
36. 股價創新低:Touch Another Low
37. 黃金交叉:Golden Cross
38. 死亡交叉:Death Cross
39. 零股:Odd Lot
完成接棒 Hiroshi的日文教學(弘の日本語教室)
#翻譯日常 #翻譯 #筆譯 #口譯 #自由譯者 #自由業 #英文 #中文 #Hiroshi的日文教學 #弘の日本語教室
selling point中文 在 Utatv Youtube 的最讚貼文
【【法國甜品】『試吃』金屬水泥蛋糕?!Uta帶你去巴黎喝下午茶吃個Brunch|Restaurant Casse-noisette Opera|Utatv】
♥️訂閱UtaTV/ウタ看新影片: https://goo.gl/BIfbJy
這些餐廳主要是賣法國甜品的,而且餐廳的法國甜品超級好吃!小小的法式甜點大大的驚喜!今天Uta推薦的是一直都非常好奇的法式甜點:Canelé Surprise!
Uta's French cuisine vlog comes again! French tour vlog we most like to see what?
Today to introduce is: French dessert! French dessert! French dessert! French dessert! French dessert! French dessert! French dessert! French dessert! French dessert! French dessert! French dessert! French dessert! French dessert! French dessert! French dessert! French dessert! French dessert! French dessert! French dessert! French dessert! French dessert!
Uta goes to a restaurant this year is a good restaurant to drink afternoon difference! The name of the restaurant is also very beautiful: Casse-noisette! Chinese means: nutcracker!
The whole restaurant decoration is also super beautiful! Very high-end feeling! Very French restaurant taste! Thick French taste of Paris! Very French Paris style!
These restaurants are mainly selling French dessert, and the restaurant's French dessert is super delicious! Little French dessert big surprise! Uta recommended today is always very curious French dessert: Canelé Surprise!
This French dessert and a very special place! Is the appearance looks like a hard metal shell, like a cement like haha! But in fact dessert cake shell is chocolate! Is actually a real chocolate cake! Is a chocolate cake Haha do not make a mistake!
And this chocolate cake inside full of chocolate mousse! Super super delicious!
But the French restaurant selling point as long as the sale of dessert, so the other dishes are not particularly delicious! Really not particularly delicious! Just very common Brunch, is the French fast food more than a little friends ~ but this French restaurant really has a strong French cultural atmosphere, it is worth to go! The The
But it is recommended only point French dessert, French dessert is good!
【『試吃』【法國甜品】金屬水泥蛋糕?!Uta帶你去巴黎喝下午茶吃個Brunch|Restaurant Casse-noisette Opera|Utatv】
♥️相關大人氣影片【『試吃』【法國甜品】金屬水泥蛋糕?!Uta帶你去巴黎喝下午茶吃個Brunch|Restaurant Casse-noisette Opera|Utatv】:
♥ INSTAGRAM https://goo.gl/6iT2Vi
♥ 臉書 FACEBOOK https://goo.gl/e2fS4l
♥ 推特 TWITTER https://goo.gl/jf2bnZ
♥ 商務聯繫 EMAIL nicebrooke19911202@gmail.com
◆Uta 愛看 YouTuber◆
Ling BigYong
老吳 Laowu
Dennis Caca
Lim Shang Jin
Ryuuu TV / 學日文看日本
미라 Mira's Garden
Sanyuan_JAPAN 三原慧悟
TGOP (This Group Of People)
AlanChannel / 阿倫頻道
Coffee Tea & Jane
LlegaWeapon And DIY
木下ゆうか Yuka Kinoshita
... and MANY more!
Uta 的關鍵字*
Youtube巴黎、Youtube法國、Youtube旅遊、Youtube vlog、法國vlog、巴黎vlog、Uta vlog、旅遊vlog、巴黎旅遊、法國旅遊、巴黎餐廳分享、法國餐廳分享、巴黎好玩、巴黎餐廳推薦、法國餐廳推薦、Paris、France、覓食日記、試吃、新店試吃、餐廳試吃、試吃、探秘、體驗、餐廳體驗、實驗、餐廳挑戰、挑戰、分享、好玩、美食、美食vlog、
Uta、Utatv、Uta旅遊、巴黎Uta、Youtube Uta、Utatv、旅遊Utatv、Youtuber、Youtuber Uta、Uta料理、Uta的料理、
selling point中文 在 BETHNI Y Youtube 的最佳貼文
Bobbi Brown cushion vs Estée Lauder cushion! 唔知邊隻好用d呢?
黎緊嘅測試一天我唔會喺片度講selling point/產品特徵,直接擺入info box, 怕條片太長氣,大家覺得呢?:)
♡♡ 如果大家有興趣/有時間可以麻煩幫我加中文字幕嗎?
添加中文字幕: http://bit.ly/2dwSHPg
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Instagram: bethniy
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Business Inquiries Only:
00:31 Bobbi Brown 簡介
01:16 Estee Lauder 簡介
01:41 包裝 | Packaging
04:02 Bobbi Brown 試上面效果
05:13 Estee Lauder 試上面效果
09:52 4.5 HOURS LATER
Bobbi Brown Skin Foundation Cushion Compact - Extra Light
SPF50 PA+++
Capsule - HK$300
盒連粉撲 - HK$130
購自 Bobbi Brown專門店
- 蘊含具提升肌膚成份的合歡花及咖啡因,能優化肌膚細胞能量
- 使用後令肌膚完美無瑕,透出自然光澤。
資料來源: http://bit.ly/2cZZMt0
Estée Lauder 持久透亮氣墊粉底 SPF50 PA+++ - 1W1 Bone
資料來源: http://bit.ly/2cBJe6C
春夏 - t字位容易出油,其他位置乾
秋冬 - 整體皮膚都好乾,有時候會敏感
My Skin Type:
Spring/Summer - Dry - combination skin, t-zone gets oily but other areas remain dry.
Fall/Winter - Dry skin, sometimes sensitive.
This is not a sponsored video.
Click here to read my full disclaimer: http://goo.gl/DATgO6
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selling point · 查看更多. 美式. ph. (吸引顧客的)產品特色;銷售特色;賣點. Dr.eye 譯典通片語 · selling point ... 牛津中文字典. ... <看更多>
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概觀來說,獨特銷售點就是個讓你突出的「好東西」,它可以將你與其他相似的競爭對手區隔開來,它沒有固定的形式,它可以是個企業鶴立雞群的銷售技巧,可以 ... ... <看更多>
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