今日工黨前首相Tony Blair上電視,仲响右翼平民(最賣得嘅)報紙《Daily Mail》出文批評左膠誤國誤黨(工黨),
"The problem is that, in an era where people want change in a changing world, and a fairer, better and more prosperous future, the radical progressives aren't sensible and the sensible aren't radical."
"Progressive folk tend to wince at terms such as 'woke' and 'political correctness' but the normal public know exactly what they mean. And the battle is being fought on ground defined by the Right because sensible progressives don't want to be on the field at all."
"The consequence is that the 'radical' progressives, who are quite happy to fight on that ground, carry the standard. The fact that it ensures continued Right-wing victory doesn't deter them at all. On the contrary, it gives them a heightened sense of righteousness, like political kamikaze."
"People like common sense, proportion and reason. They dislike prejudice; but they dislike extremism in combating prejudice."
"And truth be told, no sensible Democrat or democrat should overplay the Biden victory. He won against an incumbent like no other; even then, Donald Trump increased his number of votes in the 2020 presidential election from 2016."
(真相越辯越明,正常嘅民主黨人係唔應該為阿登當選特別高興,佢贏咗Donald Trump係事實,但咪忘記Trump嘅選票比2016年多咗好多。)
Why I fear the kamikaze Left could plunge my party into extinction - Tony Blair
2021年Queen's Speech講咗咩?
tend to意思 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
@surfaceapparel 2021 Campaign #englishbelow
「我 17 歲一個人來台灣的時候 其實已在面對憂鬱症兩年 在有壓力的狀況下 每天想著為何當人那麼難」
「但來到台灣後認識了大海 , 學習不同文化 我開始衝浪又創業 我給了自己多一些機會去做我熱愛的事情 後來的轉折點是透過行動 找回了原本一直存在心裡的火花」
✨「人生的意義是每個人自己給它的 在我眼裡能活著這本身就是一個禮物」
「但做個現代的都市人 我們常把自己綁在一個太小的世界裡 我們容易忘記 大環境的意思,大自然的重要性,還有它的能量」
「像地球不只是資源,它也是我們的家 社會也是 ... 身邊的人都是像兄弟姊妹 而就像環境 , 我們要彼此照顧、互相幫忙 大家才能享受這趟短短的人生」
「我們來的時候 , 什麼都沒有 要走的時候 , 什麼都帶不走 我們唯一花了而拿不回來的資源是時間 ,我們沒得贏沒得輸 所以不管好與壞 要勇敢付出、勇敢愛,這樣活在當下,才是活的 『無後悔』」
- by 艾玲
🏄🏽♀ @eileen.carls
🏄🏽 @booasurfing
📹 @palau_ivan
👙 追蹤 @surfaceapparel ✨
~~~english ~~~
"When I came to Taiwan at the age of 17, I had been facing depression for two years. During that stressful phase of life,I always wondered why it’s so complicated to be a human.
But after moving to Taiwan, I got to know the ocean and learn about the culture.
�I got into surfing and started a business.
�I gave myself more chances to do what I love.
And it was only through action,That I rediscovered the spark of life that had always existed in my heart.
The meaning of life is given to it by every person him/herself. And in my eyes, being alive is a gift in itself.
While living a modern urban life,�Many get lost in a small world view.
�We tend to forget about the meaning of the environment, the importance of nature and its energy.
The earth is not only a resource, it is also our home.
�So is society - to me, we are all nothing but brothers and sisters. And just like caring for the environment, we could care for each-other.
�I believe that this is the way we could all love in harmony together.
In life there are many ups and downs, but it’s these hurdles that result in growth - They are what make us feel alive!
When we were born, we came with nothing.�And when we leave, we will leave with nothing.
�The only resource that we spend and will never come back is “time”.
There’s nothing to win and nothing to lose. So come good or bad, be brave to give and brave to love.
💫“Live in the moment.�Live a life with no regrets"
- by me 💛🙏🏽
Follow us @surfaceapparel
tend to意思 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的精選貼文
#EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
#五十步笑百步 英文怎麼說 #打開看全文加強實力
pot 跟 pan 平平都是「鍋」,但pot指「深鍋」,pan指「淺鍋」
今天先介紹跟pot有關的諺語 4 個~
順便搭上最近很夯的 #正義聯盟 四小時導演剪輯版作為例句
對 #syndercut 有興趣的讀者,不要錯過下週的 #編輯聊英文 podcast!
Have you ever noticed that it seems to take forever for water to boil if stand in front of the stove waiting?1⃣This is the source of the expression “a watched pot never boils,” which means that when you want something to happen, paying close attention will make the wait seem much longer. Ex: Don’t just sit there next to the phone waiting for Lisa to call—a watched pot never boils.
不知道你有沒有注意到,煮水的時候你要是一直站在爐火前等,這等待的時間彷彿就像永遠一樣長?這種感覺正好是諺語a watched pot never boils「某事是急不得的」的由來,意思是:當你越希望某件事情能發生,給它越多關注,那件事情就似乎越晚才會發生。如:Don’t just sit there next to the phone waiting for Lisa to call—a watched pot never boils.(不要只是坐在電話旁邊等麗莎打給你──心急吃不了熱豆腐。)
Pots and kettles left on the stove for a long time tend to turn black. So if the pot calls the kettle black, well, the pot is probably black too. 2⃣ So this idiom is used to describe people criticising another person for a fault they have themselves. Ex: Robert accused me of being selfish—talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
要是把鍋跟煮水壺放在爐火上越久,顏色就會變深變黑。所以如果鍋子笑水壺黑,嗯,鍋子自己也是黑的啊。因此,諺語the pot calls the kettle black就是「五十步笑百步」的意思:Robert accused me of being selfish—talk about the pot calling the kettle black!(羅伯罵我自私──拜託,他是五十步笑百步好嗎!)
When you prepare meat to make a stew, you cut it up into tiny pieces and put in the pot. 3⃣ So the phrase “go to pot” came to mean “deteriorate, decline, be ruined.” Ex: Their business went to pot during the recession.
如果你要燉肉,你會把肉切成小塊再放入鍋裡,因此入鍋(go to pot)延伸有「毀壞、衰弱、完蛋」的意思,像是:Their business went to pot during the recession.(經濟蕭條期間,他們的公司也一起完蛋。)
4⃣But not all pots are made for cooking—like chamber pots, for example. You’d have to be pretty poor not to be able to afford a chamber pot, so if someone “doesn’t have a pot to piss in,” it means they’re very poor. Ex: Steve can’t lend you the money—he doesn’t have a pot to piss in.
不過呢,並非所有的鍋子都是用來煮飯的──像便壺(chamber pot)就不是。便壺這種東西,除非你是非常窮,否則不太可能買不起,因此,如果你說某人doesn’t have a pot to piss in(沒有便壺可小便),就是在暗示那個人非常窮困。如:Steve can’t lend you the money—he doesn’t have a pot to piss in.(史提夫不可能借你錢──他自己都窮到快被鬼抓走。)
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