英文學術寫作寶典 9: Describing Trends 描述趨勢
今天的學術片語在雅思學術寫作(Academic Task 1)﹑做簡報和研究時常會用到,希望可以幫助同學充實自己的語彙及寫作!
例句和音檔: https://bit.ly/3aqaQcP
A trend is the general direction in which something is developing or changing over time. A projection is a prediction of future change. Trends and projections are usually illustrated using line graphs in which the horizontal axis represents time. Some of the language commonly used for writing about trends and projections is given below.
✍️議題介紹: http://bit.ly/2YeHhVZ
✍️解釋因果關係: http://bit.ly/3rinvpd
✍️比較與對比: http://bit.ly/3rXYvDX
✍️舉例: http://bit.ly/3kf0ota
✍️表達轉換主題的信號 1: http://bit.ly/3rgyBLI
✍️表達轉換主題的信號 2: http://bit.ly/3l4mdMo
✍️批判思考句型 1: https://bit.ly/3eGRlQX
✍️批判思考句型 2: https://bit.ly/2PV784C
✍️撰寫英文學術寫作寶典 (教學影片) Intro Video
📖 完整的片語詞庫大全 Complete Phrasebank:
📖 精簡版: http://bit.ly/3i5iWuY
📖 詞彙區別: https://bit.ly/2OJETlb
Make a sentence below~
trend例句 在 通勤學英語 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【#精選詞彙單元 Vocab 010】Rise of desirable dad-bods
This article discusses the rising popularity of chubby fathersA, those who have a few extra pounds have a softer body and it seems to be a new trend that some women seem to like it.
利用15分鐘跟讀精選詞彙單元,即刻加深記憶, 文章例句朗朗上口!
官網: www.15mins.today
更多跟讀單元: https://pse.is/E8BNC
Apple Podcast收聽: https://pse.is/DLMCK
trend例句 在 AMC 空中美語 Facebook 的最佳解答
1. never go/goes out of fashion不退流行
例句:Black and white never goes out of fashion. It's a classic/timeless match!
= 黑和白永不退流行啊~這兩色簡直是經典的搭配啊!
2. classic 經典的
3. timeless fashion trend= 經典不敗的時尚潮流 (timeless = 無時間限制的,永恆的)
4. track pants = 運動長褲;tracksuit = 運動套裝
5. sweatpants = (比較厚一點的)棉質運動長褲;sweatshirt = 長袖的運動綿T/大學T
6. running shorts = 運動短褲
7. tights = 緊身運動褲
8. capris = 七分(緊身)褲
9. 運動鞋 = sneakers/running shoes/trainers(英式)
trend例句 在 雪薇英文- (限時開放) 何謂「安靜離職」?|Quiet quitting 的推薦與評價

Quiet quitting: The workplace trend taking over TikTok|英文 ... 語 56 堂英文新聞關鍵文法,看懂長句變化 三國外師新聞與單字 例句 朗讀音檔, ... ... <看更多>
trend例句 在 趨勢科技Trend Micro, profile picture - فيسبوك 的推薦與評價
現在換大人們乖乖來造句囉~ ✓ 兩個獲得整箱「乖乖X PC-cillin 聯名包」(一箱24包)的方法: https://t.rend.tw/?i=OTc2NQ 教師節送老師,中秋節跟親友分享, ... ... <看更多>