如果計劃生育,但肚皮遲遲未有消息,不少女性都會進行AMH(Anti-mullerian Hormone 抗穆勒氏荷爾蒙)檢查,AMH指數可以評估卵子庫存量,從而制訂合適的生育計劃,指數越低代表卵子庫存越少,不過AMH指數只知道卵子數量,而不知卵子質素,如果你有以下症狀,就要小心卵巢早衰的跡象,備孕的工夫比較多:
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Four warning signs of premature ovarian aging
Many women would opt for AMH (Anti-mullerian Hormone) test when they have difficulty conceiving. AMH can estimate a woman's total egg count, and this allows doctors to customize a conception plan for her.
The lower the AMH readings, the lower the egg count in a woman’s ovaries. Nonetheless, AMH is just a measurement of quantity but not quality. If you develop the below symptoms, please beware of premature ovarian aging, as it would further complicate your pregnancy plan:
.Irregular period
Delayed menstruation, period shortened, low volume of menstrual blood, or absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) are all symptoms of irregular period.
.Unable to conceive naturally
Couples fail to conceive a birth after having 12 months of regular unprotected intercourse.
.Changes in the sexual organ
Dry vagina, persistent genital pain during or after intercourse, yellowish vaginal discharge accompanied by an unpleasant smell.
.Premature menopause symptoms
Chinese physicians believe women would experience menopause around the age of 49. If anyone, before the age of 40, experiences hot flash, excessive sweating, insomnia, anxiety, soreness on the waist, dry mouth, and highly emotional, she could be experiencing premature ovarian aging.
Premature ovarian aging is caused by many factors such as hereditary, infection, stress, and dietary habits. According to Chinese Medicine theories, individuals with the lack of essence in the kidney would experience premature ovarian aging, because the said essence improves health of reproductive organs.
Try incorporating black bean, walnut, chestnut, mulberry, and mulberry mistletoe stem into your regular diet. Avoid eating raw and cold food, and at the same time, relieve stress when necessary, avoid sleeping late, and exercise regularly. If you exhibit the symptoms above, consult registered and licensed Chinese practitioners, so that they can customize a treatment plan based on your body condition to improve your chances of conception.
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