香蕉飴 在 Fast|success100%|No artificial coloring|【Jelly cake】|CC 的影片資訊
It can also become cold cake ▶https://youtu.be/J7K0SVe65-Y *Click the text [cc] in the upper right c...
It can also become cold cake ▶https://youtu.be/J7K0SVe65-Y *Click the text [cc] in the upper right c...
You can choose your favorite beverage as a material, with a variety of flavors *Click the text [cc] ...
8/5作法補充說明~ 有人反映做出來濕黏,原因可能如下: 1⃣ 水分過多。不管任何果汁或液體,總水分:樹薯粉=3:1,水分過多就不容易成形! 2⃣ 爐火要一定要攪拌到黏稠狀才可以入模。因為樹薯粉經過攪...
👄涼糕一直都在我的古早味口袋名單裡面,後來我終於找到非常簡單的做法~這次我一定要挑戰成功!!XDD 👄 你訂閱聖嫂 DODO 的頻道了嗎 ▶ https://goo.gl/fQw3OB ◀ 👄 想看更...
【快樂嬤食堂】 快樂嬤今天要教阿弟、阿妹【涼糕/香蕉飴】料理。 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ☆ 更多歡樂影片 ☆ 快樂嬤挑戰【TWICE(트와이스)《KNOCK KNO...
在某個下遇天的周末突然興起~~ 超超超簡單涼糕~ 材料基本上就3樣就夠了~ 可以第一次就上手~ ▲▽▲▽▲▽▲▽▲▽▲▽▲▽▲▽▲▽ TiA頻道訂閱::https://www.youtube.co...