❝ PJ系列 (27) ❞ #PJ27
◎ 別把〔看你共我 āinn--leh,有法度行偌遠〕(看你背著我走,能走多遠) 說成〔看你共我 phāinn--leh,有法度行偌遠〕!到底你是人、是鬼?
(民俗用語會以 phāinn-lâng 做為卡到陰的委婉語,說背後背著……!?)
✔ ❶〔āinn〕【偝】( iāng / tsiāng / iánn / iannh / ia̍nnh / tsiānn / tsiǎnn / tsiann )
(音檔)〔 http://bit.ly/3mO6x0p 〕
(辭典)〔 http://bit.ly/3i0nZeg 〕
偝囡仔 (āinn gín-á)【背小孩】│偝人 (āinn lâng)【背著人】│公偝婆 (kong āinn pô)【傳統民俗技藝】│相偝 (sio-āinn)【二人背對背,雙手互勾,一人將另一人背起;兩棟房屋背側緊鄰相貼;犬科動物特有的背對背交配】。
你遐大漢,我偝你無法。(Lí hiah tuā-hàn, guá āinn lí bô-huat.)【你那麼大隻,我背不動你。】
無力矣,我偝袂去矣。(Bô-la̍t--ah, guá āinn bē khì--ah.)【沒力氣了,我(背人)背不動了。】
阿公跤扭著,這站仔攏是我偝伊起去樓頂的。(A-kong kha náu--tio̍h, tsit-tsām-á lóng sī guá āinn i khí-lì lâu-tíng--ê.)【阿公腳扭到,這陣子都是我背著他上樓的。】
✔ ❷〔phāinn〕【揹】(※註)
(音檔)〔 http://bit.ly/3iUJnTH 〕
(辭典)〔 http://bit.ly/3kOslat 〕
揹一跤袋仔 (phāinn tsi̍t kha tē-á)【背一個包包、背包、袋子或提袋】│揹冊包 (phāinn tsheh-pau)【背書包】│揹吉他 (phāinn gì-tah)【背吉他】│腹肚揹一个五個月的 (bat-tóo phāinn tsi̍t ê gōo-kóo-gue̍h--ê)【肚子裡有一位五個月大的胎兒】│尻脊後有揹人 (kha-tsiah-āu ū phāinn-lâng)【民俗用語,指卡到陰,背後背了一個「人」】│揹債務 (phāinn tsè-bū)【背債】│椰子生規揹的 (iâ-tsí senn kui phāinn--ê)【椰子結一大堆(椰子樹上一整個幾十粒的椰子,量詞用〔揹〕(phāinn))】。
乞食揹葫蘆。(Khit-tsia̍h phāinn hôo-lôo.)【歇後語──假仙。】
牙槽頭會揹火車。(Gê-tsô-thâu ē phāinn hué-tshia.)【比喻口風很緊。】
揹金斗咧共人看風水。(Phāinn kim-táu teh kā lâng khuànn-hong-suí.)【還背著先人的骨灰罈未安葬,就去替別人勘察墳地寶穴;比喻自己的事都做不好了,還去管別人的事。】
一个囡仔欲死欲死,閣揹兩斗米。(Tsi̍t ê gín-á beh-sí-beh-sí, koh phāinn nn̄g táu bí.)【小弟弟和他的寶貝袋。】
一个囡仔揹兩斗米,一下流鼻就袂活死。(Tsi̍t ê gín-á phāinn nn̄g táu bí, tsi̍t-ē lâu-phīnn tō bē-ua̍h-sí.)【小弟弟一流鼻涕後就會萎靡不振。】
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▩ ※註:不同於「臺語普通腔」,有些地方無〔phāinn〕(揹) 這個用法,此類動作會說〔puē / puè / pē / pě / pēr / pěr〕(背)【此「動詞」用法,漳腔內部有「陰去、陽去」的口音變異,而泉腔內部有「陽上、陽去」的口音變異,較為特殊】。
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#EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事 #武漢肺炎
The Wuhan Coronavirus 武漢肺炎
Q1. 什麼是武漢肺炎病毒?跟 SARS 有關係嗎?
Q2. 感染症狀與途徑是什麼?
Q3. 該如何預防?
As people return to work after the Lunar New Year holiday, the word on everybody’s lips is “coronavirus.” And no wonder—the outbreak, which began in Wuhan, capital of Hubei Province, has already killed over one thousand patients, and spread as far as Europe and the United States.
隨著春節過後返回工作崗位,大家也開始談起「冠狀病毒」這個字。這也難怪,在湖北省省會武漢爆發的疫情,至今已經讓超過 1,000 名病患喪生,而且擴散遠達歐美。
Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. “Corona” means “crown” in Greek, and the name was given because the proteins on surface of these viruses make them look similar to crowns. In humans, most coronaviruses cause mild respiratory infections like the common cold. But rarer forms, like the viruses that cause SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome) can be deadly.
冠狀病毒是會在哺乳類與鳥類中致病的一種病毒群。corona 是希臘文的「皇冠」之意,有此命名是因為這類病毒表面的蛋白質讓它們看起來像皇冠。多數冠狀病毒在人體中會引發類似感冒的輕微呼吸道感染。不過有些較罕見的冠狀病毒則是會致命,如引起 SARS(全名:嚴重急性呼吸道症候群)以及 MERS(全名:中東呼吸道症候群)的病毒。
The Wuhan coronavirus, which was discovered in Wuhan when patients developed pneumonia that didn’t respond to existing vaccines and treatments, is believed to have come from bats. The main symptoms of the virus include fever, fatigue, coughing and respiratory distress.
How can you avoid contracting the coronavirus? Transmission usually occurs when people come into contact with droplets from coughs and sneezes (droplet transmission) and when people touch a surface with droplets and then touch their face (contact transmission). So the best way to keep the virus from spreading is to wear a mask when out in public, wash your hands frequently, and avoid touching your face—especially your eyes, nose and mouth. Oh, and it’s probably best to stay away from bat soup!
1. coronavirus「冠狀病毒」:為corona「皇冠」+ virus「病毒」。
2. spread「傳播,擴散,蔓延」:可當動詞與名詞。
3. mammal「哺乳類」
4. respiratory infection「呼吸道感染」:respiratory指「呼吸的」。
5. acute「(病狀)急性的,十分嚴重的」
6. syndrome「症候群」:某疾病所導致的一連串相關症狀的總稱。
7. pneumonia「肺炎」
8. vaccine「疫苗」
9. treatment「治療方法」
10. fatigue「疲倦」:當名詞。
11. respiratory distress「呼吸困難」:distress可指「痛苦」。
12. contract「患上,感染(疾病)」:這裡當動詞,另一個常見意思是「合約」,此時做名詞用。
13. transmission「傳播(方式或途徑)」:動詞為transmit。
14. droplet「飛沫」:指小滴液體。
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#EZTalk #你不知道的美國大小事 #新專欄上線
🇺🇸全美瘋棒球:Baseball Idioms 棒球用語 Part 2📣
有關棒球的諺語一集實在介紹不完,本週繼續聊與球棒╱球⚾有關的片語 :
1. play hardball
2. throw sb. a curve (ball)
3. right off the bat
Baseball is sometimes called “hardball” because it’s played with a small, hard ball, unlike softball, which is played with a bigger, softer ball. Because hardball is more challenging than softball, 📍“play hardball” means “to be aggressive and do whatever is necessary to achieve a goal.” Ex: If you want a good deal on a new car, you need to play hardball with the dealer.
A curve ball is one of the hardest pitches to hit—it looks like it’s moving in a straight line, and then curves right before the batter tries to hit it. So 📍“throw sb. a curve (ball)” has come to mean “to do sth. unexpected that surprises or confuses sb.” Ex: I hope they don’t throw me any curve balls during the job interview.
As soon as the ball leaves the bat, the batter needs to start running to first base right away. For this reason, 📍“right off the bat” means “right away, immediately.” Ex: I knew right off the bat that Mark and I would be best friends.
棒球也稱hardball,因為棒球所使用的球,跟壘球相比較小又偏硬,也因棒球比壘球更為激烈困難,故📍 play hardball 在商場或政治上使用時,有『採強硬手段;為達目的不擇手段』之意。如:if you want a good deal on a new car, you need to play hardball with the dealer.(如果你要用好價錢買到新車,就得跟車商採強硬手段。)
曲球是投手所投出的一種最難打的球──球像直線飛出去,但在打者要打擊時突然轉彎。因此📍 throw sb. a curve (ball)可指『出其不意刁難某人、給某人出難題』。如:I hope they don’t throw me any curve balls during the job interview.(我希望他們不要在面試的時候出突擊問題。)
當球被打擊出去,打者必須立刻跑向一壘,因此📍right off the bat(球一離開球棒)有『立刻、馬上』的意思,如:I knew right off the bat that Mark and I would be best friends.(我當時馬上知道馬克會成為我的好麻吉。)
1. related:「相關的」,baseball-related「跟棒球相關」。
2. softball:「壘球」,比起棒球(hardball)壘球較大偏軟。
3. dealer:「經銷商、商人」。
4. curve ball:「曲球」,棒球術語,前大聯盟投手王建明除了使用伸卡球,也會搭配曲球使用。
5. pitch:「投球」,可當動詞與名詞,pitcher為「投手」。
6. base:「壘」。
圖片取自:Aspen Photo / Shutterstock.com
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