Lai Yee's Kitchen- Mighty Pirates Pie
Hahaha this video will put a big smile on your face. @Myla_aka_lala is way too funny. She named the pie Mighty Pirates Pie. It sounds so cool. I should commercialise it. I am glad Lala and the kids are keeping themselves sane and happy everytime I cook new dish or make them look fun and happy. Dressing up did help us to boost our mood up. It has becoming the daily routine for us to look forward to. Try it and hope it helps you and your family too.
Ingredients - good for 6 to 8 pax:
. Potato (If you dont pre-boil, u can cut thin slices to bake)
. Shredded 1 carrots
. 2 slices tomatoes
. Thinly sliced cucumber or zuchinni
. Thinly sliced 1 eggplant
. coriander for garnishing
. 1kg minced chicken
. cut garlic
. cut onions
. 1 to 1.5 bottles of Tomato Puree
. Salt
. Black pepper
. Pizza topping or any cheese topping
. oil or butter
Note : I will put more puree into the minced chicken and more salt to taste. The cucumber will create a lot of soup or gravy. It is not a dry pie but a soupy one which I like. It is lighter.
Add-on : You can use any kind of vegetable, add on some other spices of your choice and why not some spicy jalapeno too as one of the layer. Yumm
Be Mighty, Be Positive, Be Feirce, Be Strong and just BE YOURSELF.
Lala and I are wearing the popular low crotch harem pants which are back in stock now. Check it out. wear it as a trousers or a pull up jumpsuit. Fashion is cool and flexible.
@melindalooirtw #supportlocal #wearLocal #Harempants
#melindalooi #melcooks #lalacooks #FashionFood #Mightypiratespie #potatopie #melcares #dressupathome #staypositive #BeKind
同時也有18部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過60萬的網紅Tasty Japan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,ラザニアを食べたいけど、野菜も食べたい! そんなときにぴったりのラタトゥイユ・ラザニア♪ 野菜、トマトソース、チーズソースを重ねることによって一口でいろんな味が楽しめます! おもてなしにもぴったりなので、ぜひ作って見てくださいね! ラタトゥイユ・ラザニア 12人分 材料: ■トマトソース オリ...
eggplant bake 在 肥媽 Maria cordero Facebook 的最讚貼文
📌Butterfly cut 牛柳
SANISWISS 🇨🇭消毒除油除味(只限香港)
20201226 live Recipe ❤️❤️❤️
特別鳴謝Easycook 義工團😘😘😘
📌 急凍龍蝦尾4隻(用雙手揸住龍蝦尾的兩邊屈幾下將它屈鬆像按摩一樣. 再用尖嘴剪刀在龍蝦尾的”背部”正中間位剪開殼,一直剪到最尾一格只要剪小小便停. 然後用手指伸入龍蝦尾的”底部”用力頂龍蝦肉出來,直至到尾段停止)
📌 百里香
📌 黑胡椒少許
📌 鹽少許(不要太多因爲海鮮本身已經有咸味)
📌 鷹嘴豆- 1 罐(瀝乾水,用鑊漢乾。如果用生的豆,要浸過夜後及煮淋)
📌 菠菜或其他綠色菜用來做餡料的封口
📌 芝士(任何芝士都可以)
📌 鹽少許
📌 黑胡椒粉少許
2.將鷹嘴豆塞入每個龍蝦尾的空殼中, 用菠菜做封口塞住那些鷹嘴豆餡在內
3.將塞好餡料的龍蝦尾放在氣炸鍋中, 用200°C焗9分鐘, 如果想脆些就焗10分鐘
4.配菜方面: 在焗架上, 放上茄子片再放車厘茄在面, 鋪上蒜蓉(如素食者可用其他香草代替)再在上面鋪上芝士,加少許鹽和黑胡椒粉調味,然後焗10分鐘。也可以選擇”煎”. 食用前先噴些橄欖油在面。完成。
(YouTube video starts at 7:40.)
Lobster tails - 4 (Flex each lobster tail 5 times to massage it by holding both ends, cut the center of the top shell all the way to the fin with a pair of scissors, and stick a finger underneath the shell to loosen the meat, and gently place the meat on top of the shell. Pat dry.)
Seasoning ingredients:
Thyme - 4 small branches
Black pepper - to taste
Salt - to taste (but not too much because seafood has its own saltiness)
Olive oil
Stuffing ingredients:
Chickpeas - 1 can (drain out the water and pan fry a bit for drier texture or buy raw, soak overnight and cook until tender)
Spinach - or any greens to stuff the lobster tails
Side dish ingredients:
Eggplant - 1 (sliced vertically and into halves)
Cherry tomatoes - cut into halves
Garlic - minced or use herbs for vegetarian
Cheese - of your choice
Salt - to taste
Black pepper - to taste
1. Place a branch of thyme on each of the lobster tails. Sprinkle with black pepper and salt to taste. Spray a layer of olive oil on top.
2. Stuff each lobster tail with chickpeas inside the hollow shell. Seal off the stuffing with spinach.
3. Place stuffed lobster tails in the air fryer and cook for 9 minutes or 10 minutes for crispier texture at 200C (392F).
4. On a rack, place eggplant slices, cherry tomato, minced garlic or herbs for vegetarian, sprinkle cheese on top, add salt and black pepper to taste, and air fry for 10 minutes. Optional to bake, or pan fry them. Spray a layer of olive oil before serving.
韓國雪梨(大) 1個
細花膠筒 6、7條
川貝粉/碎 少量
冰糖 2粒
滾水 1/3杯
1. 花膠在前一晚預發:
2. 雪梨批皮、去心、切粒,放入燉煲內,加入沖洗過的冰糖、川貝粉花膠和杯1/3杯滾水,燉1至1個半小時便可食用。
English Version
Double Boiled Fish Maw “Chuan Bei“ with Pear and Rock Sugar
(YouTube video starts at 0:17.)
Fish Maw - 3 (Soak overnight in a pot of boiled water with ginger and 1 tbsp of cooking wine. Put weights on top of fish maws to avoid floating. Rub clean the interior of each fish maw.)
Asian pear - 1 (Peel the skin, and diced into cubes.)
Chuan Bei powder - or crushed into powder
Rock sugar - 2 small pieces (Washed)
Hot water - ½ cup
1. In a double boiler ceramic pot, add in Asian pear cubes, rock sugar, fish maw, and “Chuan Bei” powder, and put in the double boiler.
2. Cook for 1 hour.
Butterfly Cut牛柳
📌 厚切牛柳1件
📌 黑胡椒適量
📌 鹽適量
📌 橄欖油少許
📌 牛油少許
📌 蒜頭1粒
📌 Rosemary一小棵
📌 黑胡椒少許
📌 柚子芥辣少許
📌 麵粉少許
📌 牛奶半杯
📌 水少許
📌 白醋少許
1. 牛柳中間切開一半,但不要切到底,之後兩邊打開,做成蝴蝶形狀。
2. 準備碟,加入黑胡椒,鹽,把牛柳兩邊醃好。
3. 燒紅鑊,一定要燒紅,加入橄欖油,牛油,之後猛火煎牛柳,牛柳落鑊後不要郁動牛柳,直到煎到脆面,大約1分鐘,之後反轉再煎,放入蒜頭。按照自己喜歡熟度,上碟。
4. 鑊上放入rosemary稍為煎一煎,之後連同蒜頭放在牛柳上。
5. 鑊不用洗,稍為放涼,之後逐樣把醬汁材料一一落鑊煮滾,再加入碟上牛柳的肉汁一起煮滾,到自己喜歡的杰度熄火,最後把醬汁淋在牛柳上即成。
English Version
Butterfly Cut Beef Tenderloin
(YouTube video starts at 23:10.)
Beef tenderloin - (butterfly cut by slicing the tenderloin in the middle. Make sure both sides are equal in thickness but DO NOT cut through. Spread both pieces out in the shape of a butterfly. This will cook evenly without overdone.)
Seasoning ingredients:
Black pepper - to taste
Salt - to taste
Olive oil
Garlic - 1 clove (Only remove the outer layer of the skin. Keep the papery skin intact.)
Rosemary - 2 sprigs
Sauce ingredients:
Black pepper - whole pieces
Yellow mustard with seeds - 1 tbsp
Milk - enough to make a sauce
All purpose flour - enough to thicken sauce
White vinegar - to taste (for tangy sour taste)
Salt - to taste
Sauce from the resting tenderloin
Hot water - to adjust the consistency of the sauce if necessary
1. In a plate, add in black pepper, salt, and place one side of the butterflied beef tenderloin to marinate. Flip and marinate the other side.
2. Heat up a pan to very hot on HIGH heat. Add in olive oil, butter, beef tenderloin, and DO NOT touch it. Let it sit and sear to seal in the moisture.
3. Flip to the other side and do the same.
4. Add garlic and rosemary sprigs to the pan.
5. Remove the tenderloin once it reached your desired doneness. Transfer to a plate for it to rest and spoon hot butter over the tenderloin to baste it.
6. In the same pan with the leftover butter, add in whole black pepper, yellow mustard, a bit of all purpose flour, white vinegar, sauce from the resting tenderloin, and mix well. Set aside to serve with tenderloin.
eggplant bake 在 Tiny Urban Kitchen Facebook 的精選貼文
There is something glorious about the magical combination of miso, mirin, sake, and sugar. One of my favorite ways to prepare 🍆 is to brush this magical elixir on top & bake or broil n the oven. Soooo good. #tinyurbancooking #tinyurbancooks #eggplant #50postsin50days #nasudendaku #🍆
eggplant bake 在 Tasty Japan Youtube 的最佳貼文
オリーブオイル 大さじ2
玉ねぎ(みじん切り) 1個
パプリカ(みじん切り) 3個
にんにく(みじん切り) 4片
なす(みじん切り) 455g
ズッキーニ(みじん切り) 中2本
かぼちゃ(みじん切り) 中2本
トマトペースト 340g
オレガノ 大さじ1
タイム 大さじ1
カットトマト 795g
リコッタチーズ 850g
細切りモッツァレラチーズ 100g
バジル(刻んでおく) 10g
パセリ(刻んでおく) 20g
卵 1個
なす(スライス) 2本
ズッキーニ(スライス) 2本
かぼちゃ(スライス) 2本
ローマトマト(スライス) 6個
にんにく(みじん切り) 2片
タイム 大さじ1
オリーブオイル 大さじ2
ラザニア 8枚
塩 少々
コショウ 少々
1. オーブンを200°Cに予熱しておく。
2. トマトソースを作る。中火でフライパンを熱してオリーブ油をひく。玉ねぎ、パプリカ、にんにく、塩、コショウ を入れて炒める。
3. なす(みじん切り)、ズッキーニー(みじん切り)、かぼちゃ(みじん切り)、トマトペースト、オレガノ、タイムを加える。塩コショウで味を整え、焼き色がつくまで炒める。
4. カットトマトを入れ、弱火で30分ほど煮る。
5. チーズソースを作る。大きめのボウルにリコッタチーズ、モッツァレラチーズ、バジル、パセリ、塩、コショウ 、卵を入れて混ぜる。
6. スライス野菜を準備する。ボウルになす(スライス)、ズッキーニー(スライス)、、かぼちゃ(スライス)、ローマトマト(スライス)、にんにく、タイム、オリーブオイル、塩、コショウ を入れて混ぜ合わせる。
7. 大きさ23x33cmの耐熱皿にトマトソースを敷き詰める。ラザニアを4枚のせてチーズソースを塗る。 その上にスライス野菜を並べる。もう一度、トマトソース、ラザニア、チーズソース、野菜スライスの順で重ねる。
8. オーブンで30分焼く。表面に焼き色がついたら取り出す。切ってさらに盛り付けたら、完成!
Ratatouille Lasagna
4 tablespoons olive oil, divided
1 yellow onion, diced
3 bell peppers, seeded and chopped
6 cloves garlic, minced, divided
salt, to taste
pepper, to taste
1 lb eggplant(455 g), cut into ½-inch (1 cm) cubes
2 yellow squashes, cut into ½-inch (1 cm) cubes
2 medium zucchinis, cut into ½-inch (1 cm) cubes
12 oz tomato paste(340 g)
1 tablespoon dried oregano
2 tablespoons fresh thyme
28 oz diced tomato(795 g)
30 oz ricotta cheese(850 g)
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese(100 g)
¼ cup fresh basil(10 g), chopped
½ cup fresh parsley(20 g), chopped
1 egg
2 japanese eggplants, thinly sliced
2 zucchinis, thinly sliced
2 yellow squashes, thinly sliced
6 roma tomatoes, thinly sliced
lasagna noodle, cooked
1. Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C).
2. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to a skillet on medium-high heat. Once warmed, add the onion, bell peppers, 4 minced garlic cloves, salt, and pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, until golden brown and caramelized.
3. Add the eggplant, yellow squash, zucchini, tomato paste, dried oregano, and 1 tablespoon of thyme, and more salt and pepper. Cook until the vegetables are soft and the tomato paste deepens in color and starts to stick to the bottom.
4. Add the diced tomatoes and bring the mixture to a simmer. Cook on low for at least 30 minutes. Set aside to prepare the rest of the lasagna layers.
5. In a large bowl, mix together the ricotta, mozzarella, basil, parsley, salt, pepper and egg. Set aside.
6. To a bowl, add the sliced Japanese eggplant, yellow squash, zucchini, Roma tomatoes, garlic, 1 tablespoon thyme, salt, pepper, and 2 tablespoons olive oil, and gently toss to combine.
7. In a 9x13-inch (23x33 cm) glass baking pan, add a layer of the ratatouille to the bottom. Top with lasagna noodles, and spread a layer of the ricotta mixture, then shingle alternating slices of the marinated vegetables. Repeat with another layer of ratatouille, noodles, ricotta, and on the top shingle the vegetables.
8. Bake for 30 minutes, or until the cheese and sauce are bubbling slightly and the sliced vegetables on top have browned to your liking.
9. Slice and serve.
10. Enjoy!
Licensed via Audio Network

eggplant bake 在 Tasty Japan Youtube 的最佳貼文
なす 2個
オリーブオイル 大さじ2
塩 少々
コショウ 少々
鶏ひき肉 225g
玉ねぎ(みじん切り) 1個
トマトソース 520g
ガーリックパウダー 少々
ピザ用モッツァレラチーズ 100g
パルメザンチーズ 55g
バジル(盛り付け用) 少々
1. オーブンを200°Cに予熱する。
2. なすを縦半分に切り、中身をスプーンでくりぬく。
3. くりぬいた部分はみじん切りにする。
4. (1)にオリーブオイルを刷毛で塗り、塩とコショウをかける。
5. オーブンで10-15分焼き、一度取り出す。
6. フライパンにオリーブオイルをひき、中火で熱す。玉ねぎとにんにくを入れて炒める。
7. 玉ねぎが半透明になったらとりひき肉を加え、ガーリックパウダー、塩、コショウで味付けをする。焼き色がつくまで炒める。
8. (3)を加え、なすが柔らかくなるまで 5-8分炒める。
9. トマトソースを入れて3-5分炒める。
10. (9)を(5)に入れ、ピザ用モッツァレラチーズとパルメザンチーズをかける。
11. オーブンで10-15分焼く。チーズが溶けたら取り出す。
12. バジルでトッピングしたら、完成!
Eggplant Parmesan Boats
for 4 servings
2 medium eggplants
2 tablespoons olive oil
salt, to taste
pepper, to taste
1/2 lb ground turkey(225 g)
1 onion, diced
2 cups marinara sauce(520 g)
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup shredded low-fat mozzarella(100 g)
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese(55 g)
fresh basil, for garnish
1. Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C).
2. Scoop out inside of eggplant leaving about ½-inch (1 cm) border inside.
3. Chop the remaining eggplant and reserve.
4. Brush the scooped out eggplants with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper.
5. Bake for 10-15 minutes.
6. Heat olive oil in medium skillet over medium heat.
7. Add onions and garlic to the pan. Cook until translucent. Add ground turkey and season with garlic powder, salt and pepper. Cook until the meat is browned.
8. Add leftover eggplant pieces to ground turkey and onion. Cook for 5-8 minutes or until tender.
9. Add marinara sauce and cook for another 3-5 minutes.
10. Scoop meat sauce into the eggplants and sprinkle with mozzarella and parmesan.
11. Bake for 10-15 minutes, or until cheese is melted.
12. Sprinkle with basil and serve.
13. Enjoy!
Licensed via Audio Network

eggplant bake 在 Tasty Japan Youtube 的最佳貼文
玉ねぎ 1/2個
にんにく 2片
大葉 10枚
オリーブオイル 大さじ2
A水 200ml
Aしょうゆ 大さじ1
A砂糖 小さじ2
Aみそ 大さじ1
A塩 適量
ズッキーニ 1/2本
なす 1本
フルーツトマト 2個
塩 少々
黒コショウ 少々
オリーブオイル 大さじ2
Japanese Baked Ratatouille
Servings: 1 skillet pan (20cm)
◆Japanese tomato sauce
1/2 onion
2 cloves garlic
10 perilla leaves (shiso)
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 canned tomato (diced)
200ml water
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 teaspoons sugar
1 tablespoon miso
1 red chili pepper
Some salt
1/2 zucchini
1/2 yellow bell pepper
1 eggplant
2 cherry tomatoes
Some salt
Some black pepper
2 tablespoons olive oil
1. For tomato sauce: Chop onion, garlics, and perilla leaves. Heat olive oil in a skillet pan and cook chopped onions and garlics over medium-low heat for 15 minutes.
2. Add all A ingredients into the skillet and simmer for 15 minutes. Add some salt if needed. Turn off the heat, then add half of the perilla leaves.
3. Cut zucchini, eggplant, and tomatoes into thin slices (1mm). Cut yellow bell pepper into halves, remove the stem and seeds, then slice.
4. Place sliced vegetables (3) on the tomato sauce in the skillet (2). Apply some olive oil on vegetables. Season with salt. Cover the top of the skillet with a parchment paper. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 170°C (338°F). Remove the parchment paper, bake for another 5 minutes.
5. Put the rest of the perilla leaves on top. Season with black pepper.
6. Enjoy!
Licensed via Audio Network

eggplant bake 在 Cheesy Eggplant Casserole - Healthy Recipes Blog 的相關結果
This hearty eggplant casserole can serve as a meatless entree. The combination of eggplant, tomato sauce, and cheese is wonderful! ... <看更多>
eggplant bake 在 Oven Roasted Eggplant (aubergine) - RecipeTin Eats 的相關結果
Preheat oven to 240°C / 450°F (220°C fan). · Line a tray with parchment/baking paper (optional – recommended for first timers so you don't lose ... ... <看更多>
eggplant bake 在 Cheesy Eggplant Bake 的相關結果
This cheesy eggplant bake is a really easy and non-fiddly version of a classic eggplant parmesan, with roasted aubergines, rich tomato sauce ... ... <看更多>