is like holding the door open for someone to walk through to an experience #expansion
Take a big inhale, you open the door, easy exhale, you walk through #stralayoga
🕉 A huge gratitude to Nadia, founder @moonandsoul.kl for holding space for chat and share about my yoga and life experience 👧🏻 #innerchildcameouttoplay
Blessings to be part of @moonandsoul.kl family 🙏🏼 Grace
Let’s get started 22 May Friday 630pm.
Session booked thru DM @moonandsoul.kl or classpass @classpassmy All my best #gracestralaguide
#stralaeverywhere #yoga #igyoga #yogamovement #yogainspiration #yogalife #yogaposes #yogagirls
#yogaeverywhere #yogalove #igyogacommunity #stralaguide #yogapose #yogamalaysia
#fitnesskl #fitnessmalaysia #classpassmy
#moonandsoulkl #yogaathome