#時事 與 #分享 秉持科學的懷疑論者、頭號打假魔術師、超能力者的剋星,詹姆斯藍迪 (James Randi, 1928 - 2020) 於前天以 92 歲高齡過世。
特地分享一下 Kayue 的優文。〈一生都在騙人與揭穿騙局的魔術師——看《誠實的說謊者》〉2016/03/09
[[ 傳送門 www.thenewslens.com/article/37657 ]]
值得一提之冷:超能力系神奇寶貝(←即寶可夢,我就老,改口不過來)凱西→勇吉拉→胡地。其實取名是在捏他三個美國人,預言家愛德加·凱西(Edgar Cayce,1877-1945)、超能力者尤里·蓋勒(Uri Geller, 1946 -),最後當然是脫逃大師胡迪尼(Harry Houdini, 1874 - 1926)。
藍迪的天敵就是中間那位號稱超能力者的蓋勒——讀心術和折彎湯匙之類的。蓋勒紅到海外,就連浦澤直樹《二十世紀少年》的大反派「朋友」都有幾分在致敬 (?) 的用意。
藍迪就是一生打假,也一生被信眾彈開無視的那些懷疑論者中,幸運的比較有名的一位吧。比起破滅虛空無聊的正常世界,人們更渴望奇蹟充實的超常。有的人藉由電影、小說、漫畫、TRPG 來彌補這種渴望——在遊戲的架空中獲得樂趣需要「擱置懷疑」(suspension of disbelief)的修養,去融入他人創造的狂想。也有蠻多人卻是在日常生活中使用了擱置懷疑,照著他人想像出的教典上的遊戲規則戰戰兢兢業業地在過生活。
即使博學如亞瑟柯南道爾,或是二十世紀的科學家,只要他們心中有一點點小小聲先入為主的悸動,說「我想要相信」,即使在實驗室用科學儀器測量什麼的,都會被詐術給騙過去。最主要的是人腦運作的方式非常的有 BUG,一般稱為「#動機推理」(motivated reasoning),我稱為「先有了結論再找理由」。
若人已經隱隱約約想要「證明」鬼魂或是超能力撓場的存在,總是能無所不用其極蒐羅出一些異常信號去加強上述信念的。對此科學儀器與公式都愛莫能助,只是些自我催眠的道具。#卡爾波普 的教誨:科學就是要通過無止盡否證的檢驗(的一種自虐狂),在此通常會被無視XD
* 話說 2020 年有非常多糟糕的一廂情願科學,趁著守備空虛一窩蜂跑出來作亂,尤其醫學是重災區。也許和酒的年份一樣,未來的學子會在看到 2020 這個糟糕年份的充滿疑點的低品質論文時皺眉。
套 Atlantic 雜誌 2017 年關於假新聞、後事實時代的超級長優文
〈這篇文章並不會改變你的想法〉(This Article Won’t Change Your Mind) 的驚點總結:
也就是說盲信常會帶給群體合群之優勢,於是在人類的基因庫裡根深柢固。副作用是常有名為某某師(還是蝨)的超大吸血蟲開心接受盲信群眾的鑲鑽跑車供奉。信徒則獲得在無聊的日常生活中玩著修仙的擴增實境遊戲(是 AR 耶有夠先進)的消遣而感到法喜充滿。
其實照《人類大歷史》作者育瓦‧哈拉瑞的觀察,人類社會高度依賴著這樣多層次的共有 AR 才能順利運行:文化、品德、金錢、公司、民族國家——想像建構的共同體。如果懷疑論深到骨子裡就連那些文明社會的基礎(基於習俗,通常也沒啥根據)也排斥的話,明顯是無法生存的。
甫過世的藍迪教我一件事:不需也不該去挑戰深信者的信念,那無益且無效,但你可以迎合他的信念,再狠狠的騙他一頓,直到他被騙的痛超過改信的痛的時候就自然會醒了,執迷不悟者早日超生。趕緊來建立【超能力科宅 - 運勢股市與前世、地震和世界末日靈感大預言】的粉專發大財哩(本段大誤)。
by 科宅
「motivated reasoning」的推薦目錄:
- 關於motivated reasoning 在 每日一冷 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於motivated reasoning 在 李怡 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於motivated reasoning 在 Scholarship for Vietnamese students Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於motivated reasoning 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於motivated reasoning 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於motivated reasoning 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於motivated reasoning 在 What is Motivated Reasoning | Explained in 2 min 的評價
motivated reasoning 在 李怡 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Convert the “Two Evils” to “Two Goods” | Lee Yee
According to the Basic Law, the 4-year-term of the 6th Legislative Council (LegCo) councilors (the lawmakers) has come to an end. Therefore, the National People’s Congress Standing Committee’s (NPCSC) decision on extending the terms of current lawmakers for “no less than one year” will not be “made by the people” like the four years given by voters, but “assigned by the central government” which was not set by the Basic Law. If the current lawmakers accept the appointment, they would be accepting a lawmakers selection process that is in breach of the Basic Law; if they don’t, it would not be a “group resignation”. It would just be them declaring they do not accept an appointment that is not given by the people.
For the pan-democratic lawmakers (pan-dems), whether to accept this appointment or not, has become a dilemma. They have had numerous deliberations trying to find consensus, in the hope of continuing their “sticking together thick and thin” mentality, but they could not come to an agreement. There was a rumor couple of days ago that most pan-dem lawmakers side with “stay”, who gave some reasoning to support their “taking the lesser of two evils” decision; but those who side with “go” have also given their reason, and have also suggested deciding by a referendum or a poll.
Chairman of the Democratic Party Wu Chi-wai, who has sided with “stay” said that, if people are not satisfied with them, they can vote for the others like the localists or any newly emerging parties in the 2021 election. He does not think there is any problem. Judging by the pan-dems primary election a while ago and the orientation on the internet lately, the answer is possibly no longer an “if” but a “definitely”.
There are two evils, indeed. “Stay” would attract death wish like “you are a new person now” from the pro-CCP and pro-establishment camps, which is disadvantageous for next year’s election; in addition, when accepting the appointment, the “no less than one year” can be extended to two years, three years or longer. “Go” means they will lose the power to protest in the LegCo meetings, although they don’t even have sufficient number to be a key minority, but they can still use delaying tactic; also, not being a lawmaker means attracting less media attention and not being able to bring the LegCo debates into the society; and of course, their income would be dramatically reduced.
Tsang Chi-ho (Broadcaster from RTHK) said yesterday, “this is a political conspiracy that, no matter staying or going, pan-dems will be badly hurt.” I fear it is exactly the case. There is no “lesser evil” as both are “evil”.
The evil is to cause division within the pan-dems camp. In the past, pan-dems lawmakers always opposed the localists and protesters, but the anti-ELAB movement last year has brought pan-dems with different orientations together with the mantra: each brother climbs the mountain his own way, no cutting ties, no snitching; young protesters motivated people to join peaceful demonstration, and in turn, their fierce actions were supported by the peaceful and rational pan-dems. This joint force seemed to have formed, which continued to District Councils election and pan-dems primary election, and that is the scenario the CCP wants to see the least.
When Carrie Lam’s regime suggested extending the lawmakers’ term for a year, someone at the pro-establishment camp said the four current lawmakers, who have been disqualified to join the new election, should not be able to have their terms extended. The pan-dems have allegedly said, if the terms of these four cannot be extended, then all pan-dems lawmakers will resign together. But that was only the pro-establishment testing the water because the CCP has already hatched a plan. It will allow everyone to extend a year, so now the “ball of dilemma” will be on pan-dems’ court: if they accept the appointment, their wall of support from the people will collapse, if they refuse, they would no longer have any power.
A KOL has recently made a suggestion which I found excellent: how about those four who have been disqualified accept the extension, and the rest of the pan-dems refuse?
So what is the good of that? 1. these four accepting the extension is not saying they agree on the legitimacy of NPCSC’s appointment, but to highlight how ridiculous it is to disqualify them since NPCSC accepts their candidacy; 2. the other lawmakers refusing the appointment mean they hold onto the democratic ideal of the Basic Law and “elected by people”, and that they deny the legality of the lawmaker’s appointment by NPCSC; 3. these two actions will embarrass the CCP and meet the criticism of candidates being disqualified and the appointments made by NPCSC from the international society, who might increase sanctioning action; 4. there is still a voice from the opposition in LegCo. Since there are not enough people to maintain a key minority anyway, then four people would be sufficient, and they can also bring the LegCo debates into the society; 5. prevent pan-dems from dividing and keep the “yellow” people in the society together; 6. destroy the political conspiracy of dividing pan-dems, once again boost the spirit of people who support democracy and build a foundation for the next election.
This is a way to change danger to opportunity and convert the “two evils” to “two goods”. The only loss would be a substantial amount of resources.
motivated reasoning 在 Scholarship for Vietnamese students Facebook 的最讚貼文
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Tuần trước mình có đăng một bài viết của bạn Hà My - sinh viên đại học Cambridge, về cách viết email hiệu quả và được các bạn hưởng ứng rất nhiều. Vì biết đây là một trong những kỹ năng quan trọng hàng đầu, mình share phần 2 của bài viết nhé! Cùng đọc và học hỏi nha!
LOẠI 3: Networking follow-up email (email giữ liên lạc)
Không thể phủ nhận rằng sự kết nối và kiến tạo mạng lưới đang dần trở thành một trong những kĩ năng quan trọng trong công việc và cuộc sống. Chúng ta đi học, đi làm, đi họp hay ngay cả đi chơi đều có thể được gặp gỡ những người bạn, người thầy, người đồng nghiệp đáng quý. Để tận dụng được những cơ hội đó một cách triệt để, gửi email cũng là một công cụ hữu ích. Loại email cũng được chia ra từng mục đích khác nhau như: Giới thiệu bản thân; Cảm ơn những chia sẻ; Tiếp tục cuộc thảo luận đang chia sẻ; Tiếp nhận phản hồi… Theo Ivan Misner’s 24/7/30 System thì chúng mình nên gửi email kết nối trong vòng 24 giờ gặp gỡ, tạo kết nối trên mạng xã hội (Linkedin, Twitter, Research Gate…) trong vòng 7 ngày và cố gắng sắp xêp được một buổi discussion dù ngắn hay dài trong vòng 30 ngày.
Ví dụ 4: Mình muốn tiếp tục trao đổi công việc với thầy giáo
Subject: Great to meet you at the ABC Conference
Dear Dr. Allingham,
I am My Pham, an MPhil student in Bioinformatics at the University of Cambridge. It was great to meet you at the ABC Conference in Belfast last Monday. I thoroughly enjoyed speaking with you after the keynote lecture and was fascinated to hear your insights into the future of genomics science. (Giới thiệu về bản thân và đề cập tới buổi gặp gỡ của hai bên).
As we discussed, I am interested in
My current project focuses on … (Chia sẻ thêm thông tin)
Would you have some time in the coming weeks to talk more about this topic? I understand that you are very busy, so I could adjust my schedule and work around yours. (Đưa nguyện vọng, đề nghị kết nối)
I hope to hear from you soon,
Thank you so much,
Best Regards,
My Pham
(Kết thư lịch sự)
Ví dụ 5: Giả sử mình đang liên hệ xin học PhD/ xin việc và có được vài lời gợi ý từ một giáo sư khi đang đi hội thảo. Mình muốn gửi email giữ liên lạc và cảm ơn vị giáo sư đó.
Subject: Nice meeting you at the ABC Conference
Dear Dr. Brown,
I am My Pham, an MPhil student in Bioinformatics at the University of Cambridge. It was a pleasure meeting you at the ABC Conference in Belfast last Monday. (Giới thiệu về bản thân và đề cập tới buổi gặp gỡ của hai bên)
Your passions in doing science have motivated me a lot to pursue higher education, and I thought I would share my good news with you. (Đưa ra lí do gửi email).
As you recommended, I contacted Prof. Cousin to discuss potential PhD positions at his lab. I’m pleased that we will be meeting to talk more about our research interests next week. (Chia sẻ thêm thông tin)
Besides, please let me know if you hear of any further opportunities from other professors whom I should contact. I have attached my CV for your review. I also hope to have a chance to visit your lab soon. (Đưa nguyện vọng, đề nghị kết nối)
Thank you so much for your advice and support.
My Pham
(Kết thư lịch sự)
LOẠI 4: Saying “no” nicely (email từ chối)
Đây là loại email mình thấy khá khoai, phải dùng từ ngữ rồi lí do phù hợp để từ chối người ta. Vậy nên không thể vội vàng, tránh gây ra những tổn hại trong mối quan hệ của hai bên.
Ví dụ 6: dưới đây là email mình gửi cho giáo sư tại trường ĐH Liverppol để từ chối học bổng PhD.
Nhìn chung chỉ cần bạn viết lịch sự thì các cô các thầy cũng vui vẻ ấy vì thứ nhất họ cũng hiểu là học sinh thường nộp hồ sơ ít nhất 2-3 chỗ, thứ hai là họ cũng không sợ không tuyển được sinh viên. Nhưng mà cũng không nên om quyết định lâu quá, kẻo lại lỡ mất cơ hội học tập của các bạn khác.
Subject: Decision on a PhD opportunity
Dear Prof. Baker,
I have given a lot of thought to your offer for me to do my PhD in your lab. (Mở bài thể hiện bạn đã dành thời gian suy nghĩ về vấn đề này)
While I am very honoured to be asked to take on this opportunity, I am afraid I must decline it now. (Đưa ra lời từ chối)
I have got accepted to a PhD program at the University of Cambridge with full studentship. The program allows me to undertake rotations in three different research groups during the first year. Honestly, I find it more suitable for me to develop skills on both at the bench and in data analysis. (Giải thích lí do cụ thể)
However, your research is still exciting to me, and I would like to keep in contact with you for further discussions. Besides, I am writing a manuscript on
I do hope you will understand my reasoning on this.
Thank you again for your support,
Best Regards,
My Pham
(kết thư lịch sự)
LOẠI 5: Writting reminders (email nhắc lại)
Chúng ta không thể nhớ được hết tất cả mọi thứ. Bản thân mình đôi khi đọc mail, tự nhủ là sẽ trả lời sau nhưng rốt cuộc lại quên khuấy mất. chính vì thế, gửi email nhắc lại là rất cần thiết. Tuy nhiên viết email thế nào để người nhận không cảm thấy bị ép buộc hay trách móc, mình có vài gợi ý như dưới đây:
Ví dụ 7: ngữ cảnh đưa ra là mình cần gửi email cho thầy hướng dẫn, nhắc thầy gửi lại những sửa chữa hay ý kiến đóng góp vào luận án của mình, vì chỉ còn một tuần nữa là tới hạn nộp.
Subject: MPhil thesis comments needed by this Wednesday
Dear Prof. Harris,
I know that you are busy, but hopefully you have been working on my writing. (Thể hiện sự cảm thông khi người nhận chưa trả lời mail).
I just wanted to remind you that I really need your comments and suggestions on the Introduction and the Discussion as mentioned in my emails below. (Nhắc lại nhu cầu, mong muốn của bản thân, dùng “I” thay vì “you” để người đọc không thấy phật lòng)
Could you please get this to me by 5 pm this Wednesday? I can then have time to go through my thesis again and submit it on time, since the deadline gets closer, on Monday next week.
(Đề cập lại thông tin về thời gian và lí do cần nhận được phản hồi sớm)
Please let me know if you have any questions or need a little bit more time,
Thank you so much for your support,
With best wishes,
My Pham
(Kết thư lịch sự)
Nguồn: Mimy Pham
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motivated reasoning 在 What is Motivated Reasoning | Explained in 2 min 的推薦與評價
In this video, we will explore What is Motivated Reasoning and how it works. Motivated reasoning is a phenomenon that uses ... ... <看更多>