🌺Disney’s Bet on Mulan and the Economics of Streaming
🏹In the latest pandemic-inspired Hollywood shake-up, Walt Disney Co. on Tuesday said it would offer its live-action remake of “Mulan” for sale Sept. 4 exclusively on its new streaming service, Disney+, at about $30 a pop, instead of in theaters as planned.
-inspire: 刺激、引發
-remake: 翻拍
-a pop: 一張、一個,意思同 a piece
✍常見用法:tickets at $10 a pop 一張票10美元
🦜Other studios have moved movie premieres online in recent months—winning few friends among theater operators. But none has done so in this particular way, as a premium-priced add-on for streaming customers already paying a monthly fee for otherwise all-you-can-eat entertainment.
-翻譯技巧:“winning few friends among theater operators”
-premium-priced: 高訂價
✍常見用法:add/pay a premium 支付溢價、加價
🏮For now, though, it’s unclear whether Disney’s move was a one-time response to extenuating circumstances created by a global public-health crisis, as Chief Executive Bob Chapek suggested Tuesday on a conference call with Wall Street analysts, or a sign of things to come.
不過,目前尚不清楚迪士尼此舉是對全球公共衛生危機造成的特殊環境所做的一次性反應,還是未來模式的一個訊號。迪士尼首席執行長Bob Chapek 於4日在與華爾街分析師的電話會議上暗示是前者。
-one-time response: 一時反應
-extenuate: 減輕、緩和
-conference call, con-call: 電話會議
🥇Debuting a $200 million movie on a proprietary, premium video-on-demand service is without precedent, so there’s no clear way to estimate how online sales of Disney’s “Mulan” would stack up against a hypothetical run in theaters.
-proprietary: 專用的、專有的
-without precedent: 前無來者、史無前例,同 unprecedented
-stack up:累積、疊高,此處指「推動銷售量」
At $29.99 on Disney+, it would take about 3.3 million ________ to generate $100 million in revenue, which is roughly _____ $200 million at the domestic box office—about average for recent live-action Disney remakes—where ticket sales are split roughly in half between studios and theaters.
A. interactions / amount to
B. actions / translated to
C. transactions / equal to
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同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過25萬的網紅13N,也在其Youtube影片中提到,[新春快樂!歡迎分享] 最近火星議題很夯,老婆很想體驗看看。好,那我們就去一趟火星走走!結果分開後耳麥斷訊...只好邊異地探索...邊找回家的路。The topic of Mars expedition has been hot recently. My wife said she'd like t...
split up中文 在 電競燒蛋 Egg Facebook 的最佳解答
自己蠻喜歡的 NA 的賽評 Kobe 發了一篇他對於最近 LCS 的看法。
如果有類似的文章也請推薦給我練習 QQ
Hey! Dropping some thoughts on some of the big LCS stories and teams this morning ahead of recording the Dive:
Hey! 在今早錄《 The Dive》之前寫下一些關於 LCS 故事和隊伍的想法。
C9 will be our MSI representatives but the upcoming buffs to cinderhulk which follow these sejuani buffs improve tank options for their competitors and when you pair that with the increased power of enchanters and scaling champions like Orn, teams will have better chances in the last 6 weeks of LCS to turtle out a possible win against the powerhouse C9 squad.
C9 將會是代表 LCS 出賽今年 MSI 的隊伍。但是再史瓦妮增強以後,緊接而來的餘燼附魔增強將會讓 C9 的競爭對手有更多坦克英雄的選擇,當你把這些新的坦克選擇和影響力越來越大的輔助類英雄和後期有高影響力的英雄,如厄爾,放在一起看時,你會發現其他隊伍在剩下最後六周的賽程中,將會有更好的機會可以贏過現在的聯盟強權 C9。
I think liquid will rise to be a top 3 team again but it is going to take more time practicing with Broxah and they will still not surpass C9 or reach their previous levels of NA dominance because even though they will improve this split, the rest of the league has improved as well.
我認為 TL 會回升到聯盟前三名,但他們需要更多的時間和 Broxah 練習與磨合,不過即便如此他們仍沒辦法超越 C9 或是達到他們之前在 NA 賽區宰制的等級,因為即便他們在這個賽季進步了,聯盟中的其他隊伍也同樣再進步。
What the FK happened to Crown and CLG? We don’t give out a “Dade award” for regular season but Crown has got to be the biggest underperformance of a single player compared to expectations set for him preseason. Ruin also seems to be struggling and the entire team having problems coordinating their engagements with their DPS at the same time resulting in the L’s piling up.
Crown 跟 CLG 到底在幹三小? 我們在例行賽並不會頒發 Dade award 獎,但 Crown 的現在的表現和季前大家對他的期待可以說是落差最大的。Ruin 看起來也打得相當掙扎。同時,整個 CLG 在開戰和輸出位的協調上也是大有問題,這些原因導致了一系列的落敗。
TSM went 0-2 and made some more mistakes in the mid game resulting in them getting out scaled but they have shown real promise in their draft flexing (Qiyana, Sett, Orn…) and I do prefer a proactive style of play so I would encourage them to continue to work through the mistakes and not give up on their new direction.
TSM 目前二連敗並且在遊戲中期犯下了不少的錯誤導致他們的評級下降,但他們展現了他們對於多使用錯位英雄的企圖( 姬亞娜、賽特、厄爾...) 而我相當喜歡這種積極的選角模式,所以我想要鼓勵他們持續解決目前遇到的錯誤,不要放棄他們的新戰術方向。
IMT are second place right now, and deserve the spot. However, I don’t think they will even be able to hold onto a top 4 spot if Eika doesn’t step up individually or they don’t import a different midlaner. Roaming is incredibly important for the mid position right now and he is currently sitting at the 2nd lowest forward % and lowest damage % of all mids. Meanwhile, their team play and objective focus is really paying off and having veterans like Xmithie and Soaz can often get you wins that people didn't expect you to get on paper.
IMT 目前是排名第二,而他們也值得這個名次。但是,如果 Eika 個人能力沒辦法拿出應有的表現或是他們沒有引進其他的中路選手,我認為他們將沒有辦法維持在前四名。在現在的比賽中,遊走能力對於一名中路選手而言是至關重要的,然而,目前在聯盟所有中路選手中 Eika 的推線率是倒數第二、傷害占比倒數第一。與此同時,IMT 的團戰配合與物件導向的戰術打法有著很好的成效,而且當你的隊伍中有 Xmithie 和 sOAZ 這種老將的時候,他們往往可以替隊伍拿下一些出人意料的勝利。
See you next weekend! I'm really excited for patch 10.4 tomorrow in soloqueue so I'll be spamming games ;)
大家下周見! 我對於明天即將在 soloqueue 到來的 10.4 版本感到相當興奮,所以我會狂打遊戲。
split up中文 在 Eileen Carls 艾玲 Facebook 的最佳解答
Working on the hips🧘♀️開髖 #瑜珈 🌸
昨天晚上教了一趟Flow,而我前一個晚上一直小猶豫我到底要不要教我最討厭的 Surya Yantrasana (臀部坐地羅盤式)⋯~因為我每次進入這個動作時,不是感覺臀部快要被拆成兩塊,就是脖子卡 下背卡 或肩膀卡😑 然後看學姐們做都好輕鬆🙈 唉!我一直以為是身體比例還是我太高,怎麼練都很難?😅 結果真的不是,因為昨天做完很多暖身跟臀腿的伸展後,我當下還是決定要來試這個動作⋯ 沒想到,這次突然做起來比平常舒服很多,對我來說算滿順了哈哈!😆
而做完這個 ,Hanumanasana(前後劈腿)也變更深了~ 開心💓
謝謝身體這幾天讓我慢慢回歸瑜珈練習❤️ 然後也謝謝跟我上課的學生和學姐長們 耐心地聽我講中文的口令,偶爾還貼心幫我找字😂 #轉螺絲 😝
Yesterday I taught a flow class with peak pose Hanumanasana (Split). While preparing the class, I was really hesitating if I should integrate the compass pose into the warm up sequence, because every time I do that pose, I kinda have a conversation with myself: “I hate this, noooo, my butt…!!! Ouch.. My shoulder is stuck. My neck is stuck… My back.. I am too tall for this… Jeez why does everyone else look so relaxed?… SHHH…..Shut up Eileen and breathe… “ hahaha… 😅🙃
Anyway, after warming up a lot and stretching out legs and hips during class, I decided in the moment to give this a try anyway. Guess what? I could straighten out my leg and actually twist! Never happened before haha…!
Conclusion: Surprises happen when you don’t expect. 😇
Thanking my body for slowly improving flexibility and strength. And thanking my students for being patient, listening to my funny chinese yoga and helping me find words during class 😘
#yoga #yogi #split #hanuman #hanumanasana #suryayantrasana #yogataiwan #taiwanyoga #tryagain #positivity #yogaforfun #yogaforlife #surfaceapparel #surfacesports #surfacequeen #shriyoga #yogakaohsiung #瑜伽 #愛瑜伽 #愛健康 #愛健身 #運動 #伸展
split up中文 在 13N Youtube 的最佳解答
[新春快樂!歡迎分享] 最近火星議題很夯,老婆很想體驗看看。好,那我們就去一趟火星走走!結果分開後耳麥斷訊...只好邊異地探索...邊找回家的路。The topic of Mars expedition has been hot recently. My wife said she'd like to go one day, so here we are! Let's go to Mars. Then we lost the radio signal after we split up on Mars...
Bike: Yamaha WR250X supermoto 滑胎車
Vlog 57 摩托日記第五十七篇
Intro Music: Myuu - 28 days later piano remix
Outro Music: Anikdote - Which Direction?
NCS Release bit.ly/1LfXUQh
#13N 追蹤 13N Instagram:

split up中文 在 Jonstyle Youtube 的最讚貼文
自由對戰: 獲得最多金幣者獲勝
奪寶大戰: 取得寶箱後要跑回基地,但由於寶箱非常沉重,所以移動非常緩慢,每獲得一個寶箱增加10分,獲得最多者獲勝。
Super Treasure Arena is a unique mix of retro-inspired arcade action and objective-based arena shooters.
The result is a frantic game where collecting and stealing loot from your opponents is the key to victory.
Play locally via split-screen with your friends, or challenge other players online!
With two different game modes you can beat each other up.
In"Free For All" everybody is on his/her own to eliminate other players and collect the most coins.
"Treasure Run" on the other hand a treasure chest will pop up in the middle of the map and you have to carry it back to your starting point.
Of course treasure chests are pretty heavy, so you can only move very sluggishly.

split up中文 在 分手英文break up | 復合英文get back together | 英文怎麼說? 的推薦與評價
男女朋友分手break up 復合get back together 影片中共有11個例句,可以學習到分手的理由,以及這樣的情境相關的實用句子。 中師和美國老師一起製作 ... ... <看更多>